
Plummeted by 60% in a single day! Listed for 6 years and 6 consecutive years of losses, zero dividends: just to cut leeks?

author:Ask the financial network
Plummeted by 60% in a single day! Listed for 6 years and 6 consecutive years of losses, zero dividends: just to cut leeks?

After six years of listing and six consecutive years of losses, zero dividends, the A-share journey of the former technology "little giant" will come to an end, and the stock price has fallen by 99% to almost zero.

On July 1, Yuebo retreat (300742) fell to a low of 0.32 yuan, a decline of 60%, and closed at 0.34 yuan, a decrease of 57.5%.

On June 21, Yuebo Power received the "Decision on the Termination of the Listing of the Company's Shares" issued by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, because the audited net assets at the end of 2022 were negative, and the company did not disclose the 2023 annual report within the statutory period as of April 30, 2024, which touched the termination of the listing of shares stipulated by the exchange. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange decided to terminate the listing of the company's shares.

According to the announcement, the company's shares will enter the delisting period from July 1, 2024, and the exchange will delist the company's shares on the next trading day after the expiration of the delisting period.

It is worth noting that according to the current calculation of 0.34 yuan/share, compared with the highest share price of more than 60 yuan/share at the beginning of the listing, Yuebo Power's stock price has fallen by 99% in the six years since its listing, and it is almost clear......

Plummeted by 60% in a single day! Listed for 6 years and 6 consecutive years of losses, zero dividends: just to cut leeks?

Not only that, as a former technology "little giant" enterprise, Yuebo Power has never achieved profitability since its listing, and has never implemented dividends!

According to the data, Yuebo Power was established in 2012, is a new energy vehicle powertrain system supplier, is committed to becoming a new energy vehicle power system leader, in August 2017 the company was identified as a small giant of science and technology in Jiangsu Province, and in May 2018 successfully landed on the A shares.

Before listing, from 2015 to 2017, Yuebo Power achieved revenue of 352 million yuan, 654 million yuan and 900 million yuan respectively, and net profit of 26.35 million yuan, 81.87 million yuan and 94.26 million yuan respectively. However, in the first year of listing, Yuebo Power's performance changed rapidly......

According to the financial report, in 2018, Yuebo Power's revenue fell to 493 million yuan, a year-on-year plunge of more than 45%, and the net profit was only 21.21 million yuan, a year-on-year plunge of 77.50%, and the non-net profit loss exceeded 40 million yuan......

At that time, Yuebo Power said in the 2018 performance briefing that the past development benefited from the country's strong support for the new energy vehicle industry, the industrial opportunities brought by the explosive growth of the new energy vehicle industry, and the company's insistence on technological innovation; The performance in 2018 was mainly affected by the macroeconomic situation, the decline of government subsidies for new energy vehicles, and the temporary decline of the new energy commercial vehicle market.

Plummeted by 60% in a single day! Listed for 6 years and 6 consecutive years of losses, zero dividends: just to cut leeks?

Subsequently, the performance of Yuebo Power became more and more ugly! Q Financial noticed that from 2019 to 2022, the company's revenue fell to 387 million yuan, 334 million yuan, 307 million yuan, and 142 million yuan respectively, and the net profit in the same period was -840 million yuan, 8.02 million yuan, -230 million yuan, and -213 million yuan respectively, while the non-net profit deducted during the period was negative!

As of now, Yuebo Power has not disclosed its 2023 financial report; According to the performance forecast, Yuebo Power expects to achieve revenue of about 170 million yuan to 245 million yuan in 2023, an estimated net profit loss of about 209 million yuan to 298 million yuan, and a non-net profit loss of about 229 million yuan to 318 million yuan......

In other words, since its listing, Yuebo Power's non-net profit has never been profitable......