
"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", do you agree with the statement of the older generation?

author:Cuckoo Mom

When I was a child, I liked to listen to a group of old people chatting the most.

The content of their conversation ranged from interesting stories within a radius of ten miles, as well as various mythological stories and magical folklore.

At that time, I often heard my grandmother say, "Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight." Then, she would tell some rumors. I listened with relish.

At that time, she also told me that when they grow up and have children, boys and girls should avoid these two hours, otherwise it will be unlucky.

When I really grew up and became a parent, I realized that in fact, no matter what time I have a child, as long as the adults and children are safe and healthy, it is very good.

As for the "hour" that the older generation paid attention to, it was actually a kind of awe of the ancients.

However, what is the mystery of this statement, which will make the older generation so taboo?

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", do you agree with the statement of the older generation?

One: Women are afraid of being born at noon

If you want to ask, what time of day is the sun the strongest?

We would definitely say that it was around 12 noon, which is "noon". In the middle of the day, especially in the summer, most people don't go out to hang out, because they may suffer from heat stroke.

We feel that this is the time of day when the yang energy is at its highest.

In ancient times, the standard and requirement for women was to be as gentle and obedient as water, to be husband and child, not to be ambitious, and not to make meritorious contributions.

If a girl is born when her yang energy is at its strongest, then she may also have masculinity like a man, or she may be too strong and not feminine.

Such a girl will either suppress her husband in the future, or she will be too rigid and easy to break, which is not good.

For the society at that time, it was definitely better to expect girls to be gentle. For parents, they will also feel that if their daughter can be smart and gentle, she will marry better in the future and her fate will be better.

Therefore, there is a saying that "women are afraid of being born at noon".

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", do you agree with the statement of the older generation?

Two: Men are afraid of midnight

In our culture, the harmony of yin and yang is the most important.

If 12 o'clock in the day is the time when the yang energy is the heaviest, then correspondingly, 12 o'clock in the evening is the time when the "yin energy" is the strongest.

In fact, not only in ancient times, but even now, we will feel that boys still need to be sunny, strong, and masculine.

And if you are born when the yin qi is at its heaviest, parents will worry that when the child grows up, he will not be too weak and lack manliness, right?

In addition, medical care was not developed at that time, unlike now, we can go to the hospital at any time, and if we can't have a normal delivery, we can also have a caesarean section.

But in ancient times, the level of medical care was not developed, and if the mother gave birth in the middle of the night, everyone was already asleep at this time, and it was difficult to call the midwife or doctor.

If something goes wrong, both mother and child may be in danger. What's more, in ancient times, people valued boys more. If the boy dies because of the time, it is a great loss.

Therefore, the older generation will taboo boys born in the middle of the night.

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", do you agree with the statement of the older generation?

Three: Boys and girls

With the development and progress of society, we have slowly discarded some of our previous ideas.

Now everyone thinks that giving birth to a boy and a girl is the same, and that a person's destiny is in their own hands, not affected by the time of birth.

Boys and girls can be very good and gentle. So how can we raise them better?

● Build a sense of security:

Regardless of the boy or girl, we need to give him enough security. Only when children are full of security will they have more courage to explore the world and develop themselves in the future.

This requires us to create a good family environment and create a loving and warm family atmosphere.

If mom and dad have an argument, it is also best to avoid the child and not quarrel fiercely in front of the child, so that the child will be very scared and insecure.

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", do you agree with the statement of the older generation?

●Cultivating Independence:

We need to cultivate children's independence, let them do what they can, and don't do everything.

Only when a child is independent, can he go more solidly, more steadily and further in the future.

● More love and encouragement

If children can feel the love of their parents from time to time, then their hearts are full. If they feel encouraged by their parents, they will be more confident and more likely to succeed in the future.

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", do you agree with the statement of the older generation?

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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