
Approaching the "Two Excellence and One First" Absorbing the Power of Endeavor丨Xiao Huangbo: Young People "Return the Phoenix to the Nest" and Pursue Dreams and "Revitalization Road"

author:Tianfu Pidu

If you open the column

History flows endlessly, and the spirit is passed down from generation to generation. On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to fully display the outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grassroots party organizations with outstanding performance on all fronts and in various fields in the region, from now on, the Pidu District Financial Media Center will launch a special column report on "Approaching the 'Two Excellence and One Priority' and Absorbing the Power of Endeavor".

Let us approach the advanced examples of "two excellent and one first" around us, listen to their vivid stories of serving the people wholeheartedly, and understand the "original intention" of party members and the "responsibility" of party members from the ordinary little things, and look at the development of changes from their perspective, and absorb the strong positive energy of entrepreneurship.

Xiao Huangbo: Young people "return to the nest" and chase dreams "revitalization road"

Approaching the "Two Excellence and One First" Absorbing the Power of Endeavor丨Xiao Huangbo: Young People "Return the Phoenix to the Nest" and Pursue Dreams and "Revitalization Road"

【Character Business Card】

Xiao Huangbo, a member of the Communist Party of China and a senior agricultural manager, is currently the Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of Ziyun Village, Youai Town, Pidu District.

As a young talent who returned to his hometown to start a business, in just over two years, he led Ziyun Village from an economically weak village with a debt of more than 130 yuan to a demonstration village with collective economic assets of more than 20 million yuan, driving the per capita income of villagers to exceed 36,000 yuan.

On June 28, he was awarded the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Sichuan Province".

Leader of rural industry revitalization

National Outstanding Urban and Rural Community Worker

Sichuan Province returned to the countryside to start a business

Chengdu Excellent Agricultural Professional Manager......

In recent years, the town of Ziyun Village

Rural revitalization is in full swing

Xiao Huangbo, secretary of the party committee and director of the village committee

There are more and more honor labels on his body

But as the son of a farmer

He has always adhered to his original mission:

Drink water and think about the source

Treat work and life with a sincere heart to return to the hometown

Cohesion strengthens the collective economy

Lead the folks to "wallet" bulge

Xiao Huangbo, 38 years old this year, was born in an ordinary peasant family in Pidu District, and the hard life has made him develop the quality of hard-working, perseverance and courage since he was a child. In 2014, Xiao Huangbo, who had a successful business, chose to return to his hometown and registered and established Chengdu Minghang Flower and Tree Professional Cooperative, with the business purpose of "feeding the countryside and promoting common prosperity", and comprehensively opened the dream journey of leading the villagers to "get rich".

Approaching the "Two Excellence and One First" Absorbing the Power of Endeavor丨Xiao Huangbo: Young People "Return the Phoenix to the Nest" and Pursue Dreams and "Revitalization Road"

"To overcome the problem of weak collective economy, we cannot be satisfied with the traditional flower seedling industry." Xiao Huangbo is active in thinking, daring to try, he combines the business development with the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, and takes advantage of the east wind of "ten thousand enterprises and ten thousand villages", creatively explores the "three red model" of party building leading, party members taking the lead, and industrial association, and has successively invested in the construction of Ziyun Hot Spring Hotel, Zhenli Water Mill Hotel, parent-child research base, parent-child farm and other village collective economic industries, breaking the dilemma of Ziyun Village's single industrial model and weak collective economy.

With the rise of a number of characteristic tourism projects, Ziyun Village has become a destination for outings in Chengdu from a village that no one cares about. The village collective assets have increased from liabilities of more than 130 yuan to more than 20 million yuan today, the village collective economic industry has absorbed more than 400 villagers, and the per capita disposable income of villagers has also increased from 29,500 yuan at the end of 2020 to 36,100 yuan at present, which is much higher than the average level of Pidu District.

Seize the opportunity to improve the living environment

Lead the villagers to a higher sense of happiness

Walking into Ziyun Villa, blue bricks and white tiles, green plants are shaded, rows of clean and tidy three-story houses come into view, and the courtyard is also equipped with fitness equipment, solar street lights and other facilities. Living in Ziyun Village, a centrally resettled community, the beautiful environment makes residents full of happiness.

Xiao Huangbo knows that in order to meet the villagers' expectations for a better life, a good living environment is also an indispensable part. To this end, he coordinated the promotion of the development of the village collective economy and the governance of the rural living environment, and took the opportunity of Pidu District becoming the first batch of rural collective management construction land in the country and the national rural homestead reform pilot to carry out the construction of paid homestead retreat and centralized resettlement points.

Approaching the "Two Excellence and One First" Absorbing the Power of Endeavor丨Xiao Huangbo: Young People "Return the Phoenix to the Nest" and Pursue Dreams and "Revitalization Road"

Door-to-door visits and research, painstakingly doing ideological work for villagers who are unwilling to relocate...... With unremitting efforts, from 2020 to the present, Ziyun Village has sorted out more than 80 acres of land, built 5 centralized resettlement communities, 117 houses, and resettled 91 villagers, which has greatly improved the living environment of the villagers, improved the living conditions, and upgraded the happiness index of Ziyun Village.

Take multiple measures to improve the level of governance

Ensure that the whole village has a sense of contentment

If the appearance of the village is the "face" of the beautiful village, then the civilized village style is the "lining". In the process of promoting rural revitalization, Xiao Huangbo insisted on both "rich pockets" and "rich heads", grasping the economy with one hand and governance with the other, and both hands should be "hard".

Under the organization of Xiao Huangbo, Ziyun Village held a party member meeting, a villager meeting, a dam meeting, etc., to widely solicit public opinions, and revised the "Ziyun Village Rules and Regulations" and "Red and White Council Charter" in response to undesirable phenomena such as "big exercises", "favor consumption" and "thin maintenance and thick burial"; Organize the Red and White Council, volunteer service teams and other mass autonomous organizations to carry out extensive publicity, issue proposals for changing customs and customs, and carry out special education on "breaking stereotypes and bad habits and establishing civilized rural customs"; Every year, a series of selection activities such as moral models, good people around you, good neighbors, good in-laws, good daughters-in-law, and the most beautiful families are regularly carried out, so that the masses can learn from them and have goals...... Through continuous and in-depth civilization construction, the new wind of civilization has gradually blown into the hearts of the people in Ziyun Village.

Not only that, focusing on the implementation of rural customs and civilization, Xiao Huangbo continues to explore new methods and think about new ideas: establish an autonomous network of "village-villager group-scattered courtyards", organically combine rule of virtue, rule of law, and autonomy, give full play to the role of the "micro-grid real grid" social governance mechanism, and continue to improve the grid management system of "micro-grid chief + volunteer", so as to achieve full coverage and refinement of village-level governance; Standardize the reward and punishment mechanisms for villagers such as point management, material and spiritual rewards, and C lists, and earnestly give play to the role of institutional constraints and moral guidance, so that villagers can better participate in village-level governance......

One by one, one action after another, Ziyun Village's "face" is brighter and its "lining" is more solid. When it comes to the next step, Xiao Huangbo's direction is very clear, "continue to extend the chain to develop secondary and tertiary industries, further expand the village collective economy, enhance everyone's sense of gain and happiness, and let every villager feel the fruits of rural revitalization." ”

