
"The liver is clear, and the body is light"! Eat 4 kinds of vegetables often, clear heat and detoxify, reduce fire and dryness, and spend the summer peacefully

author:Tea food heart

Summer is coming, the weather is getting hotter day by day, and our body is also starting to "lose your temper", especially liver fire. Speaking of liver fire, it may remind you of those restless nights, and even small skin problems start to "report in" frequently. It's not just the weather, it's our bodies that remind us that it's time to clear the fire and spend the summer with ease.

"The liver is clear, and the body is light"! Eat 4 kinds of vegetables often, clear heat and detoxify, reduce fire and dryness, and spend the summer peacefully

You may ask, what do I feel when my liver is too hot? Often, you may feel irritable, have trouble sleeping, have headaches, dizziness, and even have a dry mouth. In the long run, these problems may become more severe, affecting our work and quality of life. While medications can help us temporarily alleviate these symptoms, it is up to our daily diet to truly restore our body to its best.

"The liver is clear, and the body is light"! Eat 4 kinds of vegetables often, clear heat and detoxify, reduce fire and dryness, and spend the summer peacefully

So, what ingredients can help us effectively clear the liver fire, detoxify and reduce the fire? Next, I'm going to share four superingredients that are not only delicious but also help you cope with the challenges of summer. These ingredients, which are easily incorporated into your diet every day, can help you clear away heat and detoxify and keep you feeling refreshed and comfortable all summer long.

1. Loofah (garlic loofah)

"The liver is clear, and the body is light"! Eat 4 kinds of vegetables often, clear heat and detoxify, reduce fire and dryness, and spend the summer peacefully

The loofah is not only a refreshing product in summer, but also a super heat-relieving ingredient. It contains a lot of water and vitamin C, making it ideal for consumption during the hot summer months, helping the body to replenish lost water and nutrients. Eating loofah can clear away heat and detoxify, and combat the discomfort caused by the high temperature in summer. In addition, the loofah also contains a special ingredient that can help clean up impurities in the blood, reduce the burden on the liver, and let the liver fire slowly subside.

"The liver is clear, and the body is light"! Eat 4 kinds of vegetables often, clear heat and detoxify, reduce fire and dryness, and spend the summer peacefully

In terms of cooking, loofah is also extremely versatile, and can be used in stewed soups or stir-fried with meat. In particular, the loofah shrimp stew is not only delicious, but also enhances the cooling sensation of the body, so that you can maintain a relaxed and happy mood in the summer.

2. Zucchini (zucchini scrambled eggs)

"The liver is clear, and the body is light"! Eat 4 kinds of vegetables often, clear heat and detoxify, reduce fire and dryness, and spend the summer peacefully

Zucchini is rich in nutrients, especially high in potassium, making it ideal for consumption during the summer months to balance the body's electrolytes. It is also high in water, which helps the body maintain its water balance and avoid dehydration caused by excessive sweating. Zucchini also has a lesser-known benefit, which is that it can help lower uric acid levels in the blood, and for those who want to cool off in the summer, adding some zucchini is a good choice in your diet.

"The liver is clear, and the body is light"! Eat 4 kinds of vegetables often, clear heat and detoxify, reduce fire and dryness, and spend the summer peacefully

Zucchini can also be cooked in a variety of ways, and can be made into a coleslaw or stir-fried with other vegetables. Stir-fried zucchini not only retains its sweet taste, but also allows you to cool your body while enjoying the delicious taste.

3. Lily (Loquat Lily Sydney Soup)

"The liver is clear, and the body is light"! Eat 4 kinds of vegetables often, clear heat and detoxify, reduce fire and dryness, and spend the summer peacefully

Lilies are not only beautiful flowers, but also a high-quality health ingredient. It is rich in starch, protein and vitamins, which can effectively help calm the nerves, reduce anxiety and sleep problems, especially for those who are irritable due to heat in summer. Lily also has an important effect of moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough, which is a good medicine for summer for those who are prone to throat discomfort.

"The liver is clear, and the body is light"! Eat 4 kinds of vegetables often, clear heat and detoxify, reduce fire and dryness, and spend the summer peacefully

Lilies can be cooked in a simple and varied way, and can be used in soups or as an ingredient in desserts. Try cooking porridge with lily and lotus seeds, which will not only enjoy the deliciousness, but also get the best health effect in the summer.

4. Mung beans (lotus seed mung bean soup)

"The liver is clear, and the body is light"! Eat 4 kinds of vegetables often, clear heat and detoxify, reduce fire and dryness, and spend the summer peacefully

When it comes to summer hot ingredients, how can you not have mung beans? Mung beans are an indispensable detoxification product in summer. It contains a lot of dietary fiber and protein, which can quickly help the body eliminate toxins and reduce body calories. In addition, mung beans can also promote intestinal health and prevent indigestion, which is common in summer.

"The liver is clear, and the body is light"! Eat 4 kinds of vegetables often, clear heat and detoxify, reduce fire and dryness, and spend the summer peacefully

Mung bean soup is a classic way to beat the heat in summer, which is easy to make and effective. A bowl of mung bean soup can not only help you quench your thirst, but also make your whole body feel much more relaxed.

"The liver is clear, and the body is light"! Eat 4 kinds of vegetables often, clear heat and detoxify, reduce fire and dryness, and spend the summer peacefully

Through the proper combination and consumption of these four ingredients, we can not only enjoy delicious food, but also effectively regulate the body to ensure that we can spend the whole summer healthy and cool. Let's use these gifts of nature to create a relaxing and enjoyable summer!