
News | The leading group for the inspection and rectification work of the county party committee held its eighth meeting

author:Zongyang release
News | The leading group for the inspection and rectification work of the county party committee held its eighth meeting

On the morning of June 29, Yang Xiuqi, secretary of the county party committee, presided over the eighth meeting of the leading group for the inspection and rectification of the county party committee, conveying the spirit of the speech of Comrade Hong Jianchun, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and director of the Supervision Commission, when investigating and supervising the inspection and rectification work of our county, listening to the report on the progress of the seven special rectification work, and rearranging and redeploying the inspection and rectification work. County leaders Sun Gongming, Wu Hao, Wang Kaisheng, Fang Qinjian, Hou Lixia, Xia Jun, Fang Xueli, He Chiliang, Qiao Dongfu and Wang Zhiwu attended the meeting.

News | The leading group for the inspection and rectification work of the county party committee held its eighth meeting

Meeting Requirements:

It is necessary to improve the position to grasp rectification, profoundly grasp the political significance of inspection and rectification, take inspection and rectification as an important opportunity to promote work, and earnestly put oneself, responsibilities, and work into it, so as to truly achieve the unity of thought and action, and the combination of measures and actual results. To consolidate the responsibility to grasp the rectification, the leading county cadres should adhere to the above rate, strictly and tightly compact the responsibility for rectification, always keep the rectification work in mind, firmly grasp the hand, personally inquire, supervise, and personally check the rectification work, and promote the implementation of the level by level. It is necessary to strengthen measures to grasp rectification, carefully study the policies and regulations involved in the feedback problem, resolutely overcome the mentality of "passing the test", make a list one by one, set measures one by one, and maintain long-term rectification standards without lowering, the scale is not loose, and the intensity is not reduced, and one grasp is carried out to the end, and resolutely achieve comprehensive rectification without discounting, rectification actions without distortion, and real reform without fail.

Source: Zongyang Online

News | The leading group for the inspection and rectification work of the county party committee held its eighth meeting

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Editor丨Pan Lingling Editor-in-charge| Dredging Wu Liyun

Visual Director | Wang Zhangzhi review丨Wu Fucheng final review | Xie Zhengping

Organizer: Zongyang County Rong Media Center

Competent unit: Propaganda Department of Zongyang County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China


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