
Duanqiaopu Town, Dong'an County, held a commendation meeting for outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations

author:Red Network Yongzhou Station
Duanqiaopu Town, Dong'an County, held a commendation meeting for outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations

Red Network Moment News, July 1 (Correspondent Teng Jirong) On July 1, Duanqiaopu Town, Dong'an County, held a commendation meeting for outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations, town party and government leaders, village (community) party organization secretaries, party organization secretaries of some town-level units and town "two new" party organization secretaries, commended personnel, as well as representatives of "50 years of glory in the party" old party members and some new development of preparatory party members attended the meeting.

Duanqiaopu Town, Dong'an County, held a commendation meeting for outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations

The meeting kicked off with the solemn and majestic national anthem, and under the leadership of Zhang Xuejun, secretary of the town party committee, all the participating party members reviewed the oath of joining the party.

Duanqiaopu Town, Dong'an County, held a commendation meeting for outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations

The conference awarded commemorative medals to the representatives of party members who attended the event for "50 years of glory in the party".

Duanqiaopu Town, Dong'an County, held a commendation meeting for outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations
Duanqiaopu Town, Dong'an County, held a commendation meeting for outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations

The meeting read out the decision on commending outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations, and the party and government leadership groups presented awards to outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations, and the three commended representatives made exchange speeches.

The meeting emphasized that the party organizations at all levels and all Communist Party members in the town should clarify the situation and tasks, strengthen ideals and beliefs, thoroughly implement the requirements of the county party committee and the town party committee, and give full play to the role of the fighting fortress and vanguard and exemplary role in the journey of accelerating the high-quality development of Duanqiaopu Town, and add glory to the party flag with practical actions.

Through this activity, the appeal, cohesion and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations have been further enhanced, and party members and cadres have been promoted to improve their party spirit, temper their political character, and keep their mission in mind.


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