
Welcome to the "July 1st" series of activities, come and see!

author:Qiaokou release

2024 is the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Welcome to the "July 1st" series of activities, come and see!

Hanzhong Street

Praise the motherland and praise Hanzhong

On June 27, Hanzhong Street held the "Praise the Motherland, Praise Hanzhong" Hanzhong Red Song Festival and celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and more than 100 representatives of various communities, districts, sinking units, non-public enterprise party organizations and party members participated in the activities.

Welcome to the "July 1st" series of activities, come and see!

At the event, the party members who have reached the 50th anniversary of the party were awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", and warm congratulations and high respect were expressed to them. Under the leadership of the representatives of the party members of "50 years of glory in the party", 7 party members who have completed the preparatory period solemnly raised their right fists and took the oath of regularization.

Welcome to the "July 1st" series of activities, come and see!

In the theatrical performance, the Wuhan Philharmonic Orchestra brought instrumental sextets, and the melodious sound of the piano expressed its praise to the motherland; Wuhan Peking Opera Company and Changshou Community brought a chorus of "No Communist Party, No New China", which pushed the warm atmosphere of the scene to a climax. The song and dance performances carefully choreographed by the Third People's Hospital of Hubei Province and the Fourth Hospital of Wuhan City sang the classic red melody, showing the "two-way running" between the co-construction unit and the community party committee. The corporate party members of the Yuexiu Fortune Center building sang the praises of the motherland affectionately, showing the integration of party building work with enterprise development and corporate governance.

Hanshuiqiao Street

Strengthen ideals and beliefs and gather the strength to forge ahead

On the day of the event, the street leaders awarded the commemorative medal of "50th Anniversary of Glory in the Party" to the seven old party members in the district, and extended their high respect and heartfelt blessings to them. The propaganda group of young party members of the liberation community brought "80 and 90 Party Discipline", which helped the majority of party members and the masses to understand the requirements and significance of party discipline in the form of three and a half sentences, enhance the sense of discipline, make theoretical preaching popular, discipline education daily, and create a clean and upright political ecology.

Welcome to the "July 1st" series of activities, come and see!

Representatives of various communities in Hanshuiqiao Street signed an agreement on co-residency and co-construction with representatives of the two new party organizations, aiming to build a resource information sharing platform, promote the joint construction and co-construction of grassroots party organizations in the street, and realize mutual benefit and win-win results and collaborative co-governance between grassroots governance and enterprise development.

Welcome to the "July 1st" series of activities, come and see!

The performances of the grassroots party organizations were also colorful. The three grassroots governance pioneer teams of the street (I love the 5+ Autonomous Pioneer Team, the Old Housekeeper Volunteer Service Team, and the 9851 Volunteer Service Team) brought the sitcom "I Wish You Peace" and "9851" and the speech "Pioneer Has Me, I Love "Five +", which integrated community governance into the daily life of the people, which was witty, vivid and meaningful, and won bursts of applause.

Hanjiadun Street

Reminiscing the glorious years and praising the glorious and prosperous times

Guwu Community, together with Hubei Overseas Geological Cause Center, Hanjiadun Street Health Service Center, Qiaokou District Lefu Kindergarten, and the District Literary and Art Volunteer Service Team, etc., carried out a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, 14 programs were staged in turn, and the party members and the masses gathered together to praise with singing, and lyrical with dance, and jointly offered deep respect and sincere blessings to the party.

Welcome to the "July 1st" series of activities, come and see!

Yunhe Community, together with the Qiaokou District Cultural Center, presented a theatrical performance with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st with One Heart and Creating Happiness Together" for the community residents. "Singing the Motherland", "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", "Our Chinese Dream" and other performances were wonderful, with loud singing and cheerful dancing, leading the audience to recite the praise in their hearts and relive the glorious years of the party.

The Gusi community and the Zengjia community held a centralized awarding ceremony for the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", and the representatives of the old party members told the original intention of joining the party on the spot, relived the struggle process, thanked the party for its care and cultivation, and expressed that they would continue to strengthen their beliefs and exert their residual heat.

Welcome to the "July 1st" series of activities, come and see!

The comprehensive community carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities, and presented the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the old party members who have reached the 50th anniversary of the party and have difficulty in moving, thanking them for always upholding the original mission and dedicating their youth to the party and the revolutionary cause since joining the party 50 years ago. He also had a knee-to-knee conversation with the veteran party members to learn more about their family life and health conditions, and hoped that they would take care of their health and always maintain their true qualities as communist party members.

The Party Committee of Erudite Community and the Party Branch of Wuhan Financial Holding Modern Supply Chain Company jointly carried out the July 1st co-construction activity of "Party Rules, Party Discipline, Strong Party Spirit, and Jointly Create Cohesion", and jointly attended the Party discipline education party class, and at the same time discussed and conspired to promote the work around the high-frequency problems of the community, and sent "July 1st" holiday greetings to the party members and residents in difficulty, and jointly enhanced the cohesion of party building to lead grassroots governance.

Looking back on the party's development process, it is only through the hard work of generations of Chinese communists that they have achieved today's brilliant achievements. Today, with the development of Qiaokou, there are also groups of outstanding Communist Party members, inheriting the party's fighting spirit, and writing a new chapter in the development of Qiaokou's various undertakings with a sense of responsibility and the courage to be the first.

Welcome to the "July 1st" series of activities, come and see!

Source: Qiaokou release

Producer: Propaganda Department of Qiaokou District Committee of the Communist Party of China Qiaokou District Financial Media Center

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