
Qilihe District: Revitalizing Rural Resources, "Agriculture" Heavy Ink Painting Creates a New Scene of Happiness

author:Seven Mile River release

Eat seasonal fruits, just like now, melons and peaches are on the market. At this time, walking into Qilihe Pengjiaping, Bali Town and other places, we saw a variety of possibilities for joint prosperity, high-quality rural industries, neat and beautiful villages, flower-decorated courtyards and smiling faces of harvest joy. It is as if you have walked into the world of fruits and vegetables, and the fruit and vegetable fields are dizzying, where the strong aroma of melons and fruits is under the shade of the trees, and it also witnesses that Qilihe District has embarked on a unique road of rural revitalization and prosperity.

Qilihe District: Revitalizing Rural Resources, "Agriculture" Heavy Ink Painting Creates a New Scene of Happiness

In recent years, Qilihe District has actively explored new ways of industrial transformation and upgrading, developed rural characteristic industries in the effective connection between consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, vigorously promoted the cultivation of green pollution-free vegetables, and expanded the planting scale of cash crops such as medicinal materials and forest fruits. One by one, "melon and fruit villages", "vegetable townships", "lily towns" and other special agricultural products have broken through the "soil", and strive to form an agricultural development pattern of "one village, one product", continuously expand the village-level collective economy, broaden the channels for increasing income, and drive more farmers to take the "express train" of increasing income and getting rich.

Adjust the structure and expand the space according to local conditions

Adapt agricultural production to market demand

Qilihe District: Revitalizing Rural Resources, "Agriculture" Heavy Ink Painting Creates a New Scene of Happiness

"The grenade crispy melon is crunchy and refreshing, juicy and very sweet, and is deeply loved by consumers." Now is the season of melons and fruits, and the two canopy crispy melons planted by the Lianxing Rural Tourism Farmers' Professional Cooperative in Shibanshan Village, Pengjiaping Town, are ripe. In previous years, the greenhouses mainly planted strawberries, as well as a small number of cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes and other seasonal vegetables, but from April to August, strawberries could not be planted, resulting in most of the greenhouses being idle. In order to effectively use land resources and improve the economic benefits of cooperatives, under the guidance and help of the Agricultural Technology Extension Station of Qilihe District Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Lianxing Cooperatives introduced crispy melons this year and began trial planting in May. In the past few years, Wang has not only obtained a stable income in the farmland, but also mastered the planting technology of new varieties through diligent study.

Qilihe District: Revitalizing Rural Resources, "Agriculture" Heavy Ink Painting Creates a New Scene of Happiness

"Actually, in Lanzhou, the peaches of Shuimogou are the most delicious. Although peaches are mostly sweet, their sweetness is different, and the taste is particularly good. Ms. Ma, who was picking peaches at the fruit shop, said. In the renewal of varieties in recent years, Bali Town has worked hard to explore and break the constraints of agricultural resources, turned the field into a classroom, practiced agricultural practical technology many times, and found peach varieties with good taste and long storage period such as Baifeng, Shahong, Laishan honey and Huayu that are more suitable for their own planting, and cultivated leading enterprises and planting cooperatives. And successfully registered the trademark of "Shuimogou Peach", and used "e-commerce + farmers" to form an industrial model integrating fresh peach production, supply and marketing, and constantly created the brand influence of "Shuimogou Peach", so that planting operators can have benefits and processing enterprises can benefit.

Key industries have expanded their coverage and growth, improved quality and efficiency

The integrated development of industries creates new opportunities

Farmland standards are raised, and efficiency and income are increased. Qilihe District regards the construction of high-standard farmland as a fundamental measure to build a modern agricultural pattern, promotes ecological protection and industrial upgrading as a whole, and builds agriculture into a modern industry. Weiling Township takes Xiaoshankou Village, Luhua Village, Baijiaxian Village and other important breakthroughs to carry out the "Mountains, Rivers, Forests and Fields Battle", fully excavate the regional characteristics and the diversified value of the countryside, promote the expansion and growth of key industries such as tourism agriculture and facility agriculture, improve quality and efficiency, further optimize the industrial structure that enriches farmers' income, and effectively promote the integrated development of "primary and tertiary industries". Today's Weiling Township industrial development has a good foundation, after industrial cultivation and development, lilies, cucumbers, tomatoes, organic cauliflower, potatoes, fruit corn, cream strawberries and Chinese medicinal materials and other agricultural products have been listed, well received by the market.

Qilihe District: Revitalizing Rural Resources, "Agriculture" Heavy Ink Painting Creates a New Scene of Happiness

Create a leading industry + path

Boost with new formats and new models

Construction of rural revitalization demonstration belt

Qilihe District: Revitalizing Rural Resources, "Agriculture" Heavy Ink Painting Creates a New Scene of Happiness

Industrial revitalization is a key part of rural revitalization. Xiguoyuan Town selects the lily industry as the leading industry according to local conditions, adheres to the market demand to broaden business channels, pays close attention to the cultivation of rural business entities, encourages and supports social capital to participate in the construction of rural revitalization demonstration belts, actively explores the path of "industry +", "Internet +", "ecology +" and "cultural tourism +", vigorously develops new formats and new models, builds a lily industry chain integrating production, marketing and research, promotes the brand development and construction of agricultural production bases in the town, and takes multiple measures to promote the modernization and industrialization of agriculture. It is a microcosm of the town's efforts to build a high-quality agricultural brand, and it is also a witness to the continuous improvement of people's livelihood.

Qilihe District: Revitalizing Rural Resources, "Agriculture" Heavy Ink Painting Creates a New Scene of Happiness

Lanzhou leeks have been famous for a long time, and every year on the winter solstice, Lanzhou people have become a habit to make dumplings with leeks. In recent years, Huangyu Town has adhered to the combination of leading and characteristics, focusing on the construction goal of "large-scale, distinctive, and high-level", relying on the characteristics of regional climate, and striving to expand the leek industry. In terms of standardized production of leeks, through the accumulation of planting experience and the guidance of agricultural technicians, planted in accordance with the pollution-free leek production technical regulations, and the selection of "Lanzhou leek" excellent local varieties, its plant growth potential is strong, tillering ability is strong, the quality is fresh and tender, the yield and quality of leeks continue to improve, and it is deeply loved by consumers.

Harmony between production and ecology

To develop "green content" to help

The "gold content" of Hemei countryside

The new houses are scattered, the roads extend in all directions, and the flowers and fruits are abundant in front of the house and behind the house...... Qilihe District firmly establishes the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", adheres to the new path of high-quality development guided by ecological priority and green development, and makes all-round efforts from project planning, soil and water conservation, ecological restoration, environmental pollution prevention and control, etc., and further promotes the improvement of the rural living environment, implements village greening and lighting, toilet renovation and other projects, and implements the special action of "Ten Thousand Trees in Villages and Green Beautiful Villages" along National Highway 212, around the village road, household roads, streets and lanes, as well as in the vacant land around the village, along the rivers and ditches. It has created a Lanpai village full of characteristic charm.

Qilihe District: Revitalizing Rural Resources, "Agriculture" Heavy Ink Painting Creates a New Scene of Happiness
Qilihe District: Revitalizing Rural Resources, "Agriculture" Heavy Ink Painting Creates a New Scene of Happiness

The fragrant peaches, the cries of selling one after another, the green and sweet vegetable melons...... Industries are full of vitality, farmhouse courtyards are rejuvenated, and roads extend in all directions. In the middle of summer, walking on the land on the outskirts of Qilihe District, melons and fruits are fragrant and refreshing, and a new picture of rural revitalization with beautiful villages, strong industries, rich villagers and good rural customs is spreading and extending to the fullest.

Reporter: Jia Lina Editor-in-Chief: Wang Nan Review: Chen Yaling

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