
[Anti-drug in progress] small hands join hands with big hands to create a drug-free "child" - West Road Street to carry out anti-drug propaganda into the campus activities

author:Anning posted

On June 28, the Anti-Narcotics Office of the Joint District of Anning West Road Street went deep into Lanfei Primary School and carried out a drug prevention education activity on campus with the theme of "Small Hands Join Big Hands to Create a Drug-free Child".

[Anti-drug in progress] small hands join hands with big hands to create a drug-free "child" - West Road Street to carry out anti-drug propaganda into the campus activities

At the event site, the staff gave an in-depth explanation of the concept of drugs, drug types, drug hazards, drug prevention, anti-drug laws and regulations, etc., and explained in detail the hazards and prevention of common drugs such as heroin, methamphetamine, ecstasy, and new drugs such as etomidate, laughing gas, and smart drugs. At the same time, through picture display, case sharing, and on-site Q&A, he gave an in-depth and detailed explanation on how to stay away from drugs, and called on everyone to cherish life and stay away from drugs.

[Anti-drug in progress] small hands join hands with big hands to create a drug-free "child" - West Road Street to carry out anti-drug propaganda into the campus activities

After the lecture, the police distributed promotional materials to the students, displayed the simulated drug model, communicated and interacted with the students on the spot, and comprehensively transmitted the safety information. The majority of teachers and students said that this anti-drug publicity activity has further improved their awareness and ability to recognize, prevent and reject drugs, and created a good anti-drug atmosphere on campus. Wang said: "In the future study and life, we should enhance our awareness of self-protection, stay away from drugs, and do not try, touch, or spread drugs. ”

[Anti-drug in progress] small hands join hands with big hands to create a drug-free "child" - West Road Street to carry out anti-drug propaganda into the campus activities

In the next step, Xilu Street will continue to play the role of school education, actively organize and carry out various forms of anti-drug and legal popularization publicity and education activities, protect the pure land of the campus, and escort the healthy growth of young people.

(Source: Anning West Road Street; Editor: Zhang Yaobin; Review: Niu Yulin, Yang Lu)

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