
Closing comments: The Shanghai Composite Index rebounded, the dividend style made a comeback, and rare earth and real estate stocks collectively rose

Closing comments: The Shanghai Composite Index rebounded, the dividend style made a comeback, and rare earth and real estate stocks collectively rose

Market Overview

On July 1, 2024, the performance of the three major indexes was differentiated, with the Shanghai Composite Index rising 0.92% to close at 2,994.73 points, the Shenzhen Component Index rising 0.57% to close at 8,899.17 points, and the ChiNext Index falling 0.04% to close at 1,682.69 points. Today's turnover of the two markets was 658 billion, a decrease of 45.2 billion from the previous trading day.

Disc observation

In terms of the index, the Shanghai Composite Index rebounded today, approaching the 3,000-point integer mark, and the ChiNext index bottomed out and rebounded in the afternoon. The performance of the core broad-based index was differentiated, with the dividend index and CSI dividend rising by more than 2%, while the indexes such as Value Creation, Science and Technology Innovation 100, and Science and Technology Innovation 50 fell.

In terms of plates, rare earth permanent magnets, real estate, phosphorus chemicals, coal and other sectors were among the top gainers, while semiconductors, PCBs, Apple concepts, automation equipment and other sectors were among the top decliners. More than 3,500 stocks in the whole market rose and performed well.

In terms of industries, real estate, coal, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery sectors rose, while food and beverage, household appliances, power equipment and other sectors fell.

Closing comments: The Shanghai Composite Index rebounded, the dividend style made a comeback, and rare earth and real estate stocks collectively rose

In terms of conceptual themes, sectors such as real estate, phosphorus chemicals, and urban village transformation rose, while sectors such as digital twins, automotive chips, and advanced packaging fell.

Closing comments: The Shanghai Composite Index rebounded, the dividend style made a comeback, and rare earth and real estate stocks collectively rose

Hot Sector - Real Estate

Today, the real estate sector rose 4.7%. Huatai Securities: Sales improved significantly month-on-month in June, showing signs of recovery after the new deal. Yihan data shows that in June 2024, the monthly sales amount of the top 100 real estate companies (the company's comparable caliber) was +22.4% month-on-month and -22.1% year-on-year, a decrease of 11.8 percentage points compared with May, and the cumulative sales amount from January to June was -38.9% year-on-year, a decrease of 5.6 percentage points from January to May. After the new policy (calculated according to the lag of one week in online signing, 5.24-6.27), the average daily transaction area of new houses in 54 cities/second-hand houses in 26 cities was +22%/-4% compared with the daily average in April, and +1%/+9% compared with the average daily in March. Since 517, real estate sales have shown signs of recovery. At present, the first-tier cities have implemented the 517 New Deal, highlighting the demand for "stabilizing real estate", and we believe that continuous policy implementation and optimization are expected to continue to stabilize market expectations. The Shell KMI index has fallen recently, and it is necessary to pay attention to the trading volume in the subsequent off-season. As of June 23, the KMI index of new house/second-hand house transaction volume in Shell 50 cities was 40.6/37.2, -3%/-7% week-on-week, and market confidence still needs to be further consolidated. We are optimistic about high-quality real estate companies and property management companies with abundant resources and stable operations in core cities.

(The above does not constitute a recommendation of individual stocks)

Market interpretation

Today, the market as a whole is mainly repaired, with cyclical and high-dividend sectors leading the performance under the expectation of special dividends in the interim report, and related industries leading the gains; New energy, home appliances and other overseas directions dragged down the market performance today, mainly affected by the market's pessimistic expectations for tariffs after the U.S. election debate over the weekend; In addition, the real estate sector adjusted to historical lows and rebounded quickly under the marginal change in the news surface.

In the real estate sector, the easing of the demand-side policy in May gradually reflected the effect, and the top 100 real estate companies in June achieved sales of 438.93 billion yuan, an increase of 36.3% month-on-month, which was better than that in May, a year-on-year decrease of about 16.7%, and a significant narrower decline than the previous month, and the market level has fallen by more than 20% since the early policy expectations were realized. For the future, the improvement of apparent data under the short-term policy boosts sentiment, but the stabilization of fundamentals is a long-term process, so the feedback to the market level is still dominated by low-level shocks, and reversal strategies can be used to trade.

Today's dividend sector led the day, and in the short term, the funds are expected to report that the relevant companies will pay special dividends, in addition to the main line logic of the market, after the early adjustment, there is a relatively comfortable buying point, and the funds intervene after the short-term stop, but today's intraday with the rapid adjustment of the bond market, some high-dividend stocks fell. We have mentioned many times that from the medium and long-term perspective, the pressure of asset shortage will continue, the revaluation of dividend value has not ended, and the follow-up high-dividend style is likely to continue to deduce, and the dividend sector will continue to spread. In addition to the fundamental advantages, more important is the change of market investment methods, whether it is stable growth investment, growth investment represented by technology stocks or high-dividend investment in traditional industries, the overall return is about the same, the past A-share market awareness of high dividend investment has been low, the current absolute return investment trend is rising, the market's emphasis on stable value is in a rising period, belongs to the long-term dimension of variables, the change of capital positions is still on the way.

Under the central bank's announcement on the public operation of the bond market, the equity market has picked up, and today's dividend sector has strongly driven the Shanghai Composite Index to two consecutive yangs, out of the confirmation signal of stopping the fall, but the market performance is still differentiated, technology growth and small and medium-cap stocks are still falling, and today is mainly rebounding. On the whole, the dividends began to go well, and the growth of science and technology is relatively limited, the two cities are in the bottom of the downward pattern, at the current point we maintain optimism and gradual layout of the view, the market is a cycle in the long run, and the cyclical return of valuation will eventually be effective, the recent adjustment provides enough repair space for the market to follow-up, starting from the thinking of the emotional cycle and the bull and bear conversion year, the index has recently basically completed the main decline stage of this round of adjustment, with the emergence of subsequent reversal signals, It is recommended to pay attention to the cycle and the opportunity to buy dips in the dividend sector, as well as the expected repair and fundamental reversal opportunities after the over-fall of the technology track.

(The above does not constitute a recommendation of individual stocks)

Hot information

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Risk Warning

This material is only service information, not as a recommendation of individual stocks, does not constitute any substantive advice or commitment to investors, nor does it serve as any legal document. Past performance of the market or related products is not indicative of the future. Before investing in a fund, investors should carefully read the fund's "Fund Contract", "Prospectus" and "Product Key Facts Statement" and other fund legal documents, fully understand the risk-return characteristics and product characteristics of the fund, and fully consider their own risk tolerance according to their own investment objectives, investment period, investment experience, asset status and other factors, and make rational judgment and prudent investment decisions on the basis of understanding the product situation and sales suitability opinions, and independently bear the investment risk. The market is risky and investors should be cautious.

Source: wind, iFind, SSE, SZSE, various news outlets, July 1, 2024

Source: Official media/online news