
The Fed's interest rate cut may be postponed until 2025, and gold prices are cold, where will gold investment go?


Gold has continued to decline since hitting a new high in mid-to-late May, with a maximum decline of 6.21% during the period, and gold prices are more correlated with the impact of the Fed's statement. In the past two months, the Fed's interest rate cut expectations have continued to swing with the release of inflation data, employment and other data. Where does gold investment go from here?

The Fed's interest rate cut may be postponed until 2025, and gold prices are cold, where will gold investment go?

Data source: wind, as of June 25, 2024

First, the expectation of interest rate cut has been postponed again

On the news side, on June 25, Fed Governor Bowman said in a speech on monetary policy and bank capital reform that she believes "a number of upside risks to inflation" will affect her outlook for monetary policy. She expects U.S. inflation to remain elevated for some time, and there are some upside risks to inflation. She does not expect a rate cut in 2024, delaying the expected rate cut until 2025. As the most hawkish Fed official at the moment, Bowman is one of the very few policymakers who does not expect a rate cut this year.

Affected by this, CME "Fed Watch", the market expects the probability of the Fed cutting interest rates in September to fall to 66.3%, and the probability of keeping interest rates unchanged is 33.7%; The probability of an interest rate cut in November fell slightly to 78.6%, and the probability of keeping the interest rate unchanged was 21.4%.

Second, is Yang Ma still buying?

A recent survey by the World Gold Council showed that most of the 70 central banks surveyed expressed a preference for increasing gold purchases and reducing dollar holdings over the next five years.

In May, the mainland suspended gold purchases after 18 consecutive months of net gold inflows. This may not necessarily mean that official holdings in other institutions, such as sovereign wealth funds, have stopped, according to the analysis. Historical data shows that China's gold holdings increased by 604t in June 2015, as a result of the PBOC's long-term transfer of gold to foreign exchange reserves, rather than a massive market purchase. As a result, China's central bank may still be accumulating gold behind the scenes.

Analysts noted that even if China's purchases slow, global central banks are expected to buy 273.7 tonnes of gold this year, and gold prices will remain supported by strong purchases.

3. Does gold still have allocation value?

As for the future performance of gold, the market bullish view is still the mainstream. Analysts believe that the short-term gold price trend will continue to be influenced by the uncertainty of the Fed's monetary policy, and the long-term trend is still upward.

The China Gold Association said that in the first quarter of this year, the impact of high gold prices on gold consumption was polarized, and consumer wait-and-see sentiment increased, and gold jewelry consumption was suppressed to a certain extent. The high price of gold and the huge fluctuation have increased the production and operation risks of gold processing and sales enterprises, and the cost of raw materials and shipments of jewelry processing enterprises have increased. With the high price of gold, the decorative value of gold jewelry has been declining in the sense of cost performance, the meaning of investment is relatively weaker, the value preservation function is weakened, and consumers will be more rational in their pursuit of gold jewelry.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. recently said that it remains structurally bullish on gold prices and sees the recent price correction as a buying opportunity, with a gold price target of $2,600.

GF Securities analysis believes that the recent employment pressure in the United States has not decreased, inflation is still in a moderate downward channel, gold prices are disturbed by high-frequency data in the short term, but the Fed is expected to start the interest rate cut cycle unchanged, the upward trend of gold prices remains unchanged, and the sector still has a high allocation value.

Huafu Strategy Research Report said that after the end of the pullback, gold prices will still rise as the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates, or even start early. Therefore, if the gold price pullback has an impact on the corresponding non-ferrous sector of A-shares, it will be temporary, and it will be a good time for the layout of the non-ferrous sector.

Related Products:

(1) Gold stock ETF (159562) is suitable for investors who are optimistic about the future performance of non-ferrous metals such as gold, silver and copper, and want to properly capture the upward income of 021075 021074 the equity market.

(2) Gold ETF ChinaAMC (518850) closely tracks the trend of gold prices and supports T+0 trading, which is suitable for investors who have hedging needs or are not optimistic about the future performance of the equity market, and can use gold as the bottom position of asset allocation, over-the-counter connection (008701/008702)

The Fed's interest rate cut may be postponed until 2025, and gold prices are cold, where will gold investment go?

Data sources: Wind, Brokerage Research Report, China Asset Management, etc. Risk level of the above products: R4. Risk-return characteristics: Gold ETF ChinaAMC is a commodity fund, more than 90% of the fund assets are invested in domestic gold spot contracts, gold spot contracts are different from stocks, bonds, etc., and their expected risks and expected returns are different from stock funds, mixed funds, bond funds and money market funds. Gold ETF ChinaAMC implements the T+0 rotation trading mechanism, which shortens the capital operation cycle and may bring short-term volatility risks. Unique Risk Warning: Shanghai Gold Exchange Gold Spot Market Investment Risk, Fund Share Secondary Market Discount and Premium Risk, Risk of Participating in Gold Spot Deferred Delivery Contract, Risk of Participating in Gold Lending, Risk of Error in Subscription and Redemption List, Risk of Reference to IOPV Decision and IOPV Calculation Error, Risk of Delisting, Risk of Investor Subscription/Subscription Failure, Risk of Investor Redemption Failure, Risk of Deferral Risk of Agency Trading and Clearing and Settlement, Risk of Realization of Fund Share Redemption Consideration, the risk that the net value of the fund share is lower than the par value after the distribution of fund income. For details, please refer to the Fund Contract, Prospectus and other legal documents of the fund. The Gold-backed ETF feeder fund closely tracks the performance of the underlying index primarily by investing in gold-backed ETFs, and therefore the net value of the Fund will fluctuate due to fluctuations in the net value of gold-backed ETFs. The unique risks of gold stock ETFs include: the Fund invests in Hong Kong stocks through the Hong Kong Stock Connect, which will be exposed to unique risks brought about by differences in the investment environment, investment targets, market systems and trading rules, including the risk of large fluctuations in the stock price of the Hong Kong stock market (the Hong Kong stock market implements T+0 rotation trading, and there is no limit on the rise and fall of individual stocks, and the stock price of Hong Kong stocks may show more drastic stock price fluctuations than A-shares), exchange rate risk (exchange rate fluctuations may cause losses to the investment income of the Fund), Risks that may arise from incoherent trading days under the Hong Kong Stock Connect mechanism (in the case of the opening of the mainland market and the closure of Hong Kong market, Hong Kong Stock Connect cannot be traded normally, and Hong Kong stocks cannot be sold in a timely manner, which may bring certain liquidity risks). For details, please refer to the Fund Contract, Prospectus and other legal documents of the fund. This material is not intended as any legal document, the views are for reference only, all information or opinions expressed in the material do not constitute investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, and our company does not make any guarantee for the final action advice on the content of the material. Under no circumstances shall the Company be liable to any person for any loss arising from the use of any content in this material. The market is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market.

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