
Follow the folk legend to Shiquan丨Tongqianxia Village: There are legends in the deep mountains to inherit beauty and virtue

author:Ishisen Meltant

In Tongqianxia Village, Yunwushan Town, 20 kilometers northwest of Shiquan County, there is a valley that looks like a knife splitting, called Tongqian Gorge. Tongqian Gorge Village is named after Tongqian Gorge and is also famous for the magical legend of Tongqian Gorge. Follow the folklore to visit Shiquan, today the reporter will take you into Tongqianxia Village.

Follow the folk legend to Shiquan丨Tongqianxia Village: There are legends in the deep mountains to inherit beauty and virtue

To Tongqian Gorge Village, Tongqian Gorge is the only way to go. The canyon is only a few meters wide, the stream is murmuring, and the cliffs on both sides are like knives and axes, towering into the sky. Legend has it that a long time ago, there was a stone wall here, like a stone gate blocking traffic, and the people were very poor. During the Qing Dynasty, a tree suddenly grew on the stone wall, and every time in the dead of night, many copper coins fell on the tree to help the local poor people.

Follow the folk legend to Shiquan丨Tongqianxia Village: There are legends in the deep mountains to inherit beauty and virtue

Ji Shengjin, secretary of the party branch of Tongqianxia Village, Yunwushan Town, Shiquan County: Then a local landlord found out about this, and he had a crooked mind, he wanted to use explosives to blow up the stone cliff to get more money.

Follow the folk legend to Shiquan丨Tongqianxia Village: There are legends in the deep mountains to inherit beauty and virtue

Because the stone wall was blown open a gap, forming a canyon, it was named Tongqian Gorge. Nowadays, roads have been built in the canyon, which has become an important passage for villagers to enter and exit, and in the middle of summer, the air is convection in the canyon, and the cool breeze is refreshing and pleasant. In the process of promoting the construction of new folk customs, Tongqianxia Village also combines the legend of Tongqianxia passed down from generation to generation with the cultivation project of filial piety and good deeds, and subtly guides the villagers to be good.

Follow the folk legend to Shiquan丨Tongqianxia Village: There are legends in the deep mountains to inherit beauty and virtue

Ji Shengjin, Secretary of the Party Branch of Tongqianxia Village, Yunwushan Town, Shiquan County: This story has been passed down to this day, telling us a truth, that is, we must do good deeds, not do many evils, move some bad thoughts, and don't harm others and ourselves.

Follow the folk legend to Shiquan丨Tongqianxia Village: There are legends in the deep mountains to inherit beauty and virtue

Jiang Shujin, a villager of Tongqianxia Village, Yunwushan Town, Shiquan County: Listen to our grandfather, the beautiful legend of Tongqianxia means to respect the elderly, to be diligent and rich, to be good at treating others, to unite with each other, to pass on our beautiful atmosphere and virtues, and to hope for permanent harmony and hard work from generation to generation.

Follow the folk legend to Shiquan丨Tongqianxia Village: There are legends in the deep mountains to inherit beauty and virtue

Tongqian Gorge Village has many mountains and valleys, in addition to Tongqian Gorge, it also forms geological wonders such as West Gorge, Yifang Yin, Shennu Spring, etc., each geological wonder has a beautiful legend, attracting people to explore and play.

Follow the folk legend to Shiquan丨Tongqianxia Village: There are legends in the deep mountains to inherit beauty and virtue

Ji Shengjin, Secretary of the Party Branch of Tongqianxia Village, Yunwushan Town, Shiquan County: In the latter step, we will use this culture to continue from generation to generation, combine good virtues with the current filial piety and good deeds cultivation project, and the second aspect is to use the scenic spots of Tongqian Gorge and West Gorge to attract investment to attract more tourists to come here to play, which can drive the economic income of our local farmers to a new level.

Shiquan Financial Media Reporter: Gong Yuanxi, Li Maomeng