
Put the plantain in the pot and steam it, it's too powerful, 88-year-old Chinese medicine has been used for a lifetime, and the body is good and energetic

author:Versatile Kitchen

I really never dreamed that putting plantain in the steamer and steaming it would have such a powerful effect. The practice of serving the older generation has helped many people, saving money and being practical.

Hello everyone, this is a small kitchen of Baibian, this season the plantain grows big and good, and the flowers on it are also very good. This morning, before the dew was dry, we went to the top of the mountain and picked a big bag.

Put the plantain in the pot and steam it, it's too powerful, 88-year-old Chinese medicine has been used for a lifetime, and the body is good and energetic

Today, I use plantain to share with you a different approach of the older generation, many friends have not seen it, the method is simple, and it will be seen at a glance. First of all, we prepare an appropriate amount of plantain grooves, and we cut off the bad ones on the prepared plantain grooves, like some yellow leaves.

This kind of dried flower, we all pick it off, don't. Plantains grow a little larger this season than they do in the spring.

The plantain in spring has not yet bloomed on it, it looks smaller, and the plantain in this season is more nutritious, because the growth cycle is also longer, so we can pick more plantain in this season and go home, otherwise there will be no more after this season.

Put the plantain in the pot and steam it, it's too powerful, 88-year-old Chinese medicine has been used for a lifetime, and the body is good and energetic

Plantain is a very common wild vegetable, it is very nutritious, like this season, we can see it everywhere in many places, in our countryside, in the field, as long as there is a feeling of soil where you can find his figure, in our place it is called plantain, so in your place it has any other names?

After sorting it all out like this, we shook the excess soil on it, wow, look, there was a lot of soil, after it was clean, we put it in a basin, and then we added enough water to it, and we first used water to wash the excess soil on the plantain.

You can see that this root is really dirty, but many friends will choose not to cut off the root in the process of using plantain.

Put the plantain in the pot and steam it, it's too powerful, 88-year-old Chinese medicine has been used for a lifetime, and the body is good and energetic

In fact, the roots of our plantain have a very high nutritional value and are very useful, so it is not recommended to cut it off. Let's find a waste toothbrush that we don't need at home, and brush the roots of the plantain back and forth, so that we can easily brush the soil on the roots, and after all the brushing is clean, we can see that the water has become particularly dirty again.

Then we add 3 tablespoons of salt, add some baking soda, and then continue to add enough water to it, and then we gently turn it twice with our hands to let the salt and baking soda fully dissolve in the water.

Because of our plantain, we can see that its surface is very dirty, so especially the roots of the leaves, there will be some insect eggs or dirty things on the wings, and it may even be sprayed with pesticides.

Therefore, the plantain we pick must be soaked in high-concentration salt water and our edible baking soda for 10 minutes, and we are cleaning it one by one.

Put the plantain in the pot and steam it, it's too powerful, 88-year-old Chinese medicine has been used for a lifetime, and the body is good and energetic

Like this place of the root of our leaves, we must pick it up by hand, carefully clean it, in fact, like this plantain, rabbits also love to eat, after all washed, we put it under the running tap water, carefully wash it clean, when we want the roots to face down, the leaves are down, so that the plantain can be washed more cleanly.

Then we put it in the steamer, be sure to put it in the cold water steamer, and arrange it neatly one by one, so that the plantain can be heated more evenly.

Then cover the pot, turn on the high heat to steam, after steaming the inside of the pot and lacquering, we will steam for another 5 minutes, and after 5 minutes, our plantain will be steamed.

Put the plantain in the pot and steam it, it's too powerful, 88-year-old Chinese medicine has been used for a lifetime, and the body is good and energetic

At this time, we can smell the aroma of plantain, which smells a little like the fragrance of blanching water spinach.

Open the lid, turn off the heat, and then we take out the steamed plantain one by one, put it in the bowl, and pay attention when adding it, the temperature in the pot is relatively high.

If the chopsticks are relatively short, it is especially easy to touch the steamer, so it is especially easy to burn our hands.

After adding it all, we let the plantain dry for a while until it is not hot to the touch, and it probably feels slightly hot to the touch.

Put the plantain in the pot and steam it, it's too powerful, 88-year-old Chinese medicine has been used for a lifetime, and the body is good and energetic

When the plantain is not hot, now we cut it one by one, many friends will throw away the roots directly when using the plantain, because they will feel that the roots are particularly dirty, in fact, our roots are particularly nutritious, as long as we carefully clean the roots, it can still be cleaned.

Therefore, it is not recommended that you remove the roots, and do not put our plantain in the pot and steam it for a while, which can not only give our plantain a disinfection and sterilization effect.

At the same time, the second use is to steam our plantain, and it can also remove part of the bitterness in the plantain, and we also have to cut it short for this part of the plantain flower, like this kind of thinner root, we can cut it directly.

Put the plantain in the pot and steam it, it's too powerful, 88-year-old Chinese medicine has been used for a lifetime, and the body is good and energetic

Now let's pour the cut plantain into the pot, then turn on the heat, and fry the moisture on the surface of the plantain over high heat.

At the beginning of frying, we can hear the sound of the pot coming out, this is because the surface of our plantain contains a lot of water, the sound made when the water evaporates, as the stir-fry time continues to lengthen, the moisture in it is constantly evaporated and dried, then the sound will disappear.

In the process of stir-frying plantain, we must use a shovel to keep turning, and we must not be lazy, if we are lazy, it is easy to fry it.

The moisture in it has not dried up, about 3 minutes of frying, the moisture in our plantain has almost evaporated, now, turn the heat to the minimum.

Continue to turn constantly, in the process of constantly turning, if we find that the cut roots inside are thicker, we can also take it out, use scissors to trim it a little more, cut it a little thinner, so that the moisture inside is easier to be fried.

Put the plantain in the pot and steam it, it's too powerful, 88-year-old Chinese medicine has been used for a lifetime, and the body is good and energetic

In the process of stir-frying, we must pay attention to not stir-frying, if it is fried, it will be useless, and the taste is also bitter.

When it is stir-fried for 8 minutes, we can basically see that the moisture in the plantain is almost dry, but because its temperature is particularly high now, it feels a little soft and collapsed, this is a normal phenomenon, don't care, at this time we can turn off the fire, use the residual temperature in the pot to bake it for a while, until the moisture in the plantain is fully dry.

Then set our plantain aside to cool completely, and after it cools, it becomes very crisp, very dry, just like our tea leaves.

Put the plantain in the pot and steam it, it's too powerful, 88-year-old Chinese medicine has been used for a lifetime, and the body is good and energetic

After all the cooling, let's listen to his voice, and with a slight shake, we can hear a particularly crisp crashing sound. Let's take it in our hands and try it again, and as soon as we twist it, it will break, just like our tea leaves, and it will be fine like this.

Then we prepare a sealed jar, the sealed jar, we had better use boiling water to disinfect and sterilize it in advance, and after disinfection, we must control the moisture of it, there is no moisture at all.

Then put our fried plantain directly into the sealed jar, today's plantain just made a full jar, and then directly cover the lid and put it in a cool and ventilated place to seal and store it, so that our plantain tea is ready, take it with you, it is very convenient, and you can drink fresh and seasonal plantain tea all year round.

Put the plantain in the pot and steam it, it's too powerful, 88-year-old Chinese medicine has been used for a lifetime, and the body is good and energetic

The usage is also very simple, every time we need to make tea, we open the lid.

Take out such a small handful of plantain and put it in the cup, if you like the taste is a little stronger, we can add a little more, add a little more, and the smell of plantain will be even stronger.

Just like many people like to drink chrysanthemum tea in summer, we can also add two to three chrysanthemums when we make plantain. In addition, female friends like ours can also add two more red dates to it, and then use boiling water to 150°C to brew.

With a simple cup of plantain tea like this, we can brew back and forth all day long, wanting to quickly brew the flavor inside.

We can also use a spoon to stir like this, stirring can make the plantain and our chrysanthemums and red dates fully soaked in boiling water, and it is easier to soak the nutrients in the water, soak for about 10 minutes, soak our chrysanthemums, soak our plantains, soak them, soak them like fresh, and we can start drinking them while they are hot.

Put the plantain in the pot and steam it, it's too powerful, 88-year-old Chinese medicine has been used for a lifetime, and the body is good and energetic

But now the weather is relatively hot, many friends don't like to drink particularly hot water, so we can put it when it is not hot to drink it while it is hot, like this brewed plantain tea, the fragrance is particularly strong.

Take a sip and feel particularly comfortable, you have to ask him what is the use, I believe that many friends see this, they already know what it is for, especially our older generation, as soon as they see this practice, they know its usefulness.

After persisting for a period of time, you will reap unexpected surprises, friends who like it must collect it and try it, then well, we will share it here today, thank you for watching, we will see you tomorrow, bye-bye!

Put the plantain in the pot and steam it, it's too powerful, 88-year-old Chinese medicine has been used for a lifetime, and the body is good and energetic

By the way, if we drink it right, if you still like to drink other flower teas, such as our roses and peach blossoms, then when we soak plantain, we can also add a little bit of the type of tea you like, or the type of flowers, so that the mix and match is also very good. #头条创作挑战赛#

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