
High platform: build a solid industrial "ballast stone" and strive to achieve "double more than half"

author:Gaotai County Rong Media Center

Industry is the "ballast stone" for stable economic growth. To ensure the completion of the annual "double more than half" goal, we must sing the "main play" of the industry.

Since the beginning of this year, Gaotai County has adhered to the principle of stability and progress, gone all out to fight for the economy, rush progress, increase production capacity, strengthen the operation and scheduling of industrial enterprises, plan and implement major industrial projects as a whole, set off an upsurge of economic construction, continue the trend of improving the industrial economy in stability and improving quality, and strive to sprint time and task "more than half".

Forging long plates to promote advantages

Stabilizing the industrial "ballast stone"

Gaotai County is the largest salt-producing area in the province, and the reserves of miscanthus nitrate account for more than half of the province. In recent years, the county has increased the in-depth development and comprehensive utilization of salt and nitrate resources, and has made efforts to build the Yanchi Chemical Industry Park, which is a professional chemical industry concentration area assessed and identified by the province, and has further strengthened the salt and nitrate fine chemical industry chain by actively developing the fine chemical industry based on the processing of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, dye intermediates, daily chemicals, etc.

High platform: build a solid industrial "ballast stone" and strive to achieve "double more than half"

Zhangye Hengye Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is an enterprise introduced into Yanchi Chemical Industry Zone in the county in 2018, and has built a production line with an annual output of 3,000 tons of p-methylsulfonylbenzoic acid. Since it was put into production, the company has continuously expanded its production scale, made breakthroughs in production technology, and grown into a leading enterprise in the production of pharmaceutical intermediates in the park. Nowadays, it is actively optimizing the industrial layout around the main products, expanding the industrial chain, and planning extended products such as p-sulfonylbenzene to create new economic growth points. "As of May, the company has achieved an output value of 70 million yuan, and the output value is expected to be about 80 million yuan in the first half of the year." Ji Jianjun, general manager of the company, said.

It is understood that at present, 20 chemical enterprises have settled in Yanchi Chemical Park, of which 14 have been completed and 6 are under construction. From January to May this year, the park achieved a total output value of 266 million yuan.

Since the beginning of this year, Gaotai County has continuously strengthened the operation and scheduling of the industrial economy, gone all out to forge the long board and promote the advantages, in order to promote the resumption of work and production of suspended enterprises, the production of under-production enterprises, the stable production of key enterprises, the quality improvement of limited enterprises, and the efficiency of foreign trade enterprises. From January to May, the county's 45 enterprises above the designated size achieved a cumulative output value of 1.06 billion yuan, and the added value of industrial enterprises above the designated size increased by 22.7% year-on-year.

Grasp projects and expand investment

Tighten the development of the "bull's nose"

In the past few days, at the construction site of the Zhangye Hazardous Waste (Solid Waste) Disposal and Resource Utilization Center in Yanchi Industrial Park, workers are stepping up infrastructure construction such as road hardening in the factory area. With a total investment of more than 500 million yuan, the large-scale environmental protection project will build a comprehensive disposal center integrating incineration, solidification, physicochemical and safe landfill, including incineration disposal, physical and chemical disposal, solidification landfill, waste lead-acid battery collection and transfer, industrial solid waste safety landfill and other process technologies, and the total disposal scale of hazardous waste will reach 151,000 tons per year, which can solve the problem of hazardous waste disposal in coal chemical industry, mining, machinery manufacturing, building materials, medicine and other industrial agglomeration areas in Hexi. "At present, all monomers have met the conditions for production and disposal, and the company has also obtained the provincial business license. In the next step, the company will enter a full-scale operational phase. Chen Lingtao, chief engineer of the project, said.

High platform: build a solid industrial "ballast stone" and strive to achieve "double more than half"

Gansu Ruishengxin Chemical Co., Ltd. with an annual output of 10,000 tons of alkyl glucopolysides and 7,800 tons of pharmaceutical and organic material intermediates is also under construction. The total investment of 1.25 billion yuan is planned, mainly to build organic luminescent material intermediates, alkyl glucopolysides, phenylpropionfuranone, albendazole, bromoxime ether, methylphosphoric acetal production lines and related ancillary facilities. The products are used in the production of OLED flexible displays, detergents, cosmetics, biopharmaceuticals, pesticides and other fields. After the project is completed and put into production, it is expected to achieve annual sales revenue of 1.65 billion yuan.

Gaotai County regards the construction of industrial projects as a "strong engine" and "hard support" to promote high-quality development, firmly establishes the concept of "project is king", adheres to the principle of "big support, no support", unswervingly grasps industrial projects, and continuously promotes key projects to start construction early, build quickly, and put into production as soon as possible. At the same time, improve and improve the "six full" service work method from project signing, formalities, land security, completion and production, 23 of the 28 key industrial projects have been started and resumed, and the investment in industrial fixed assets of 960 million yuan has been completed from January to May.

Strong guarantee and excellent service

Building a "strong magnetic field" for business

Recently, in the list of new industrial products announced by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Gansu Yunhao Technology Co., Ltd. in Gaotai County synthesized p-fluoroanisole, p-bromofluorobenzene and fluorobenzene half-bromine synthesis of high-purity p-bromofluorobenzene two product processes were recognized as provincial new industrial processes.

High platform: build a solid industrial "ballast stone" and strive to achieve "double more than half"

Gaotai County closely focuses on the three-year action of strong industrial action and industrial breakthrough development, and the staff of relevant units and departments take the initiative to visit and investigate key enterprises to understand the production and operation of enterprises and the research and development of new products, and actively publicize and interpret the policies related to the filing of new industrial products (technologies and processes) to enterprises, encourage and support independent innovation of enterprises, and promote the research and development and application of new products, new technologies and new processes of enterprises. From January to May, the county declared 2 municipal-level enterprise technology centers, 1 provincial-level technological innovation demonstration enterprise, 3 new enterprises above the designated size, 1 "specialized, special and new" small and medium-sized enterprise, and 2 provincial-level innovative small and medium-sized enterprises.

At the same time, we will continue to promote the work of "Bao Bao Lian", actively carry out front-line visits, understand the development status of enterprises and enterprise demands from all angles in an all-round and multi-angle way, solve problems with greater efforts, effectively enhance service awareness, fully practice the "shop small two" type enterprise service, and help enterprises solve problems with heart and affection, and win the trust of enterprises with high-quality and efficient services. From January to May, a total of 1,823 people visited enterprises and solved more than 50 problems.

The real projects and scenes of hard work clearly record the sonorous steps of Gaotai County in the process of promoting the high-quality development of the industrial economy. The "starting momentum" looks at the first half, and the "success" focuses on the second half. In the second half of the year, the whole county will continue to carry forward the style of "dare to do, work hard, and do fast", combine the "three grasps and three promotions" action and party discipline learning and education, maintain the spirit of daring to fight, be able to fight, and be able to fight, and make the industrial economy bigger and stronger, which is the "hard support" of high-quality development.

(Reporter: Zhang Huzhong)

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