
"Daughter-bearing families" are no longer popular? In less than 20 years, families with daughters are facing 4 major problems, which is very realistic

author:Cuckoo Mom

My mother went to my uncle's house and came back to tell me that my aunt was crying with snot and tears at home.

I hurriedly asked what was going on.

It turned out that my cousin Sissi had a foreign boyfriend, and it was difficult to give up, and it had reached the point of talking about marriage.

But my uncle and aunt are resolutely opposed, just this one daughter, marry abroad, what should I do if I call them an old couple in the future? What's the difference between this and losing a daughter?

Xixi said that now that the transportation is developed, even if you marry a little farther, it's not that you won't come back, as for it?

My uncle and aunt felt that although the transportation was convenient, the distance was here. Once a woman gets married and has children, how can she have the time and energy to run to her parents' house?

"Daughter-bearing families" are no longer popular? In less than 20 years, families with daughters are facing 4 major problems, which is very realistic

If you get married, your parents can still see it from time to time. If you marry far away, your parents can really only rely on thinking. Moreover, the daughter is in a foreign country, and once there is any difficulty, the parents can only be anxious, and they can't help if they want to.

Can this not make parents sad?

They are at a stalemate, and no one will let anyone.

My aunt cried to my mother and told me that it was difficult to give birth to a daughter, and that there were many more things to worry about when giving birth to a daughter than giving birth to a son.

There are children and daughters, and there are joys and sorrows. However, I have asked many mothers if they would prefer to have a son or a daughter? Most of their choices are to have sons.

It's not that it's about giving birth to a daughter, and parents do face more problems.

"Daughter-bearing families" are no longer popular? In less than 20 years, families with daughters will face four major problems, which is very realistic.

"Daughter-bearing families" are no longer popular? In less than 20 years, families with daughters are facing 4 major problems, which is very realistic

One: safety issues from childhood

On the way of a girl's growth, we pay more attention to her safety.

I'm afraid that she will be in danger alone, afraid that she will be harassed by bad people, afraid that she will be violated, and when she grows up, she is even more afraid that she will be in danger.

Although we are also worried about the safety of boys, boys are relatively safe compared to girls. He is stronger and more powerful, and even in the face of danger, he still has a certain ability to protect himself.

Two: Mental health problems

When raising boys, parents will raise them rougher. It's okay for a boy to fall, it's okay to fight at school, and boys are better than strength and strength.

And girls are more delicate and emotionally more susceptible to injury.

Cissy was very timid and weak when she was a child, and was often bullied by other girls in her class. There are even some girls who deliberately isolate and exclude her.

At that time, Sissy often went home crying and did not want to go to school. My uncle and aunt also thought of a lot of ways to help Sissy through that time in the end.

The conflict between girls is more subtle than that of boys, but it hurts mental health more. As a parent, it's inevitable that you'll worry more.

"Daughter-bearing families" are no longer popular? In less than 20 years, families with daughters are facing 4 major problems, which is very realistic

Three: Worried that the girl will take a detour

When the daughter enters puberty, the parents have to worry about her taking a detour.

A slightly more beautiful girl may be liked by the opposite sex, receive a love letter or be confessed.

And girls are more emotional, and we are worried that adolescent girls will have a good impression of the opposite sex, will fall in love, and will do wrong things and take detours. Especially in the emotional area, whether physical or psychological, girls are more likely to be hurt.

Once you go the wrong way, a girl's life may change.

Four: I am worried that my daughter's marriage will suffer

To say that parents are most worried about their daughter's marriage.

After all, marriage is like a second reincarnation for a girl. Parents are afraid that their daughter will marry the wrong person and waste her life.

Moreover, many times, even if the marriage is unhappy, for the sake of children, many women will choose to forbear.

Parents are not only worried that their daughter will be wronged in marriage, but also worried that she will not handle the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law well, which will lead to family disharmony.

Also, one of the things that girls suffer more than boys is the birth of children.

"Daughter-bearing families" are no longer popular? In less than 20 years, families with daughters are facing 4 major problems, which is very realistic

As a person who has come before, mothers must know the pain of childbirth, and when their beloved daughter also has to go through this experience, most mothers will feel distressed and uncomfortable.

Therefore, many mothers will want to have a son, but they don't want their children to go through the hardships they have endured again.

In addition to marriage, parents are also worried about their daughter's financial problems after marriage.

When a girl becomes a mother, the pressure will be even greater. If she takes care of her family and does her best to take care of the baby and take care of the family, her value may be buried.

Many times, a housewife will be perceived by outsiders or even her husband that she has done nothing but spending her husband's and using her husband's.

And the suffering of a housewife is known only to her. The days of reaching out and asking others for money are not so easy.

And once she doesn't take the child out to work, if the child has any problems, most of them will feel that it is because the mother did not bring it well. And as a mother, I definitely want to spend more time with my children.

"Daughter-bearing families" are no longer popular? In less than 20 years, families with daughters are facing 4 major problems, which is very realistic

Many times, after giving birth to a child, women are in a dilemma. As a parent, when I see my daughter's difficulties, sometimes I just can't help it.

Therefore, many people want to have a son, not because they love their son more, but because they feel that having a girl requires more worry and more distress.

Are you a son or a daughter?

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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