
Author of "Bones": A big fish's head

author:The bright moon that moves forward bravely

"Rhododendron Bone"

Author: A big fish head

Author of "Bones": A big fish's head

Brief introduction:

Shen Yi has always known very well that people like Zhou Congjin are an existence that ordinary classes cannot hope for.

How many of the lower ones are trying to climb up, and how many are willing to bow down?

A long time of looking down will eventually breed arrogance, and the natural superior never cares for the beings under his feet.

She originally thought that Zhou Congjin was special.

He was noble and educated, detached but humble......

Shen Yi thought that even if the two were not a couple, they could be called friends.

But when she met him with her father, who had only three months to live, outside the box, she could only hear him say coldly to the friends around him: "Tao Xinxin can find a cheap man, why can't I find a cheap woman?" ”

Until his death, his father was still depressed and incomprehensible, why did he regard himself as a proud daughter, but in Zhou Congjin's mouth, he became a "cheap girl"?

Shen Yi felt that Zhou Congjin and the other upper-class people were still the same kind of people after all.

It's just that he hides more than they do, and his arrogance seeps into his bones, but he disguises it with upbringing.

He pretends to be better than them, more ...... than them Hypocrisy!


When Zhou Congjin walked out of the high-end private room, he bumped into a middle-aged man.

When the man saw him, he was stunned for a second, and hurriedly smiled and bowed to meet him and shook his hand.

"Mr. Zhou! What a coincidence, you're dining here too?! ”

Zhou Congjin was a little unfamiliar with him, but he still politely reached out and shook his hand with him, and nodded lightly.

The man is a veteran of social interaction in the mall, and he makes no secret of his naked desire to make friends, and warmly invites: "Do you want to go to our table and sit down?" Incidentally...... Haha, let's talk together. ”

His hand passed through the brightly lit music restaurant and pointed to the group of people sitting around the long table not far away.

Zhou Congjin glanced at the group of people casually, and just wanted to refuse familiarly, his eyes suddenly fixed on a figure in a blue shirt in the corner of the group.

The figure was familiar and unfamiliar.

His indifferent pupils shook.

"Department dinner?" He withdrew his gaze without a trace.

"yes, it's not far from our company, and we just finished a project today, so let's take them out to celebrate. I didn't expect to meet you here. ”

"Okay." He replied.

The sudden promise surprised the middle-aged man.

I didn't expect to agree so easily.

The middle-aged man was a little flattered, and immediately overflowed with a more energetic smile, and hurriedly led him to the table in his department.


Shen Yi sat in the corner, and her elbow was excitedly bumped up by the female colleague next to her.

"Hey, who did the boss bring over?"

The surrounding colleagues looked over one after another, and saw Chen Rui nodding and leading a man to this side.

The man wore a well-cut black suit, with a dull material, dignified but unassuming.

The suit sets off his slender figure, his arms are slightly arched and swaying when he walks, and his gait is calm and leisurely.

Even though the light in the dining room was very dim, you could still see the man's meticulous hairstyle and a handsome and calm face.

Several young female colleagues on the left and right glanced at each other, but Shen Yi's face darkened incomprehensibly for a moment.

She leaned slightly to the side, tilted her head, and tried her best to hide her presence.

Chen Rui walked to the table, clapped his hands, and said in a loud voice: "Come, introduce to everyone." ”

He pointed to the man beside him: "Zhou Congjin, Mr. Zhou, CEO of Anxia Group." ”

Anxia ......? Zhou Congjin ......?

The people in the room gasped secretly.

Anxia Group, a business leader, covers many major industries such as commerce, culture, real estate and finance.

The Anxia Mall, where this music restaurant is located, is his family's territory.

The name Zhou Congjin is not unfamiliar in the industry.

The only son of Zhou Xingjing, the founder and chairman of Anxia Group, and the current successor of Anxia Group. At the age of 30, he was already on the Forbes list of global billionaires.

With such a legendary figure standing in front of him, the atmosphere of the whole table instantly became a little restrained.

Several female colleagues hid their excitement and started talking with a low smile.

Chen Rui led Zhou Congjin to sit down in his original position, and he sat down with him on the left side of the side, and greeted several high-ranking people in the team to introduce him one by one.

Zhou Congjin listened patiently and nodded politely.

Shen Yi sat in a row across from him, separated by seven or eight people, the room was dimly lit, the music was noisy, and the voices were noisy.

Since Zhou Congjin sat down, the surrounding colleagues instantly lost interest in the food on the table, and they all pricked up their ears, intending to hear the conversation between their boss and Mr. Zhou from the sound of Ding Boiling.

Only Shen Yi buried his head in eating seriously, and did not drift his eyes over for half a minute.

Chen Rui had already drunk wine, and he was a little drunk, but he was pulled by such a big man like a pie in the sky, and his behavior and words gradually became public.

After talking back and forth a few times, he began to greet people to toast Mr. Zhou.

Several male leaders came up to clink glasses, and it was the turn of the account manager Ellen, who raised a glass of orange juice, got up and smiled apologetically: "Mr. Zhou, I'm really sorry, for my personal reasons, it's not convenient to drink recently." ”

Zhou Congjin noticed her bulging belly, and politely raised his glass and touched her: "Congratulations." ”

However, Chen Rui was a little embarrassed, and glanced at Ellen: "You can't drink, your subordinates can drink it on your behalf!" That one...... What about Shen Yi? ”

When Zhou Congjin heard this name, his hand pinching the wine glass paused imperceptibly.

His eyes fell on the air, and the afterglow swept to one side, waiting silently.

"Boss, Xiaoyi is a little girl......" Ellen wanted to stop her, but Chen Rui interrupted her with a grin: "What's wrong with the girl, don't discriminate against the girl!" ”

What fallacies? Ellen rolled her eyes at Chen Rui, angry.

Chen Rui's gaze searched the long table, and soon fixed on Shen Yi in the corner.

"Shen Yi." Colleague Jiabao hurriedly hit her with his elbow: "The boss called you." ”

Shen Yi reflexively looked in the direction of the boss, and this glance happened to collide with Zhou Congjin's plain eyes.

The heart slammed into the chest cavity with a bang, and it seemed like a sharp needle piercing it, and his emotions were complicated.

Chen Rui stood up and waved at her.

Zhou Congjin sat in his position, as steady as Mount Tai, and only stared at him silently with a pair of eyes.

He'd already found out.

Shen Yi sighed lightly, that's it.

She pinched her glass, her fingers trembling slightly, and she gently hooked the corners of her mouth and walked over stiffly.

"Shen Yi, come on, you look like you can drink. You help your sister Ellen toast Mr. Zhou. Chen Rui pulled her to Zhou Congjin.

"Mr. Zhou." Shen Yi lowered his glass and said hello, looking as usual.

When Zhou Congjin walked over from her, his eyes never took off her.

He raised his wine glass and was stopped by Chen Rui.

Chen Rui has studied the etiquette of the wine table, stubborn and serious, staring at the liquid in Shen Yi's wine glass, and laughing loudly: "Hey, you have Coke here!" It's not going to work, it's not going to work, you pour a new glass of wine. ”

Shen Yi's outstretched hand was a little embarrassed and stopped in the air.

Ellen hurriedly relieved the siege: "Mr. Chen, toast, just ask for a ceremony." ”

Chen Rui was drunk: "That's not good, it's not good, the key is that we have to be sincere, right, Mr. Zhou." ”

Ellen was about to roll her eyes at Chen Rui, and in the face of Zhou Congjin, it was not good to lose her temper in person, so she could only look at Shen Yi.

More than two dozen pairs of eyes looked at him around.

Shen Yi closed his eyelashes, didn't twist it, raised his glass and wanted to drink the Coke and pour it again.

Zhou Congjin didn't say a word, the wine glass in his hand and the glass with her Coke touched leisurely, making a crisp sound.

"Thank you." He said softly, and then drank the wine from his glass.

"Yo! Mr. Zhou's atmosphere! Chen Rui acted as an atmosphere group on the side.

Shen Yi nodded to him indifferently and politely, and withdrew from his position and returned to his corner.

Until I sat down, I felt that my whole body was still floating.


Zhou Congjin didn't sit for long, agreed with Chen Rui to add a WeChat, and got up to say goodbye to everyone.

"I still have friends over there, sorry to step back first."

"Oops, sorry what? Mr. Zhou, you are so polite. Chen Rui got up and sent him all the way back to the door of the VIP room.

Jiabao looked at Chen Rui's dog-legged appearance not far away, and made a disgusted look with Shen Yi.

"If Mr. Chen can pull back a project from Zhou Congjin with this set of flattery methods, I will call him a 'sycophant ancestor'."

Shen Yi was silent, smiling silently.

Jiabao continued to look at her: "Hey, when you went to toast just now, Zhou Congjing's eyes kept staring at you, and he seemed to be very interested in you. ”

Shen Yi took a sip of the Coke in the cup and said with a light smile: "You think too much." ”

In the VIP room, Tao Xinxin, dressed as a leather jacket motorcycle girl, was lying on the shoulders of her newlywed husband Xie Jun and laughing tremblingly.

Seeing Zhou Congjin coming in, she beckoned and complained: "Brother Congjin, why did you go out for so long?" ”

"I met an acquaintance and chatted a few words." Zhou Congjin pulled out a chair and sat down elegantly.

Xie Jun glanced at him a few times, leaned over to Tao Xinxin's side and whispered a few words, which made her laugh again.

It must be some nonsense that can't be put on the table.

Zhou Congjin didn't care, he was used to hearing the back-and-forth nonsense of her husband and wife.

Tao Xinxin has been an extrovert since he was a child, and he studied abroad when he was a teenager and was quite open-minded.

She is happy to talk about all interesting topics, and Zhou Congjin's temperament of not being able to hold back a joke for a long time seems boring to her.

In her own words, she complained that she was "an old-fashioned and serious feudal old uncle who only loves work and has no sex for a long time".

Zhou Congjin is only three years older than her.

The two knew each other because of their parents, so they were childhood sweethearts.

The two families were right, and they had plans to marry, but Tao Xinxin didn't care.

Zhou Congjin watched her boyfriends change one after another, and finally got married last month, and years of silence turned into a glass of liquor on the night of her wedding, and finally gradually relieved after waking up.

Zhou Congjin's temperament can't do more redundant gaffes.

The man sitting on the left side of Zhou Congjin was called Lin Qianxiao, and he swept Tao Xinxin and his wife back and forth, and he didn't know if it was intentional, so he opened the conversation: "Xinxin, your flash marriage speed caught several of our old brothers off guard." ”

"What are you doing?!" Tao Xinxin smiled at him.

Lin Qianxiao's left hand was another man named Gu Huai, and he immediately answered: "He is taking Brother Jin off guard for you." People have been waiting for you quietly for many years, and you will play a big game for everyone when you return to China, thanks to your brother's physical and mental health......"

This made the faces of several people present a little embarrassed. Xie Jun's face darkened even more.

"Gu Huai." Zhou Congjin frowned lightly to stop him from continuing, and said coldly: "Is it interesting?" ”

Hey! Interesting! Gu Huai was not afraid to die and glanced at Lin Qianxiao.

"Gu Huai, your mouth is not cheap!" Tao Xinxin scolded them and smiled indifferently: "I sometimes really wonder, how did you two bastards make friends with a decent gentleman like my brother Congjin?" ”

"Hey, your brother likes us like this!" Lin Qianxiao's left hand swirled around her, herself, and Gu Huai, and her voice was deliberately accentuated on the word "we".

"He can't look down on him when he's serious." Gu Huai answered quietly.

Tao Xin took a sip of the two of them, stood up with his legs kicked, and nodded his chin towards Zhou Congjin: "Today's table is a guest I invited from Brother Jin, I'll give him a drink!" ”

She waved her hand and told everyone to get up and toast him together.

Zhou Congjin sat on the chair and did not move, watching her play, and finally couldn't help her invitation, compromised and stood up, raised a glass to clink glasses with her, and said quietly: "Happy newlywed." ”


A few people were drunk, and they left the mall, planning to go to the bar to catch the second half.

It was already dark outside, and the cold wind was howling, accompanied by the ice hail.

Xie Jun half-hugged the drunken Tao Xinxin, hesitated again and again, and invited him: "Mr. Zhou, bar, do you want to go together?" ”

"No, there's a meeting in the evening." Zhou Cong said.

"Okay, you're busy." Xie Jun's face relaxed imperceptibly.

The cold wind of the winter night blew Tao Xinxin in Xie Jun's arms and shivered unconsciously. Zhou Congjin glanced at her, sighed lightly, and instructed Xie Jun: "Remember to put a coat on her in the car." ”

"Nature, nature." Xie Jun is usually unrestrained and chic in front of Tao Xinxin. In front of Zhou Congjin, he seemed a little restrained.

Lin Qianxiao and Gu Huai drove the car out separately and greeted the few people waiting: "Take our car." ”

Gu Huai stuck his head out of the window and asked Zhou Congjin, "You're not going?" ”

"I'll go home, Xin Xin and they just returned home, you two take care of it."

"Okay." "Deller." The two shook their hands at him and said goodbye.

Zhou Congjin watched the two cars drive away, and his eyes were inadvertently fixed on a few people not far ahead.


Shen Yi wrapped his coat tightly and said goodbye to several colleagues in the car.

"Xiaoyi, how do you go back?" Ellen asked her as she sat in the car.

Several people's homes were in the opposite direction to hers, and the ride was not smooth.

"I'll take the bus in front of me, and I'll go straight." Shen Yi said with a smile.

"Okay, it's too cold, you go back early." Ellen instructed her.

"Okay, be careful on the road."

Shen Yi stepped on the snow melted from the broken ice on the ground and walked to the bus stop.

Her steps were slow and heavy, and her mind kept thinking about the chance encounter between Fang Cai and Zhou Congjin.

On Friday night, there were not many people at the bus stop in the CBD.

It's already past the end of work, and it's too cold for everyone to hang out after work.

There are only a few tired workers who work overtime late and are waiting in the platform.

A black Maybach slowly stopped in front of the platform, attracting the attention of several people around it.

Shen Yi only felt that this car was somewhat familiar, but his mind didn't react for a while.

The window of the rear car slowly fell, Shen Yi's eyes fell, and when he saw the people in the car, his eyes paused.

"Get in the car." The man in the car said to her.

As always, indifferent and detached.

I haven't seen each other for two years, and there is no pre-greeting, just two words "get on the bus".

With his usual commanding tone.

Shen Yi's eyes fluttered over Zhou Congjin, looking at the bus that stopped behind him.

Naturally, she moved away, turned sideways, walked behind his car, and boarded the bus she was waiting for.

She behaved like a stranger, even more indifferent than when she toasted in the dining bar.

It was as if he didn't recognize him at all, and didn't hear those two words.

The young assistant sitting in the driver's seat was a little embarrassed and asked tentatively: "Mr. Zhou, do you want to go?" ”

Zhou Congjin looked at the bus in the rear mirror, his star-like eyes swayed, and his face was a little ugly in the night.

The colorful neon lights of the shops on both sides of the street flickered on his picturesque face, showing a little loneliness.

"Let's go. Don't block the bus. He said.

Outside the bus window, the ice grew larger, mixed with rain, and trickled against the glass.

Countless raindrops slid down, shaking out the bright city along the way.

Zhou Congjin's Maybach had long been drowned in the traffic and didn't know where to go.

When Shen Yi returned to Jincheng, he didn't expect to see Zhou Congjin again.

After all, the two have too many differences in status and status, and they have no chance to meet unless they are in the same company.

Jincheng is very large, and you can see rich people driving Ferraris and Maserati everywhere, as well as civilians riding three-wheeled buses.

Two cars are parallel on the same road, waiting for the traffic light at the same corner, but everyone knows that they are not one world.

The window glass of expensive and cheap materials isolates the insurmountable class gap.

Beneath the chasm lurks a nasty arrogance and ridiculous self-esteem.

Zhou Congjin belongs to the former, and Shen Yi is the latter.

Shen Yi returned to his cramped rental house, took off his khaki coat, and lay quietly on the sofa.

She looked at the ceiling quietly, her cool eyes reflecting more coldness.

Hopefully this is the last time I'll meet him.


The next day, Shen Yi and Jiabao stood at the door of the conference room and knocked on the door.

The crowd inside turned around and looked.

"Ah Li, I'm sorry, we booked this conference room." Shen Yi politely reminded a girl in front of the podium inside.

Shen Yi's company is called Lanxin, which is a small advertising company.

Usually, there are not many projects, but if there is an emergency, it is common to hold 800 meetings a day.

Ah Li rolled his eyes: "What project are you?" ”

"Sweet chocolate." Shen Yi greeted the creative director sitting in the conference room: "Brother Tudou, I had an appointment with you yesterday, and today we have a meeting to discuss Sweet's plan." ”

The creative director is a stocky middle-aged man who looks like a potato, and is respectfully called "Potato Teacher" or "Potato Brother" by outsiders.

Brother Potato patted his head: "Oh, I forgot." ”

Seeing the reaction of the potato, Ah Li hurriedly coquettishly said: "Brother Potato, the meeting is half open~!" ”

She said to Shen Yi arrogantly: "Lend us a day in the conference room, what kind of miscellaneous chocolate do you need to discuss?" Can't you just write it yourself? ”

Brother Potato leaned back in the chair and said to Shen Yi: "That chocolate plan, you can send it to me directly later." I'm so busy with their project today that I don't have time for you. ”

The door was closed.

Jiabao stood at the door, his face flushed with anger: "It's so arrogant!" Not to mention robbing our conference room, but also robbing our people! Ah Li, this little girl, is not the relationship that occupies Amy! ”

Amy is only 26 years old and is already at the same level as Ellen and manages an entire team at the skincare brand.

Last year, he brought a well-known domestic skin care brand resource to Lanxin, which fed half of the company's people and was the company's man of the hour.

It is said that the skin care brand belongs to her fiancé's family, and she entered Lanxin just to brush up on her experience, so that she can marry in the future to assist her husband in managing the family brand.

"Damn!" Jiabao is still complaining.

"Alright, let's go back." Shen Yi was very calm.

"I just can't get used to seeing the bullying faces of Ah Li's department!"

"Then take a few more looks." Shen Yiyun said lightly.

Jiabao was stunned.

She walked beside her, Shen Yi was half a head taller than her, she could only look up at her slightly.

"Shen Yi, I don't seem to have seen you get angry. I haven't seen you sad or sad. ”

"You seem to want me to be angry and sad."

"That's right! Are you angry and let me see? ”

The two half-jokingly returned to their workstations.

The next day, Chen Rui strode into the company, his eyebrows fluttering, his face was radiant, and he called Sister Ellen from afar: "Sister Ellen, prepare a ......"

He approached, deliberately lowered his voice and said mysteriously to her: "Give Anxia a company profile." ”

Shen Yi sat opposite Ellen, and his eyebrows jumped heavily when he heard this.

"Isn't it Mr. Chen, did you really let you take it?" Ellen was a little surprised.

Chen Rui was triumphant: "Next Monday, Mr. Zhou will personally lead the team to visit our company." You can arrange the content of the meeting. ”

"Mr. Zhou, Zhou Congjin?!"

Chen Rui snapped his fingers at her: "Otherwise? ”

Before leaving, he repeatedly shouted: "The company profile must be done well!" Our company's iron rice bowl in the next few years will all point to this week. ”

Jiabao and several other colleagues sat aside and listened, and they all excitedly exchanged their heads:

"Our small company is worthy of his Zhou Congjin personally leading a team to investigate?"

"I didn't expect that matte-looking Zhou Congjin really ate our Mr. Chen's oily set?"

Several people privately defined Zhou Congjin as the president of matte, and their initial impression came from his low-key and modest temperament in the music bar that day.

"What a matte shine. When Mr. Chen heard these words, he should be sad. Ellen smiled and brought the conversation back to business.

Ellen is in her early thirties and is another account manager at Blue Heart, an advertising agency.

Leo is an atmospheric person with a bit of boldness.

Because she is pregnant, her figure looks a little bloated. But this kind of figure and her temperament are inexplicably compatible, and unexpectedly add a little strong aura to her whole image.

"Xiaoyi, you have collected some representative cases of our company in recent years." Ellen knocked on Shen Yi's desk, who was slightly stunned.

"What's wrong? Just started in a daze? She asked with concern.

"No, I just didn't sleep well last night." Shen Yi hurriedly said.

"One man...... Can't sleep well either? Jiabao sat on her left workstation, kicked the chair and slipped over, deliberately teasing her.

"Say what?" Shen Yi heard something else, and pushed her back with a helpless smile.

On the day Zhou Congjin came to visit Lanxin, it rained a lot.

He led a special assistant and three relevant responsible persons to take the elevator from the underground garage by Chen Rui.

Chen Rui did not hold any welcome ceremony during the whole process, which was very low-key.

In order to show the degree of attention, Chen Rui brought almost all the people in the company to listen to Mr. Zhou's guidance.

Shen Yi and Jiabao followed behind Ellen and stood at the door of the conference room, waiting for someone to enter.

Jiabao glanced at Amy who was standing in front, she was dressed up today, wearing a light blue skirt, white high-heeled leather shoes, big wavy hair, curved eyebrows and red lips, exquisite.

Jiabao learned Amy's tiptoe and made exaggerated and deliberate hair-teasing movements, which made Shen Yi chuckle.

When Zhou Congjin and the others appeared from the corner, Shen Yi heard the female colleagues around him gasp, and then the atmosphere turned quiet, and no one dared to squeak anymore.

Amy was one step ahead of Ellen, and the little high heel Dada rushed up to greet her, and enthusiastically ushered the people into the meeting room.

Zhou Congjin wore a black suit similar to that in the Japanese bar, with a denim blue shirt and dark brown tie, a common collocation in the workplace, but it had a unique flavor when worn on him.

It is lined with broad shoulders and a narrow waist, long hands and long feet.

Bow slightly, shake hands, say hello, unbuckle, and sit down...... A set of movements is smooth and elegant.

Jiabao sat next to Shen Yi, his eyes couldn't help but glance at him, and he sighed lightly: "Who is talking about this kind of president?" ”

Shen Yi pursed his lips and smiled, but his eyes showed a hint of coldness, and he was not interested in staying on Zhou Congjin for a moment.

So I didn't notice it, and the latter's afterglow looked at her several times.


The meeting lasted for nearly two hours, and after it ended, Chen Rui introduced Zhou Congjin and others into his office.

Shen Yi, Jiabao and others returned to their workstations.

"Sitting in the conference room for more than two hours, I heard that my back hurt." Jia Bao pounded his shoulder, and suddenly heard a slight movement in front of him.

A few people looked up, and it turned out to be the sisters of the company's two administrative departments pushing a small food cart, distributing coffee and pastries to each location.

The colleagues who received it exclaimed: "It's half a lamp." ”

"Half a lamp!" Jia Bao stood up, his waist was not sore, and his legs were not painful.

Banzhan is a well-known high-end offline beverage store in the country, because of the high prices of drinks and pastries in the store, ordinary workers are reluctant to order, and is nicknamed "Qianjin Afternoon Tea".

Jiabao stared at the food truck slowly pushed over here, with rows of coffee and mouth-watering cakes on it, his eyes lit up: "When did our company become so generous?" ”

The two administrative girls looked at each other and smiled, their eyes gestured to Chen Rui's office, and they pursed their lips and smiled: "These are all Mr. Zhou's treats." ”

"Mr. Zhou?!"

"Mr. Zhou came to our company to inspect and invited guests to afternoon tea?!"

"It's so sweet!"

Jiabao and a few colleagues next to him exhaled softly, and they all joked with each other with their eyebrows fluttering.

Shen Yi stared at the cup of hot coffee and mousse cake handed out on his table, and thanked the two executive girls.

When it was time to leave work and pack her luggage, she caught a glimpse of the coffee and cake on the table that had not moved.

Shen Yi picked up the bag, casually picked up the bag of coffee and pastries, went out to check in, and threw the things into the trash can in the corner behind the door.

The footsteps and conversations behind him suddenly approached: "Mr. Zhou, you see that you are polite, come to our company as a guest, and ask you to invite afternoon tea, we have nothing to entertain." ”

Shen Yi turned around, so he didn't die and bumped into a group of people who walked out of the door.

It was Chen Rui who pushed the door on the side, and it happened to be Zhou Congjin who came out in the middle.

The front few people looked into the trash can, and the packaging of the coffee and pastries that had been thrown in the previous second was intact, and even the decorative ribbons were not half torn off.

Zhou Congjin's face immediately darkened by half a minute, and his gaze moved from the trash can to Shen Yi.

Chen Rui's smile froze on his face, and his expression was even more ugly than Zhou Congjin.

He glanced at Zhou Congjin, who couldn't distinguish his expression on the side, stared at Shen Yi with the corners of his mouth, gritted his teeth and scolded softly: "What did you throw away the good things?" ”

threw away something from others and was caught red-handed, this scene was naturally a little embarrassing.

Shen Yi lowered his eyes, stared at the ground intently, and said softly: "I don't like to eat." ”

"If you don't like to eat, you can give it to me, you can ...... what Mr. Zhou invited You little girl, you can't throw it in front of ......"

Chen Rui's treble fell down in a 180-degree bend in the middle and came to an abrupt end.

He hurriedly turned his head sideways and apologized to Zhou Cong with a humble smile: "Mr. Zhou, young people are ignorant and love to waste...... Hehehe...... Don't care. ”

Zhou Congjin's dark eyes stared at Shen Yi who was silent, his eyelashes covered the indescribable dark emotions in his pupils, and finally looked away lightly and faintly replied: "If you don't like it, just throw it away." ”

With his long legs walking lightly, he bypassed Shen Yi and led a group of people straight forward.

Chen Rui glanced at Shen Yi, who was behind the people, pinched his index finger and clicked it a few times in front of her, seeing that everyone was walking away, he didn't have time to reprimand, so he could only hurriedly say angrily: "I'll teach you a lesson when I come back!" ”

After speaking, he chased after Zhou Congjin and led people into the elevator with a smile.

Shen Yi raised his eyes and looked at the closed elevator and sighed lightly.

When Shen Yi walked out of the downstairs door of the company, the heavy rain was still pouring down.

The cold wind of late autumn mixed with crushed hail and rain, and the chill rushed straight into Shen Yi's neckline.

The traffic lights at the intersection kept flashing, and cars of all sizes drove past her, splashing rain all over the place.

The umbrella Shen Yi was holding was not strong, and the wind blew, almost lifting the cover.

She was drenched in seven or eight points, and her shoes were all in water.

was gritting his teeth and walking forward in the rain, and a quiet car came to the side of the road at some point, slowing down and following Shen Yi's pace.

The car window fell, revealing Zhou Congjin's calm face.

"Get in the car." He raised his voice slightly through the rain curtain.

Shen Yi didn't feel how embarrassed his situation was before he saw him.

When I looked at him at first, I immediately let go of some annoyance, wondering why I met him in such an embarrassing situation.

She stubbornly lowered the umbrella, shielded her face and walked on, ignoring him as she had done last time.

Zhou Congjin did not leave, the soles of his feet gently controlled the brakes, and followed her reluctantly.

Surrounded by a crowd of people who got off work, several passers-by were already looking over to this side, observing the silent "game" between the expensive Maybach and the woman on the side of the road.

Zhou Congjin's car window was open generously, not at all worried about being recognized.

Shen Yi had concerns about this, so he finally compromised, put away the umbrella, and quickly got into his car.

Zhou Congjin looked at Shen Yi in the co-pilot, and his expression softened.

He remembered the last time he saw her two years ago, and it was also such cold, rainy and snowy weather.

The next day, after the rain had cleared, she had evaporated like a human being, as if she had never appeared in his sight.


The inside and outside of the car are like two worlds.

Quiet, warm, with a hint of ebony.

The breath was familiar, even if she had only been in his car a few times before.

Those fragmented memories of two years ago broke the ice again and scattered in her mind.

Shen Yi frowned slightly.

Zhou Congjin turned his head to look at her, and his eyes inadvertently fell on her forehead and temples that were stained with a few wet hairs.

Swept down, the white swan neck was also stained with a few long black hairs.

At the neckline, the soaked chiffon lining is tightly attached to the delicate and slender collarbone, making the skin appear smoother and more delicate......

The cold air brought in from outside had not yet dissipated, and she was faintly shivering.

Zhou Congjin looked away. Close the windows and turn on the air conditioner.

"Fasten your seatbelts." He reminded.

Shen Yi put down the wet umbrella and said thank you.

After fastening her seatbelt, her first instinct was to check the seat underneath her.

She had just opened the door and drifted in and was drenched in by the rain.

Shen Yi was very cautious, quickly wiped it with his hand, and realized that he was wearing a white coat today, and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Fortunately, it was white, and there was no possibility of fading by him.

"What's wrong?"

Shen Yi shook his head and apologized in a deep voice: "I got your car wet." ”

Zhou Congjin glanced at her and shook his head slightly to indicate that he was fine.

Shen Yi took advantage of the gap between adjusting his sitting posture to glance at him a few times.

is still that handsome and thoughtful, calm and upright face.

The slender arms are half-stretched on the turntable, and the knobby hands turn the steering wheel with ease, and the movements give people an indescribable charm and restrained sexual tension.

Shen Yi looked away calmly and looked out the window.

Obviously a man, but like a poppy, the appearance exudes an extremely charming atmosphere, and if you don't pay attention to being seduced by him, you will be corroded by the fierce toxicity hidden inside.

"Where do you live? Send you back. Zhou Congjin's voice was calm.

"No, no." Shen Yi stretched out his hand through the front window to guide: "Turn left at the second intersection in front, there is a subway station." ”

Zhou Congjin did not say a word.

After a while, he replied "yes".

There was silence in the car for several minutes.

Shen Yi didn't ask him what the purpose of his sudden visit to Lan Xin was, after all, it didn't seem to be something that her level should care about.

Zhou Congjin didn't say a word about these things.

The road is congested and the car goes very slowly.

Shen Yi looked out of the window on his side, bored looking at pedestrians and vehicles outside in the rain.

Zhou Congjin's voice sounded again: "In the past two years, you have worked in this company? ”

Shen Yi turned his head and looked straight ahead: "I came a year ago." ”

After being silent for a while, Zhou Congjin suddenly said slowly: "Your father ......"

Shen Yi's face paused.

"Passed away."

Zhou Congjin guessed seven or eight points early, and his face did not show a very surprised look, but said softly: "I'm sorry." ”

Shen Yi's eyes wandered away from the street scene flashing outside the window, and he didn't speak.

She didn't want to talk to him about her father.

Zhou Congjin looked at her sideways, and there were slight waves in his eyes: "...... that day"

The car turns and soon arrives at the entrance of the subway station.

"I've arrived." Shen Yi interrupted him.

She flicked her seat belt with her fingertips, picked up her umbrella and bag, and bowed her head to him and thanked him.

"Shen Yi." When the door was opened, Zhou Congjin stopped her.

Shen Yi looked back at him, his eyes were silent.

"I'm sorry." These three words came out of Zhou Congjin's handsome face, which was really embarrassing.

Shen Yi didn't speak, opened the door and opened the umbrella, and entered the wind and rain.

Zhou Congjing watched her figure disappear at the entrance of the subway station before retracting his gaze.

He stared at his phone and suddenly remembered something.

Didn't add her WeChat back.

On the morning of the second day, Jiabao looked at Shen Yi's expression a little wrong.

was finally held back by her until noon.

Jiabao served lunch and pulled Shen Yi to sit against the wall in the restaurant, his eyebrows fluttering.

"Tell me, I saw it yesterday."

"What?" Shen Yi was puzzled.

Jiabao made all kinds of eyes: "Still pretending? You got off work yesterday, whose Maybach did you go to? Gee...... People didn't leave after the meeting, and they waited for you on the side of the road. ”

Shen Yi paused with his hand on chopsticks, lowered his head and ate calmly.

"I just happened to meet it."

The soul of Jiabao's gossip was blazing: "It turns out that you know Mr. Zhou!" It's no wonder that a character like him personally came to visit a small company like ours! ”

Huh? She suddenly realized: "It won't be for you to investigate, right?!" ”

Shen Yi didn't raise his head: "Don't talk nonsense, that's the relationship that Mr. Chen pulled over." ”

Jiabao looked her up and down a few times and shook his head, expressing disbelief.

Suddenly, her eyes widened, and she said softly in surprise: "Shen Yi, Shen Yi, you won't be ...... The little wife of the domineering president who is out of exile! ”

Shen Yi smiled helplessly, finally raised his head, and glanced at her helplessly.

"Am I worthy?"

Shen Yi laughed a little.

She is not the little wife of the domineering president, she is the tool used by the domineering president to help Bai Yueguang.

She is a "cheap girl" and "bargain" in his mouth.

Jia Bao stared at her face seriously.

Shen Yi has a face that can hit people's hearts at first glance.

The facial features are light, and the facial lines are soft but sharp.

The eyes are deep and melancholy, the natural wild eyebrows, and the eyebrow peaks are naturally slightly raised, adding a bit of stubbornness to the calm and clean overall temperament.

She has shiny hair, a tall build, and thin bones.

I don't like to laugh on weekdays, but when I'm quiet, I always give people a sense of mystery of independence from the world, which is very attractive.

Jiabao nodded affirmatively and said to her, "You deserve it." ”

"I'm serious. A beauty with a temperament like you, if you have the heart, it is not impossible to catch a CEO worth hundreds of millions and come back. ”

Shen Yi said with a smile: "Thank you for lifting me up like this." ”

"It's time to eat." She tried to change the subject.

Jiabao was bent on asking about her relationship with Zhou Congjin, and had no appetite at all.

"What the hell is the relationship? I'm in a hurry. ”

Shen Yi said calmly: "It's just an acquaintance." ”

"Just acquaintance?"

Shen Yi picked the dishes in the bowl: "I interned in his company for a few months when I just graduated, so I know each other." ”

Yes! Jiabao was surprised.

"I didn't expect it, Shen Yi, you also entered the Anxia Group for an internship?"

"Anxia Financial Company."

Zhou Congjin was only the CEO of this branch at that time, and he was not in charge of the current Anxia shopping mall.

Jiabao suddenly realized: "Financial company? It makes sense, didn't you study finance in college? ”

"But I said, why did you end up in such a hard-pressed industry as advertising when you majored in finance at a prestigious university?"

"The ad is good, fun and challenging."

"What's interesting? Working overtime all day long, and the pay is low. If you continue to work in finance, you will have a salary of tens of thousands by now. ”

Shen Yi smiled lightly and didn't continue.

She switched to the advertising industry because she didn't want to meet Zhou Congjin in the financial industry.

Who would have thought that he would sit on the CEO of the entire Anxia Group in just two years, and all kinds of businesses under him would be like clouds, and they would be involved with him again and again.