
Land Weekly | Both supply and demand hit a new high since 2024, and many places in Hangzhou, Ningbo and Lu were traded at high premiums (6.24-6.30)

author:CRIC Real Estate Research

Week 26 of 2024

From June 24 to June 30, the supply and demand of the land market increased sharply, both hitting a new weekly high since 2024. 8.74 million square meters of urban supply area will be monitored in key areas; The transaction area was 8.25 million square meters, and the total transaction amount was 56.7 billion yuan. In terms of market popularity, as Hangzhou, Ningbo, Lu and other cities have high-premium land transactions, the overall premium rate is 4.4%, and the popularity is at a relatively high level. From the perspective of attributes, the proportion of transactions involving residential land has risen to 60%, which is a significant increase from before.

  • Supply: The total construction area is 8.74 million square meters, setting a new weekly supply high since 2024. This week, 119 land plots were supplied in key cities, with a total construction area of 8.74 million square meters, a sharp increase of 101% month-on-month, and the proportion of residential land plots increased significantly, increasing to 64%. In the first-tier cities, only 1 residential land was listed in Fangshan District, Beijing, with a construction area of only 90,000 square meters, in addition, 3 small-scale commercial offices were listed in Huangpu and Zengcheng in Guangzhou, with a total construction area of 50,000 square meters, and there was no supply in Shanghai and Shenzhen. There are 42 parcels of land listed in second-tier cities, with a construction area of 3.52 million square meters, of which 29 include residential plots, which are mainly distributed in Chengdu, Xi'an, Taiyuan, Ningbo and other cities, especially Chengdu, with as many as 12 residential plots and a construction area of more than 710,000 square meters; A total of 73 parcels of land were listed in third- and fourth-tier cities, with a total construction area of 5.08 million square meters, and more than 60% of the residential land was involved, including residential plots mainly distributed in Wenzhou, Shaoxing, Jinhua, Lishui and other cities in the Yangtze River Delta.
  • Transaction: The total construction area is 8.25 million square meters, and the proportion of second-line transactions has risen to 60%. This week, 129 land plots were transacted in key cities, with a total construction area of 8.25 million square meters, an increase of 2 times month-on-month, the total amount increased by 288% to 56.7 billion yuan, and the average transaction price rose 30% month-on-month to 6,869 yuan / square meter. A total of 7 land parcels were transacted in first-tier cities, involving Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, with a total transaction area of 370,000 square meters and a total transaction price of 9.4 billion, but only 2 residential land plots were involved in Beijing and 1 in Guangzhou, and the rest were commercial plots; In terms of popularity, except for the Guangzhou Liwan Guanggang Guangchuan land, which was won by Poly Development at a premium of 9%, the rest of the plots were traded at the reserve price; A total of 73 parcels of land were transacted in second-tier cities, with a total transaction area of 4.91 million square meters, including 23 commercial and office land and 50 residential land plots, which were located in Tianjin, Chengdu, Wuhan, Xi'an, Hefei, Changsha and other cities, among which Hangzhou, Ningbo, Hefei and other cities all had residential land premium rates of more than 20%, and the market popularity was at a relatively high level; A total of 49 parcels of land were transacted in third- and fourth-tier cities, with a total construction area of 2.97 million square meters, including 24 residential plots.
  • Popularity: The average premium rate is 4.4%, and Hangzhou, Ningbo and Lu all have high premium transactions for residential land. This week, the overall transaction premium rate in key cities was 4.4%, and the proportion of premium transaction plots was close to two percent. In terms of energy levels, in the first-tier cities, Guangzhou Guanggang and Guangzhou Shipyard land were traded at a premium of 9%, and the rest of the residential land and commercial land were traded at the reserve price, with an overall premium rate of 0.59%; In the second-tier cities of Hangzhou, Ningbo and Lu, there were high premium transactions (more than 20%) for residential land, and the market continued to be hot last week, with an overall premium rate of 4.4%; The popularity of third- and fourth-tier cities has rebounded significantly, and the average premium rate has increased to 7.01%. This week, the unsold rate decreased slightly from the previous month, to 14.1%. Among the 21 unsold parcels, 14 were commercial plots and 7 were residential plots, and the residential plots were located in Chengdu, Fuzhou, Jinan, Ningbo, Tianjin, Changsha and Zhangzhou, mainly in second-tier cities, and most of them were located in remote and remote suburban counties.
Land Weekly | Both supply and demand hit a new high since 2024, and many places in Hangzhou, Ningbo and Lu were traded at high premiums (6.24-6.30)
Land Weekly | Both supply and demand hit a new high since 2024, and many places in Hangzhou, Ningbo and Lu were traded at high premiums (6.24-6.30)
Land Weekly | Both supply and demand hit a new high since 2024, and many places in Hangzhou, Ningbo and Lu were traded at high premiums (6.24-6.30)
Land Weekly | Both supply and demand hit a new high since 2024, and many places in Hangzhou, Ningbo and Lu were traded at high premiums (6.24-6.30)
Land Weekly | Both supply and demand hit a new high since 2024, and many places in Hangzhou, Ningbo and Lu were traded at high premiums (6.24-6.30)
Land Weekly | Both supply and demand hit a new high since 2024, and many places in Hangzhou, Ningbo and Lu were traded at high premiums (6.24-6.30)

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CRIC Weekly Review


New home market

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Second-hand housing market

The transaction volume in 14 cities was flat month-on-month, Sufo strengthened, and Beijing and Hangzhou pulled back (06.03-06.09)

The transaction volume in 14 cities fell by 6% month-on-month, Shensurong fell, Nanjing-Hangzhou increased (06.10-06.16), and the transaction volume increased by 31% month-on-month, reaching the second highest level in the year, and Shenzhen-Rongning-Ningbo ranked first in terms of growth (06.17-06.23)


Land market

The scale of supply and demand decreased month-on-month, the supply of Beijing Yongfeng land with a low premium of 1.5% (06.03-06.09) fell and the transaction increased, and China Construction Zhidi won the Beijing "Big Mac" land plot (06.10-06.16) with 11.2 billion yuan The supply and demand both increased and the heat rebounded, and Qingdao gave birth to a new unit price "land king" (06.17-06.23)

Land Weekly | Both supply and demand hit a new high since 2024, and many places in Hangzhou, Ningbo and Lu were traded at high premiums (6.24-6.30)

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Reprinted with the source: CRIC Real Estate Research (cricyjzx) Thank you for your cooperation