
How many of these old objects used by the Naxi ancestors do you know?

author:Hi Lijiang

Recently, I went to the Lijiang Museum to understand and learn about Naxi culture, and saw many objects unearthed in different ages from the museum.

How many of these old objects used by the Naxi ancestors do you know?

Each object carries a piece of history, through which the production and life of the Naxi ancestors are reproduced, and everyone can review the history, base themselves on the present, and look forward to the future.

How many of these old objects used by the Naxi ancestors do you know?

Amphora clay pot (date: Warring States period - Western Han Dynasty), land: Lijiang Shigu Gezi Village. Clay pots, everyone is no stranger, remember that year, there was a very old clay pot at home, although the year of production is unknown, but it is used to stew meat, delicious and delicious.

How many of these old objects used by the Naxi ancestors do you know?


The pronunciation should be: mo suo, the name of Naxi in ancient Chinese literature. According to Chang Xuan's "Huayang National Chronicles" of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the ancestors of the Naxi nationality were already engaged in brine mining in the Han Dynasty. From the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms period, the "Moshayi" of the Qiang clan was active in the southwest of Sichuan centered on the salt source, and discovered and developed salt mines. After the Tang Dynasty, some people used the brine naturally flowing from the salt well to set up stoves to boil salt, and the tool used to boil salt was the salt pot invented by some people until the 20th century.

How many of these old objects used by the Naxi ancestors do you know?

Some salt pans

The Tubo tablet is an inscription of the Tang Dynasty. In March 1992, it was unearthed in Gezi Village, Shigu Town, Lijiang. The content of the inscription reflects the historical scene of the convergence and integration of several political forces and regional cultures of the Tang Dynasty, Tubo and Nanzhao in the Jinsha River. The inscription is to the effect that the local chief of Cuorong was originally appointed by the people to be in charge of the people. Because of his discord with the Han officials, he was heartily close to the son of Zanpu (the king of Tibet) and bowed to the minister Jiesang (Guishun). Because of too much copper, he was given a lot of gold. He was given the highest life at the age of 90.

Tibetan Monument

The cremation jar with four fish cover on the top of the green glazed gourd, date: Yuan - Ming. Land: Lijiang Baisha Yanjiao Village.

How many of these old objects used by the Naxi ancestors do you know?

The green glazed gourd is topped with four fish and covered cremation jars

Ancient Naxi warrior helmet, date: Yuan, collected in Muli, Sichuan.

How many of these old objects used by the Naxi ancestors do you know?

Helmet of an ancient Naxi warrior

The Naxi warrior armor was also unearthed in Mulioya, Sichuan, and the age was the Qing Dynasty.

How many of these old objects used by the Naxi ancestors do you know?

Naxi warrior armor

Shu County Iron Shovel, Age: Eastern Han Dynasty, Land: Lijiang Fengke Dazeng (National First-class Cultural Relics).

How many of these old objects used by the Naxi ancestors do you know?


Bronze spear (Warring States - Western Han Dynasty), Lijiang Shigu Red Rock unearthed.

How many of these old objects used by the Naxi ancestors do you know?

Bronze spears

Tongyue (Warring States - Western Han Dynasty), Lijiang Dagu white wheat unearthed.

How many of these old objects used by the Naxi ancestors do you know?

Bronze Yue

Bronze plough tip (Warring States - Western Han Dynasty), Lijiang Qihe Sanyi unearthed.

How many of these old objects used by the Naxi ancestors do you know?

Bronze plough tip

Nanzhao has the word tile, age: Tang. Land: Cike Village, Jinzhuang, Lijiang.

How many of these old objects used by the Naxi ancestors do you know?

Nanzhao has word tiles

Gaohe tower bricks, date: late Song Dynasty. Land: Lijiang Jiuhe Xiaoachang Village.

How many of these old objects used by the Naxi ancestors do you know?

Gaohe tower bricks

As a native of Lijiang, which of the above objects have you seen or used? What objects have been unearthed in your hometown? How much do you know about the stories behind these objects? Feel free to leave a comment!

Author: Li Zhiwen