
Xiangdao Town, Gaotai County: "Three-color blending" paints a new picture of Hemei Village

author:Gaotai County Rong Media Center

In recent years, Xiangdao Town has been based on the creation of Hemei Village, starting from the aspects of grassroots party building, industrial development and rural governance, making great efforts to find breakthroughs, focusing on building a beautiful and prosperous grid of ecological civilization suitable for living and working, and continuously improving the sense of gain, happiness and security of villagers.

"Party Building Red" Draws a "Development Picture" of Rural Revitalization

Always take the leadership of party building as the "red engine" to promote rural governance, with the goal of building the "strongest party branch", adhere to the model of "town party committee research and deployment + monthly research + quarterly supervision", select 26 party building "instructors" to strengthen the tracking and guidance of key work, form 47 pairs of mentors to help and lead, promote the effective implementation of various tasks, comprehensively improve the ability of town and village cadres to speak, ask questions, and do things in trouble, and constantly consolidate the organizational foundation of grassroots party building and social governance, and lay a solid talent foundation for the creation of Hemei Village.

Xiangdao Town, Gaotai County: "Three-color blending" paints a new picture of Hemei Village

"Industrial Gold" Paints a "Picture of Prosperity" for Rural Revitalization

Innovate the "party building + industry" organizational revitalization model, implement 2,500 acres of vegetables for Hong Kong, 5,000 acres of seedless watermelons, and build a 1,000 acres of Shandong hardcore green onion planting base in Yuanhao Village, the town's vegetable area (including multiple planting) is stable at about 47,000 mu, and the seed production area is stable at more than 21,000 mu. We will continue to promote the expansion of the village-level collective economy, improve quality and efficiency, add 1 demonstration site for the corporatization reform of the collective economy, and the collective economic income of 25 villages will reach more than 100,000 yuan, and the property income of farmers will continue to increase, and the industrial development will put rural revitalization on the "fast track".

Xiangdao Town, Gaotai County: "Three-color blending" paints a new picture of Hemei Village
Xiangdao Town, Gaotai County: "Three-color blending" paints a new picture of Hemei Village

"Governance Blue" Draws a "Safe Picture" of Rural Revitalization

We will further promote the initiative to create stability, dynamically analyze and judge the stable situation, improve the grid service management and the "three-tone docking" mechanism, continue to carry out legal publicity activities such as anti-fraud for the elderly, anti-drug and anti-evil, and anti-crime and evil, solidly promote the three-year action of tackling the root cause of safe production, fully implement the "one post and two responsibilities" for safe production in various fields, and pay close attention to key areas such as fire protection, road traffic, construction and gas, so as to jointly promote harmony and stability in beautiful villages. (Sheng Xiao)

Xiangdao Town, Gaotai County: "Three-color blending" paints a new picture of Hemei Village
Xiangdao Town, Gaotai County: "Three-color blending" paints a new picture of Hemei Village