
Departments are linked, and the new district actively carries out publicity activities for the 6.26 International Anti-Drug Day

author:Create a new release

In recent years, vicious public order cases caused by the use of synthetic drugs have occurred frequently in large and medium-sized cities across the country. Affected by the central excitability, hallucinogenic and inhibitory effects caused by drugs, new drug abusers are prone to psychotic symptoms such as excitement, mania, depression, hallucinations (especially delusions of victimhood), which leads to uncontrolled behavior and a series of social problems such as violent crime and the spread of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

June 26, 2024 is the 37th International Anti-Drug Day, in order to further do a good job in anti-drug and HIV/AIDS propaganda work, the Xinjian District CDC and the District Anti-Drug Brigade held a variety of 6.26 International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities in Jiangxi Traffic Technician College and Jiangxi Police College, aiming to make students deeply aware of the harm of drugs and AIDS through diversified publicity methods, and jointly build a drug-free and harmonious social environment.

Departments are linked, and the new district actively carries out publicity activities for the 6.26 International Anti-Drug Day

The atmosphere of the event was warm, and the propagandists publicized the knowledge of anti-drug and HIV/AIDS prevention to the students by hanging banners, displaying publicity boards, displaying common drugs and drug abuse tools, distributing leaflets on drug rejection and HIV prevention, distributing condoms, on-site explanations and consultations, etc., and the students signed on the signature wall of "cherish life, refuse drugs" to express their firm support for the anti-drug and HIV/AIDS work. In addition, around the time of the Anti-Narcotics Day, various townships and towns in our region have also carried out various forms of anti-drug and HIV/AIDS propaganda activities in light of the characteristics of their own work.

Departments are linked, and the new district actively carries out publicity activities for the 6.26 International Anti-Drug Day
Departments are linked, and the new district actively carries out publicity activities for the 6.26 International Anti-Drug Day

Through the publicity activities of the 6.26 International Anti-Drug Day, students and the general public have further realized the harm of drug abuse and AIDS, enhanced the awareness of "refuse drugs and stay away from AIDS", and created a good anti-drug atmosphere for building a harmonious society.

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