
The third phase of the third phase of the party building secretary of the organ

author:Qiaokou release
The third phase of the third phase of the party building secretary of the organ

Editor's note

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "the building of the Party in organs is the fundamental guarantee for the construction of organs". In recent years, under the strong leadership of the district committee, the organs and units directly under the district have closely followed the responsibility positioning of "focusing on the center, building the team, and serving the masses", comprehensively strengthened the party building, and the party building atmosphere of the organs has become stronger and stronger, and the service center has achieved better and better results, providing a strong guarantee for the high-quality development of Qiaokou.

The year 2024 marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 5th anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Party Building Work Conference of the Central Committee and State Organs. In order to further implement the important requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "secretary grasping and grasping secretary", on the occasion of the "July 1st" Party Day, the Working Committee of the Organs directly under the Qiaokou District Party Committee has launched the column of "Talks about the Party Building Secretaries of the Organs", and the secretaries of the party groups (party committees) of some district-level units will focus on the party building work of the organs to show their achievements, talk about ideas, and clarify measures, promote the integrated development of party building work and business work, and ensure the high-quality development of Qiaokou with high-quality party building as the guide.

This journal publishes the experience and practices of the Qiaokou District Health Bureau for all units to learn from.

Party building empowers the health city

Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Qiaokou District Health Bureau

Zhang Jin

Qiaokou District Health Bureau deeply understands General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on party building, conscientiously implements the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on health work, focuses on building a strong branch fortress, takes protecting the health of the masses as the foundation, and takes the innovation of party building carriers as the direction, and does a good job in party building work with the spirit of "going to the trip", leading the high-quality development of grassroots health undertakings with high-quality party building, and gathering the strength to build a healthy city.

Focus on the leadership of the party committee

In-depth docking of health needs

Take the people's health in the new era

"Rush to the test"

Adhere to the high position and the direction of development. Take party building to lead the high-quality development of grassroots health as the overall "first project", establish a clear orientation of "the party's work covers the end of every branch", strengthen the party building work "one theme per year" and "one branch with one characteristic", promote the construction of branches of public and non-public medical institutions in the whole region, and effectively enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of party organizations.

The third phase of the third phase of the party building secretary of the organ

Adhere to high standards and deepen theoretical arming. With the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as the main line, we will carry out the study and education of party discipline in a solid manner, and guide party members and cadres to learn, know, understand and abide by discipline by holding reading classes, warning education, special counseling, and party committee secretaries giving party lectures. Promote the education of party members to "take the lead in learning + in-depth learning + diversified learning", promote cadres to improve the "political power" of party members and cadres, grassroots medical service ability, and cultivate and develop new quality productivity of health care.

The third phase of the third phase of the party building secretary of the organ

Persist in responding to the public's health expectations with high efficiency. Widely carried out the theme practice activity of "carrying forward the 'three spirits' and striving to create a pioneer team for the rejuvenation of Qiaokou", 100 traditional Chinese medicine cultural festivals benefited more than 200,000 residents, and 94 family doctor service teams built a strong health defense line at the doorstep; Focusing on health Qiaokou, we will continue to build the party building brand of "Warmth Project" of community health service centers, pass on the torch of Qihuang and Xinglin to the grassroots level, and bloom new medical technologies and projects to effectively solve the "urgency, difficulty and longing" of the people's health.

Focus on pioneer exploration

The critical minority leads the majority

Encourage grassroots health care

"Step New High"

Boost the spirit and spirit with the construction of entrepreneurial culture. Inspired by the spirit of "breaking the wharf, going on rafts, and picking up flat burdens", we will actively play the core leadership role of the Party Committee of the Bureau, encourage all Party members to be pioneers and set an example, take the initiative to lead with the spirit of "hard work and initiative", and "start a second business" on the grassroots health front. Pan Lingzhuang, Huang Ying, Luo Hao, Wang Xiaohui and other young cadres and grassroots medical workers have walked out of Qiaokou and won the national advanced commendation.

The third phase of the third phase of the party building secretary of the organ

To educate talents, introduce talents, and build a gathering energy field. In March this year, 50 grassroots backbones of Qiaokou health system "formed a group" to study in Beijing and drove a "EMU" to improve their capabilities. Party building leads talents to "invite in", and strives to create a "new highland" for medical talents to gather around policy guarantees, nesting and attracting phoenixes, capacity improvement and specialty construction. Party building leads talents to "re-improve", further improves the party spirit cultivation and performance ability of grassroots party members and cadres, and promotes the party affairs work of the health system to a new level.

Spotlight on the brand

Promote the mutual integration and promotion of the party industry

Build a comprehensive protection of the health of the masses

"New Template"

Adhere to the party building to lead the overall situation of the service center. Establish the banner of "Party Building Leads Health Together", and deploys, implements and assesses the party building work with the medical and health system reform, public health services, medical quality improvement and other business work, leads the business work with party building, and tests the results of party building work with the results of business work. Carry out the construction of clean and honest hospitals in depth, take the centralized rectification of corruption in the field of medicine and the unhealthy trends and corruption around the masses as the starting point, deeply integrate the construction of party style and clean government and health work, and promote the construction of team building with the construction of work style, so as to create a clean and upright political ecology.

The third phase of the third phase of the party building secretary of the organ

Encourage all branches to build a characteristic brand of party building. With the goal of satisfying the masses, the Hanjiadun Street Community Health Service Center has created a party building brand of "Warm Project, Medical Warmth of the People's Heart", and the "88 Measures of Warm Heart" have greatly improved the patients' experience of seeking medical treatment. The Hanzhong Street Community Health Service Center leads the culture of traditional Chinese medicine with party building, creates a party building brand of "medical heart to the party, Xinglin benefits the people", and implements the "10 Hanzhong Articles" such as regular consultation by experts from large hospitals and setting up drug consultation windows according to local conditions, which has been affirmed by the Municipal Health Commission. Combined with the characteristics of the service area, the Hanzheng Street Community Health Service Center has created a party building brand of "business-friendly, livable and healthy guardian" to guard the "health door" for the residents in the jurisdiction. The Party Branch of the Liujiaoting Street Community Health Service Center bravely stepped into the "deep water area" of smart medical care and established the first integrated medical and elderly care service station in Hubei Province to explore the Qiaokou path for party building to lead the innovative practice of "integration of medical care and health care". The Party Branch of the District Health Law Enforcement Brigade actively stimulates the endogenous power of non-public medical institutions, carries out the interconnection and co-construction of branches, and leads the high-quality development of non-public medical institutions with high-quality party building.

The third phase of the third phase of the party building secretary of the organ

Party building is combat effectiveness, competitiveness is deep, and creativity is creativity. Qiaokou District Health Bureau will always keep in mind the mission, have the courage to take responsibility, and do a good job in party building with higher standards, stricter requirements and more practical measures, so as to make new and greater contributions to the construction of a healthy Qiaokou and the improvement of people's well-being!

The third phase of the third phase of the party building secretary of the organ

Source: District Health Bureau

Producer: Propaganda Department of Qiaokou District Committee of the Communist Party of China Qiaokou District Financial Media Center

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