
Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

author:Coke talks about the past and the present
Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother
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Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

In the star-studded entertainment industry, the love story of Liu Bei and Zhang Jian is like a drama with ups and downs. Their fate began on the set, and their feelings quietly grew in getting along day and night.

However, the lack of reunion and separation after marriage gradually cooled the relationship, and finally ended in a peaceful breakup.

The gears of fate continue to turn, and the two each experience new marriages and setbacks. Just when everyone thought they were drifting apart, a chance reunion rekindled long-buried feelings.

Their stories break the old saying that "a good horse doesn't eat grass" and illustrates the complexity of love and the unpredictability of life. What kind of experience made them decide to start over? Let's unravel the mystery of this emotion that transcends time and space.

Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

During her childhood, Liu Bei was fortunate to receive guidance from famous theater teachers such as Fu Liancheng and Li Wenmin, which laid a solid foundation for her future artistic career. In 1985, with her outstanding performance, Liu Bei was successfully admitted to the Beijing Academy of Drama Arts and began her formal artistic training.

After graduating, Liu Bei faced the first major choice in her life. She could have stayed in the "establishment" and lived a peaceful but popular life.

However, her inner love for acting drove her to make a bold decision - to give up her stable job and devote herself to the entertainment industry, which is full of unknowns and challenges.

Although this decision made her miss the role of "Concubine Li" in "The Burning of the Old Summer Palace", it also opened a door to a broader stage for her. With her family's connections and her own efforts, Liu Bei quickly made a name for herself in the entertainment industry.

Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

Although she was only a supporting role in "The Story of the Editorial Department", she got to know Ge You, Wang Shuo, Feng Xiaogang and other heavyweights in the circle, which paved the way for her future development.

However, the road to acting has not been easy. During the filming of "Bloody Jialing River", Liu Bei suffered a serious accident. Her eyes were accidentally scratched and she was at risk of possible blindness.

Between removing the eyeball and enduring surgery without anesthesia, Liu Bei chose the latter. She exchanged four hours of great pain for the hope of preserving her eyesight, and this strength and courage won the admiration of industry insiders, and Feng Xiaogang even called her "a heroine among women".

This accident brought huge physical and mental trauma to Liu Bei, and even made her think of quitting the showbiz for a while. However, the god of fate did not give up on this strong girl.

Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

After a period of low times, the famous director Chen Yanmin recommended her to the crew of "Kyoto Chronicle". Liu Bei successfully created the role of a female secretary in the play, regained her self-confidence, and opened a new chapter in her life.

From the influence of an artistic family, to the decision to bravely chase her dreams, to overcoming many difficulties to return to the stage, Liu Bei's growth process shows her love for art and perseverance.

This experience not only shaped her artistic career, but also laid a solid foundation for her later life path.

On the set of "Kyoto Chronicle", Liu Bei met one of the most important men in her life - Zhang Jian. As a heavyweight in the entertainment industry, Zhang Jian is not only the father of the well-known actor Zhang Ruoyun, but also a talented director and producer.

Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

His talent and charm were like a dazzling star, which soon attracted Liu Bei's attention.

Although Zhang Jian has experienced a marriage and has a son Zhang Ruoyun with his ex-wife Huang Ming, this has not become an obstacle for Liu Bei to fall in love with him. The two quickly fell in love, and soon entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

With Zhang Jian's strong support, Liu Bei's acting career is like riding a rocket and developing rapidly.

In 1993, Liu Bei's outstanding performance in the TV series "Addicted" won her the Golden Eagle Award for Best Supporting Actress. This is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also a sign of the steady improvement of her status in the entertainment industry.

Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

It is worth mentioning that in this play, she cooperated with Wang Zhiwen and Jiang Shan to witness the short-lived off-screen romance of this on-screen couple.

In 1997, the movie "Party A and Party B" starring Liu Bei pushed her to the peak of her career. She won the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actress with her superb acting skills, which is undoubtedly one of the most shining moments in her acting career.

However, fame often comes at a cost. As Liu Bei's fame climbed, her marriage to Zhang Jian began to face tests. The living state of gathering less and leaving more, coupled with the difference in personality, made this seemingly happy marriage crack.

During this marriage, Liu Bei also successfully discovered and cultivated the actor Wu Xiubo, who became popular later. At that time, Wu Xiubo was just an unknown resident singer in a song hall in Beijing.

Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

Liu Bei had a good eye, introduced him to the showbiz, and arranged for him to be his agent. Under Liu Bei's recommendation, Zhang Jian also favored Wu Xiubo and arranged an important role for him in the movie "Bird of Paradise".

This experience not only shows Liu Bei's vision for discovering talents, but also highlights her character of being willing to promote younger generations.

After the divorce, Liu Bei may be full of confusion and loss in her heart. But instead of being defeated by life, she chose to move on bravely. This marriage experience made Liu Bei more mature, and also laid the groundwork for her future love life.

Her story tells us that even under the bright stars, love needs to be managed with care, and the road of life is always full of unknowns and possibilities.

Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

After the divorce, Liu Bei did not lose hope in love. Just a year later, she met director Zhang Li while filming the TV series "Military Confidential". , a director known for his amorous feelings in the circle, attracted Liu Bei, who was in the emotional window period, with his unique charm.

Before Zhang Li met Liu Bei, he had experienced four marriages and could be called a veteran in the love field. However, this did not stop Liu Bei from developing feelings for him. The two fell in love day and night, and finally decided to join hands in the palace of marriage.

Liu Bei looked forward to a new life with hope, and soon gave birth to a lovely boy for Zhang Li.

However, this marriage was not as happy as Liu Bei expected. Zhang Li seems to have a hard time changing his amorous nature. During the filming of the movie "Once Upon a Time in China", Zhang Li's interaction with the heroine Song Jia frequently attracted media attention.

Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

Whenever Song Jia's scenes are involved, Zhang Li will personally guide, and this intimate working relationship makes Liu Bei's marriage precarious.

In the end, the marriage ended in failure. Liu Bei had to face the difficult situation of a single mother alone. She had to find a balance between her career and her family, taking care of her young children while maintaining her acting career.

This is undoubtedly a severe test for Liu Bei.

Liu Bei's experience tells us that even if we encounter setbacks, we should not give up the pursuit of happiness. Life may give us trials, but as long as we remain strong and courageous, we will eventually usher in a new turn.

Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

Life's turning point often comes unexpectedly. When Liu Bei thought that she would face the future alone, the god of fate favored her again. Her ex-husband Zhang Jian, the man who had left her, reappeared in her life.

After learning the news of Liu Bei's divorce, Zhang Jian showed unusual concern. Perhaps out of concern for his old friends, or perhaps because of the feelings that still exist in his heart, Zhang Jian began to appear frequently in Liu Bei's life.

His thoughtfulness and care, like a ray of warm sunshine, slowly melted the ice in Liu Bei's heart.

As time passed, the affection between the two gradually warmed up. Liu Bei was surprised to find that although they had been separated, Zhang Jian seemed to have always held a special place in her heart.

Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

And Zhang Jian also realized that maybe he had never really let go of this former wife.

After experiencing other relationships, both have become more mature and know how to cherish. They begin to take a fresh look at each other and find that the issues that led to their separation no longer seem to be an obstacle.

So, in the surprised eyes of everyone, Liu Bei and Zhang Jian decided to start over.

This decision has undoubtedly caused quite a stir. Especially for Zhang Ruoyun, his father's remarriage means that he will have an extra stepmother and half-brother.

Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

However, Zhang Ruoyun, who has become an adult, has shown rare understanding and tolerance. Not only did he accept his father's decision, but he also promised to be kind to his new family, showing maturity beyond his years.

For Liu Bei, being able to regain happiness is undoubtedly another turning point in her life. This experience made her understand that there is no fixed pattern for love, and the important thing is to find someone who can make her feel at ease and happy.

It is worth mentioning that while Liu Bei and Zhang Jian got back together, Zhang Jian also experienced his own emotional twists and turns. After divorcing Liu Bei, he quickly married a post-90s woman and added a younger brother to Zhang Ruoyun.

However, this marriage also ended in failure, probably due to the large age difference, which led to a large gap in the ideology of the two parties.

Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

The reunion of Liu Bei and Zhang Jian seems to be an arrangement of fate. Their story tells us that a sincere relationship may go through twists and turns, but as long as there is still each other in our hearts, there is always the possibility of starting over.

This love across time and space not only breaks the prejudices of the world, but also interprets the true meaning of love for us - tolerance, understanding and cherishing.

Looking back on Liu Bei's life trajectory, we see the extraordinary courage and tenacity shown by a woman in her career and relationship. Her story is a revelation for us.

In her career, Liu Bei had the courage to break the routine, gave up the stable "in-establishment" work, and resolutely devoted herself to the unknown showbiz. Even though she suffered a serious eye injury, she still gritted her teeth and persevered, and with amazing perseverance, she finally gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

This kind of courage to pursue dreams and perseverance in the face of difficulties is worth learning from.

In her love life, despite experiencing two failed marriages, Liu Bei did not lose confidence in love. She had the courage to face the past, and when she reunited with Zhang Jian, she chose to give each other a chance to start over.

This persistent pursuit of happiness shows the strength of her heart.

In the face of social pressure and doubts from public opinion, especially in the matter of getting back together with her ex-husband, Liu Bei has always insisted on her choice. She proved with practical actions that happiness does not lie in meeting the expectations of others, but in listening to her own inner voice.

Liu Bei's love history: Abandoned by her fifth-married husband, she turned around and found her ex-husband again, and now she is still Zhang Ruoyun's stepmother

Liu Bei's story tells us that life is full of accidents and possibilities. Whether it is in our career or in our relationship, as long as we maintain courage and perseverance, we will definitely find our own happiness.

Her experience has undoubtedly provided valuable life wisdom for many people.

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