
Foreign server players are hotly discussed: Why do Chinese servers receive special treatment?

author:Apple cow watch the game

In the World of Warcraft community in the United States, a discussion was set off:

Why are Chinese servers given special treatment?

Most foreign players said that it is indeed quite greedy, but Chinese players have lost nearly two years of gaming time, which is not comparable to these compensations, and the national server will not affect them, so it is okay to send more points.

But there are also many jealous players who feel that the national server players have been rewarded and are a little jealous.

Foreign server players are hotly discussed: Why do Chinese servers receive special treatment?

But it's not surprising that I'm scolded by other players.

Foreign server players are hotly discussed: Why do Chinese servers receive special treatment?
Foreign server players are hotly discussed: Why do Chinese servers receive special treatment?
Foreign server players are hotly discussed: Why do Chinese servers receive special treatment?

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