
This year's pension adjustment plan is all unveiled, and some retired personnel have increased by less than 2%, what's going on?

author:Lingtai released

This year's pension adjustment plan was all unveiled, obviously up 3%, but some retired personnel rose by less than 2%, what is going on?

This year's pension adjustment plan has been announced, retirees can also be based on the local announcement of the adjustment rules, the exact calculation of how much money individuals can rise this year, but we also see that some retirees said that this year's pension has risen by 3%, why do you find that your own increase is less than 2%? What's going on? Let's unpack.

This year's pension adjustment plan is all unveiled, and some retired personnel have increased by less than 2%, what's going on?

First of all, according to the pension adjustment notice, this year's increase in the proportion is determined according to the per capita pension of all retirees last year 3%, and the adjustment method is to adopt a combination of fixed adjustment, linked adjustment and inclined adjustment, not directly according to the 3% of the pension to calculate. Due to the differences in local adjustment plans, the impact of factors such as my length of service, pension and age, it is normal for the amount after the increase to be divided by my pension to be less than 3%.

This year's pension adjustment plan is all unveiled, and some retired personnel have increased by less than 2%, what's going on?

Some netizens said that their increase did not reach 3%

Generally speaking, retirees with high pension levels, due to the high base and the fact that most places choose to reduce the linked percentage this year, resulting in a relatively large decrease in the amount of increase compared with last year, and the final increase may be lower, while corporate retirees, because most people's pensions are not high, the actual increase should not be less than 3%. Let's illustrate this with an example.

This year's pension adjustment plan is all unveiled, and some retired personnel have increased by less than 2%, what's going on?

According to the formula for calculating the pension increase, the actual increase of retirees is equal to the amount of personal increase / personal pension, we assume that a retired employee pension of 3,000 yuan, 30 years of service, located in Jiangsu, according to Jiangsu's adjustment plan this year, the fixed amount is adjusted to 31 yuan, linked to the adjustment part, the length of service is less than 15 years, every 1 year increases by 1.7 yuan, 16 to 25 years of part, the unit price is 1.8 yuan, and the part of more than 26 years, the unit price is 2 yuan. Linked to the pension level, the increase is 0.4%, and the old age tilt adjustment part can only be enjoyed when you are 70 years old, with an additional 21-39 yuan.

Without considering the inclination of advanced age, according to Jiangsu's adjustment plan, this retired person can rise by 31 + 15 * 1.7 + 10 * 1.8 + 5 * 2 + 3000 * 0.4% = 96.5 yuan, an increase of 96.5 / 3000 = 3.2%, which can exceed 3%.

And if the pension of the retired personnel is 6,000 yuan and the working experience is 30 years, also in Jiangsu, or without considering the inclination of old age, this year it can rise by 31 + 15 * 1.7 + 10 * 1.8 + 5 * 2 + 6000 * 0.4% = 108.5 yuan, an increase of 108.5 / 6000 = 1.8%, less than 2%. This is because the pension base of this enterprise retiree is relatively high, and Jiangsu has made a sharp reduction in the linked percentage this year, from 1.1% last year to 0.4%, which is not conducive to retirees with high pensions.

This year's pension adjustment plan is all unveiled, and some retired personnel have increased by less than 2%, what's going on?

Sum up

This year, the pension adjustment plan across the country has been announced before the end of June, and the speed is very fast, and retirees can also calculate the amount of their increase according to the local adjustment rules, but some retirees said that their increase this year is less than 2%, what is the reason? In fact, although this year's increase is 3%, this is determined based on the per capita pension of all retirees, and is not equivalent to the actual increase of individuals. Some of the pension level of retired personnel is high, and the local area no longer focuses on the linked adjustment this year, resulting in the amount of rise is not too much, and then divided by my pension, the actual increase may indeed be less than 2%, but for most of the pension retirees, the actual increase can generally reach more than 3%. Is it clear to everyone now?

Source: Social Security Master

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