
Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

author:A little wind and a little wave
Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

Give the last piece, the delusional self-reserved land independent of the era of big data, and a little more support and care without money.

Also give yourself a little more free time outside of the algorithm.

本文经授权转载自公众号:GirlDaily (ID:kaishi09)

Author: Gigi

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has been broadcast for a while, but everyone has no intention of letting Zhang Ruoyun go.

The voices of netizens put him on the hot search every day.

There's no way, this brother is really hot this year.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

First, it unifies the aesthetics of the costume industry.

The plate is beautiful and smooth, what "people are like jade and unparalleled" has the most iconic presentation, Tang Yixin also eats too well!

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

Second, this brother really eats the bowl of rice from passers-by.

Fan Xian went offline, Zhang Ruoyun continued to be popular, with a clever mouth, more stalks than netizens, and the network cable was faster than anyone else.

Zhang Ruoyun, he is not "idle", he is really idle.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband
Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

Zhang Ruoyun often has a crazy handsomeness.

There is a legend in internal entertainment, called: Zhang Ruoyun turned off the lights at night and secretly memorized the stalk.

The reason is that he loves to connect with netizens, and he will not miss any opportunity to make memes, and he will be a blockbuster in every interview and answer.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

During the broadcast of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" alone, he made a lot of jokes.

Others asked: Does Fan Xian want to be an idler or a light person.

Zhang Ruoyun: Idle superman.

。。。 Homophonic stalks get rough away!!

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

and posting some bad stalks all year round, fans asked him if he could post a Biao, he posted Fan Wei's classic character Fan Debiao, with the text: Biao is coming.

You can tell if it's Biao.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

It's really every joke that hits our heads.

Sometimes, you can't guess what's going on in his clever little head.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

Some peripheral news about "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is also quite strange, in the play, Fan Xian opened his mouth when he spoke, and netizens asked him if he had tooth decay.

But for such a trivial matter, he also came out to reply in person, and people are still weird.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

and Fan Xian was seriously injured and uncomfortable to undergo surgery, and the camera shot it like this-

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

Netizens said that this performance is not afraid of giving birth to children......

As a result, Zhang Ruoyun really released the information in a script on Weibo: hideous, it feels like giving birth to a child.

(Of course, the rumors were later refuted when the script was filmed in "Knives in the Snow 2", but it can't be denied that the acting was really similar.) )

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

When it came to the publicity period of this drama, it was Zhang Ruoyun's turn to rush to the hot search!

Netizens said that he wore Tang Yixin's shoes out......

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

Later, he was pickpocketed, and sure enough, his wife has the same pair, Zhang Ruoyun, you kid!

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

When he filmed "Police Honor" with Bai Lu, he especially loved "being cheap".

At that time, Bailu happened to eat some fat.

Zhang Ruoyun asked the question on the spot: "Bailu eats fat" hit a book.

Answer: "White Deer Circle".

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

And Bailu said that Teacher Zhang likes to imitate her stomping her feet very much, and imitates it so much... harming others is not beneficial to oneself, there is a kind of crazy cheapness,

You kid, beware of being chased by the white deer.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

It's hard for Bailu to endure him for so long, who else doesn't know, Zhang Ruoyun is a super large conspicuous bag on a variety show.

Wu Lei asked him: Manager Zhang, why are your breasts so big?

Zhang Ruoyun's speed is super fast: Because I am diligent in exercising.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

There is no "lower limit" for playing games with Yue Yunpeng and Lin Gengxin, Xiao Yueyue stipulates that if you say one word, each person can only receive one word.

Lin updated the opening topic: Hello.

Zhang Ruoyun picked up in seconds: You are so sassy.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

Well, Zhang Ruoyun, do you want to take a look at what pictures you usually take that don't abide by male morality.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

Of course, if you tease others a lot, you will inevitably be targeted.

When playing the underwater breath-holding game, Zhang Ruoyun couldn't hold on to it before he poked his head down.

On-site timing: Hold your breath for two seconds.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

The director announced on the spot: Zhang Ruoyun is the shortest and fastest.

Zhang Ruoyun: Shut up!

After saying that, Brother Zhang immediately buried his head under the water again, a man who wants to be strong in his life......

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

boasted of having a "high-level world-weary face", but was debunked by He Jiong on the spot:

What a high-class face, isn't it a husky?

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

Zhang Ruoyun: I'm very angry, but I can't refute it.

Mom, Zhang Ruoyun was too similar in the early days, hahahaha.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

Anyway, no matter what time it is, Zhang Ruoyun's emotional value is full.

In the Spring Festival Gala, other audiences are performing fake smiles, he really loves to laugh.

even regarded the studio as his home, and netizens said that he was the happiest person in the Spring Festival Gala.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

Others are really pretending, but he doesn't act at all.

I'm also very happy to see him on other shows, and the husky in the world is well deserved.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband
Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

"Celebrating More Than Years" made Zhang Ruoyun successful, but it also picked up all his old things.

Chapter 1: "Zhang Ruoyun who is not mainstream".

I still remember that year, when the apricot blossoms were slightly raining, Zhang Ruoyun was still an unknown supporting role, so he was unscrupulous on Weibo.

I posted Weibo as a circle of friends.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

Zhang Ruoyun in the non-mainstream period, don't love selfies too much, honest, funny, honest and ignorant, as if he opened up the QQ space of the year.

Zhang Ruoyun: Brother is not good, but brother is not ugly!

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

Sink a little more, and he also took off in public: squeeze it... One more drum...

Stoop! Has Tang Yixin seen it......

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

Chapter 2: "Zhang Ruoyun and His Unlucky Daily".

I don't know where Zhang Ruoyun is looking for an assistant, he is not very smart, and he can steadily block the boss's way every time.

held an umbrella for Zhang Ruoyun, and almost didn't trip the boss.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

You can't grow a smart guy by eating a trench, this is an umbrella or a fan boss.

Zhang Ruoyun snatched the umbrella: Thank you, brother, I'll come by myself.

Zhang Ruoyun "went crazy" and stunned the whole network: Tang Yixin, take care of your husband

There are only three things, Zhang Ruoyun is an exception, this time the assistant is direct

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