
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......

author:China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......

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Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......


It is the day of her 103rd anniversary

Let's pay homage to the great

Salute to the Communist Party of China!

A hundred years of wind and rain, the years are like a song

For one person

It's a long life

And for a political party

It's in the prime of life

Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......


Party members of the Pipeline Bureau

Confess to the party with the most beautiful group photo

Express the highest respect for the party

And best wishes!

Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......

Our team

Loyal to the party and disciplined

When the right fist is raised high

Facing the bright red party flag

The blood is always boiling in my heart!

Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......

Our red overalls

Like a party flag

Never fade!

Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......

That day

I swore an oath to the party flag:

"I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China"

That's in my life

The most memorable moment!

Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......

Here's exactly what we oath:

A commitment, a heart

A party flag, a firmness

A faith, a lifetime of dedication

Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......

On this special day

We see a new era

Pipeline people are not afraid of difficulties and challenges

A confident face!

Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......

Resolute eyes

The bright red background is particularly dazzling

Reflect the whole pipeline people to the party and the country

Immensely loved!

Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......

In this new era full of opportunities and challenges

We are full of confidence and we are full of pride

We must maintain the belief that we will win

Break through the barrier and persevere

Accelerate the construction of a world-class pipeline bureau

The energy storage and transportation company continues

Contribute new and greater strength!

Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......

Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China

Pipeline people will not forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind

For the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation

New and greater contributions!

Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......
Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......

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Curated | New Media Department, News Center

Hand drawn | Zhang Fan

Text | Yuan Shengxiang

Material provided | Yang Ming, an international company; Pipeline Design Institute, Yang Pengfei; A company Zhang Xinyue; Company 2: Dou Sunan; 3. Company Yao Yonghua; Four companies Zhang Qiang; Shen Yiqin, Huayou Industrial Construction Company; Dagang Oil Construction Company Niu Jiannan; Hu Qishuai, Rescue Center; Machinery Company Yang Xiaoting; Northwest Pipeline Company Wang Ting

Edit | Yuan Shengxiang Zhang Fan

Proofreading | Yuan Shengxiang

Review | Liu Liyan

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Happy birthday, my party! Each one is an affectionate confession......