
Boiled goose eggs with soaphorn thorns, it's so powerful, the 98-year-old Chinese medicine doctor has used the method for a lifetime, and whoever uses it is better

author:Versatile Kitchen

It's too powerful to boil goose eggs again, the 98-year-old Chinese medicine doctor has used a lifetime of methods, who uses whom, hurry up and learn together, hello everyone, this is a variety of small kitchens.

Many friends may not be familiar with the soaphorn thorn, but when you see him, you will know what he is.

Boiled goose eggs with soaphorn thorns, it's so powerful, the 98-year-old Chinese medicine doctor has used the method for a lifetime, and whoever uses it is better

In fact, the saponaria thorn is the thorn on the top of the honey locust tree, and the honey locust tree is a very common plant. He is different from other trees in that it is covered with this kind of sperm, and this kind of spines are called soaphorn thorns.

If we leave aside its value, forgery is more annoying to us, because if we accidentally touch it, we will be cut on our body or even bleeding on our hands.

But you know what? In addition to being used to make washing products, it also has a lot of medicinal value in the countryside, and many old people regard it as a treasure.

Boiled goose eggs with soaphorn thorns, it's so powerful, the 98-year-old Chinese medicine doctor has used the method for a lifetime, and whoever uses it is better

Like the food shared with you today, our dumplings and goose eggs are matched together, which is the traditional practice of our older generation, the method is very simple, but the use is particularly great, but now many young people don't know it, or even have never seen it.

First of all, we prepare an appropriate amount of goose eggs, and the number of goose eggs can be determined according to the number of people in our own country.

For the impression of goose eggs, basically the fishy smell of goose eggs is very strong, so many people don't like to eat it, but it is a perfect match to match the soaphorn thorn with our goose eggs.

Boiled goose eggs with soaphorn thorns, it's so powerful, the 98-year-old Chinese medicine doctor has used the method for a lifetime, and whoever uses it is better

I prepared a total of three goose eggs, which are very large and elongated, and in general, one goose egg is the size of 2 or 3 eggs.

The prepared goose eggs are put into a basin that is usually used to wash eggs, and then add an appropriate amount of salt, an appropriate amount of baking soda, and an appropriate amount of water, and we should use 30 degrees for water here.

Then we use a scouring pad to gently scrub the goose eggs, and we can see that the surface of the goose eggs is very dirty, with a lot of goose droppings remaining, and other dirty things, and even various bacteria that we cannot see with the naked eye, so whether it is washing eggs or washing goose eggs, we must be extra careful.

If it can't be washed, then these dirty things will indirectly enter the inside of our eggs in the process of post-production and cooking, so that we will eventually eat them, so the harm to the body can be imagined.

Boiled goose eggs with soaphorn thorns, it's so powerful, the 98-year-old Chinese medicine doctor has used the method for a lifetime, and whoever uses it is better

After scrubbing the dirt on the surface of the goose egg, we put it under the running tap water, and then rinse it repeatedly to wash the goose egg into this clean and translucent appearance.

After washing the goose eggs, we put it in the pot, and then add enough water, whether it is boiled goose eggs or boiled eggs, we have to add enough water at one time, many people only add a little water in the process of boiling eggs, so that the boiled eggs appear to break the shell or scatter the flowers.

This is because of our waterberry family, and the amount of water must ensure that all the goose eggs are completely submerged.

Then cover the pot and cook slowly over medium-low heat, then bring to a boil and cook for another 6 minutes.

Boiled goose eggs with soaphorn thorns, it's so powerful, the 98-year-old Chinese medicine doctor has used the method for a lifetime, and whoever uses it is better

Many people are prone to breaking the shell in the process of boiling eggs and goose eggs, which is not only related to how much we make, but also related to the size of the fire.

In the next few minutes, we put the prepared soaphorn thorns into a bowl, add an appropriate amount of water, and soak them for two minutes.

Because the saponaria thorns grow on the honey locust tree, they are exposed to the wind and sun all day long, and there is a lot of dust and dirt on them, so it is said that they must be washed.

Soaking for two minutes can soften some dirt on the surface of the soaphorn thorns, but the soaking time should not be too long, as it will easily lead to the loss of nutrients in the soaphorn thorns.

Boiled goose eggs with soaphorn thorns, it's so powerful, the 98-year-old Chinese medicine doctor has used the method for a lifetime, and whoever uses it is better

When washing soap horn thorns, do not wash them with bare hands, so it is easy to puncture our hands, so friends who have conditions can prepare a pair of chopsticks to stir and stir with chopsticks, change the water several times, and clean the dirty things on the surface.

At this time, the goose eggs in the pot have also been cooked, and it looks like it has been less than six minutes, and the goose eggs have just solidified inside, and the yolk inside is in a state of sugar heart, which is the best state at this time.

Then we take out the goose eggs, put them in ice water, and ice them a little so that they don't get hot.

When the goose eggshell is not hot, we break it a little, and after the goose eggshell is broken, we gently rub the eggshell with our hands, and after kneading, it is the appearance of the tea eggs we usually buy outside.

Now we're going to put the soaphorn thorns one by one through the shell and into the egg.

Boiled goose eggs with soaphorn thorns, it's so powerful, the 98-year-old Chinese medicine doctor has used the method for a lifetime, and whoever uses it is better

Under normal circumstances, we can add 7 to 9 soaphorns on top of a goose egg, and we must poke the soaphorn into the inside of the egg, and try to let the thorn touch our goose egg yolk.

In this way, the goose eggs can be fully fused with the saponaria thorns and better absorb the nutrients of the saponaria thorns.

After all the eggs are fried, we put the goose eggs into the pot where we boiled the goose eggs just now, and the water does not need to be changed, and we can continue to cook with the water just now.

Then continue to cover the pot and cook for 15 minutes, the longer it boils, the more nutrients in the saponaria thorns can be released and absorbed by our goose eggs.

Boiled goose eggs with soaphorn thorns, it's so powerful, the 98-year-old Chinese medicine doctor has used the method for a lifetime, and whoever uses it is better

After 15 minutes, our soaphorn stabbed boiled goose eggs are ready, and now we use chopsticks to clip them out one by one.

Because the surface of our goose eggs is rubbed with soaphorn thorns, so, now like a hedgehog, the whole body is covered with thorns, if you take it directly with your hands, it is easy to prick your hands, so it is best to use chopsticks to pick it out.

Then put it in the plate to dry until it is not hot, and then we pull out the thorns on the surface one by one, don't.

At this time, our dumplings and goose eggs are cooked, now we peel off the eggshells and put them in a bowl, and then we put the soaphorn thorn water in the pot that just boiled the goose eggs and put them in the bowl with the goose eggs.

Boiled goose eggs with soaphorn thorns, it's so powerful, the 98-year-old Chinese medicine doctor has used the method for a lifetime, and whoever uses it is better

In this way, we can eat goose eggs and water together, not only delicious to eat, but also not choking.

This practice was a very common traditional practice in the past, but now our living conditions are getting better and better, and the traditional practice that is particularly valuable and useful has gradually disappeared from everyone's field of vision.

Today I suddenly remembered, I shared with you interested friends, you can collect it and try it, although the goose eggs cooked by our method are very simple, but the use is particularly good, after holding on for a period of time, you will harvest unexpected surprises.

So that's all for today's sharing, let's see you tomorrow, bye-bye.


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