
Department dynamics丨Passionate, brave to be the first, catch up and overtake, and seek to leapfrog

author:Shoot the sun and melt the media
Department dynamics丨Passionate, brave to be the first, catch up and overtake, and seek to leapfrog

Success belongs to the forger, and the cause needs the forger. Last week, the "heat" of the county's various sectors did not decrease, and the "speed" did not retreat, with vigorous vigor and enthusiasm, we promoted the work to climb high, to the new, to break the difficulty, and to seek excellence, and to work hard to ensure that the annual goals and tasks in the second quarter not only have the speed of catching up with the action, but also the degree of achievement in the results, to ensure that "everywhere brilliant" and "first-class".

Concentrate on the economy

Go all out to promote development

On June 24, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission came to our county to investigate the construction of energy storage projects, and successively came to the construction site of Longyuan and Envision energy storage power station projects to inspect the construction of energy storage projects and power access projects, and understand the problems existing in the process of project promotion, as well as related matters that need to be coordinated and docked. On June 26, He Ridong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the County Development and Reform Commission, visited Yancheng Fuli Ecological Aquaculture and put forward suggestions, suggestions and solutions to the installation of rooftop photovoltaic and other issues to help the healthy development of the enterprise.

On June 26, the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau went to Hengtong Haineng and Zero Carbon Research Institute to carry out scientific and technological innovation research, encourage enterprises and research institutes to strengthen core technology research, accelerate the transformation of innovation achievements, and continuously improve scientific and technological research and development and independent innovation capabilities to achieve better and faster development. (County Science and Technology Bureau)

Last week, the County Finance Bureau (State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office) continued to promote the inventory and utilization of state-owned assets and collective assets, organized and convened special group work meetings, put forward work suggestions, pointed out the direction of work, and helped the county's asset inventory and utilization work to improve quality and efficiency.

On June 26, the Yancheng County Regional Publicity Conference on "Traction Empowerment and Quality Improvement of Foreign Trade" was held in our county, and more than 30 key foreign trade enterprises and cross-border e-commerce enterprises in the county participated. From June 26th to 29th, the County Bureau of Commerce hired experts to go to 15 towns (districts) in the county to carry out e-commerce live broadcast talent training, and more than 600 people from various towns (districts) e-commerce enterprises, college students who returned to their hometowns to start businesses, and large farmers participated in the training.

Work hard to promote people's livelihood

Intimate service wins the hearts of the people

From June 24th to 25th, the County Finance Bureau, together with the County Education Bureau, set up 5 special inspection teams to conduct special inspections on the financial management of 20 school canteens, including Haidu Primary School and County No. 3 Middle School, to further strengthen and standardize the management of campus meal funds.

On June 27, the Municipal Urban Management Bureau came to our county to supervise and inspect the construction of the city's "fine management and good governance" demonstration project, the improvement of the quality and efficiency of garbage classification, and the renewal of sanitation equipment. (County Urban Management Bureau)

On June 21, the demolition and construction project of Shuangyang Gate completed the acceptance of underwater engineering. On June 25, Su Guangjun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the County Water Conservancy Bureau, led a team to the site of the collusion river improvement project to promote the progress of the project, and went to the site of the Shuangyang Gate demolition and construction project to guide the work related to dam demolition and water injection.

On June 28th, Yancheng No. 1 Gaoguang Auto Parts sent a pennant printed with "Affection for Enterprises, Problem Solving, Enthusiasm and Efficiency, and Conscientiousness" to the County Bureau of Commerce to express their gratitude. After understanding the financial difficulties of the enterprise, the bureau solved the loan of 2 million yuan for the enterprise in only one month, which solved the urgent need of the enterprise.

Last week, the county health commission implemented a major reform in the county's primary health centers - the cloud migration of computer room servers. This work has been implemented since the beginning of June, and data sharing and remote access are realized through server and storage resources provided by cloud service providers. According to preliminary estimates, the county's 17 primary health centers can save about 2 million yuan a year.

On June 26, Sheyang Ecological Environment Bureau and County Water Conservancy Bureau conducted a joint inspection of the site of the sewage outlet in the north of our county, and urged farmers to carry out the standardization of aquaculture ponds as soon as possible. The Sheyang Ecological Environment Bureau inspected the ultra-low emission transformation of the county's cement manufacturing, and required the enterprise to monitor the organized waste gas monitoring indicators on time and form a monitoring report to ensure that the emission standards are met.

Strengthen the implementation of measures

Fully deployed to ensure security

On June 26, He Ridong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the County Development and Reform Commission, went to Hexing Grain Depot and Daxing Grain Depot to carry out safety inspections of old grain depots, and required relevant grain storage enterprises to strictly implement the safe grain storage and safety production work system to ensure that the rectification work is implemented and effective. On June 28, the committee (Food and Material Reserve Bureau) held the 2024 county-wide food system business training course and emergency drill to enhance the fire safety awareness of employees in grain storage enterprises, and improve emergency response capabilities and fire prevention capabilities.

On June 27, the county science and technology bureau carried out safety production inspections on five science and technology off-campus training institutions and the research institute of nanda, and comprehensively inspected the development of special safety governance actions, fire protection and electrical equipment safety management, etc., and issued rectification inspection forms on the spot and urged all units to rectify within a limited time.

Last week, the county bureau of industry and information technology carried out various forms of safety production month publicity activities, produced more than 140 hanging slogan banners, and printed and distributed more than 200 copies of the "Safety Production Knowledge Manual". On June 24, Yancheng Weichi Shipyard carried out the 2024 fire emergency rescue drill, and the personnel of the city and county bureaus of industry and information technology, the port development area and other related enterprises participated in the observation. On June 26, the county bureau of industry and information technology carried out safety production supervision and inspection of the county's chemical and shipbuilding enterprises.

From June 24th to 28th, the County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau organized and carried out urban flood control work, increased rainwater pipes at stagnant water points, debugged flood control and drainage pump truck equipment at various points, overhauled damaged rainwater wells and carried out dredging, organized the county's property communities to clean up open ditches and culverts, dredge pipe networks, strengthen duty on duty, and ensure safe flooding. On June 27, the County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau carried out the county's construction safety on-site observation meeting and comprehensive emergency rescue drill for falling from height and fire fighting.

On June 24, the county urban management bureau organized a special evacuation drill for earthquake disasters.

Recently, the county transportation comprehensive administrative law enforcement brigade and PetroChina Yancheng oil depot carried out a joint exercise of fire fighting, pollution prevention and life-saving. From June 21st to 27th, the county transportation bureau organized personnel to carry out special inspections on safety production management in nine small places, inspecting 10 maintenance enterprises and 3 driver training enterprises.

On June 26, the County Bureau of Commerce, together with the County Refined Oil Association and safety experts in the field of commerce and trade, carried out special training on fire safety for the person in charge of the county's gas stations (points).

On June 24, Cheng Xiaoping, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the County Emergency Management Bureau, led a team to carry out safety inspections in some small social places in Hede Town and Economic Development Zone. On June 25, the county emergency management bureau organized a special training on enterprise safety production in the county to continuously improve the quality of enterprise safety management. On June 23, the county emergency management bureau cooperated with the seventh supervision group of provincial safety production to come to our county to carry out safety production supervision in the second quarter. From June 27th to 28th, the County Emergency Management Bureau and Hede Town carried out summer safety management inspections on two fireworks and firecrackers wholesale enterprises, and together with the County Public Security Bureau, they carried out centralized destruction of fireworks and firecrackers confiscated in the early stage; The county safety committee office conducted on-site supervision of the system entry of small social places in Xinyang Farm, Huaihai Farm and Linhai Farm.

Precise force and forge ahead together

Quality and efficiency are jointly promoted and improved

Last week, a certain foreign training unit demanded the supply of grain and oil for actual combat training, and the county military food and material reserve service center urgently mobilized to quickly complete the docking with the troops in need, delivered the military rations to the designated places in a timely manner, and successfully completed the task of emergency support for military rations. (County Development and Reform Commission)

On June 27, the county education system held a ceremony to award the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", and Zhou Zhenglin, secretary of the party committee and director of the county education bureau, awarded the "50 years of glory in the party" medal to the old party members.

On June 22, the county human resources and social security bureau organized the 2024 human resources and social security business skills training competition at the county level. On June 26, the County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau organized key enterprises such as Joyoung Biotechnology and Yihai Grain and Oil to participate in the campus job fair for graduates of Mingda Vocational and Technical College, and reached a preliminary intention with 51 students.

On June 28, Wu Ling, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the County Urban Management Bureau, visited Linhai Town to express condolences to the old party members before the founding of the People's Republic of China, and sent them holiday blessings and sincere greetings.

Last week, the county water conservancy bureau organized the awarding of commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party" to veteran comrades. On June 28, the preliminary design reports of the two projects of the consolidation and improvement of the seawall of Sheyang Yanchang and the emergency protection of the seawall on the south side of the county Shuangyang Gate passed the special review of the Provincial Department of Water Resources.

On June 24, the Joint Examination and Approval Center of the Enterprise Life Cycle of the County Data Bureau launched the "start construction immediately after land acquisition" approval service, and innovatively implemented the mechanism of "early intervention + full agency + joint pre-examination + tolerance acceptance + simulated approval" to help the city's major projects complete the completion and issuance of 9 certificates within one day. On the same day, the county data bureau organized a special counseling meeting on the inventory of data resource assets and the publicity and implementation of the data asset entry policy.

On June 26, the on-site promotion meeting for the standardized construction of the grassroots monitoring institutions of the Yancheng ecological environment system was held in our county, and the Sheyang Ecological Environment Bureau made a typical exchange speech on the standardized construction.

On June 24, the county natural resources and planning bureau took the lead in promoting the "nine certificates" of two major municipal projects, once again refreshing the city's record of "multiple certificates being issued at the same time" and the speed of "starting construction as soon as the land is acquired". On June 25, the County Natural Resources and Planning Bureau held the 6.25 Land Day publicity activity of "Land Relations with You, Me and Him, Saving and Intensive Depends on Everyone" in Henglong Plaza.

Text: Wu Jieting, Huang Yan, Zhao Junjun