
The Rise and Fall of the Northwest Hubei Huidaomen (1)


Huidaomen refers to the folk secret society organization characterized by religious heretical beliefs, and is referred to as Huidaomen because it is mostly named after Huidaomen, Taoism, and Sect. The White Lotus Rebellion, which occurred in the first year of Jiaqing (1796), is often referred to as the beginning of the Huidaomen. Northwest Hubei is the main place of rise and activity of the White Lotus Sect, and the Huidaomen has developed rapidly here. During the period of the Republic of China, there were many kinds of Huidao doors in the northwest of Hubei Province, all over the urban and rural areas, only in Zhushan County, there were more than 60 kinds of consistent roads, red gangs, holy oracle altars, Xihuatang, etc., of which there were more than 2,000 members of the Red Gang and more than 900 members of the Green Gang. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, some of the sects collapsed on their own. Some sects controlled by hostile forces continued to commit evil deeds and were resolutely attacked by the people's government. By 1956, the reactionary sect was basically extinct in northwestern Hubei.

1. The rise of the Daomen in northwest Hubei Province

In the first year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1796), Zhang Zhengmo, Wang Cong'er and others launched uprisings against the Qing government in Zhijiang and Xiangyang in Hubei respectively. The Qing court urgently ordered Bi Yuan, the governor of Huguang, and others to lead troops to suppress it, and the rebel army retreated into the mountainous area, passing through Wudang Mountain and Daba Mountain to join the Sichuan rebel army. In March 1798, the Xiangyang rebel army was surrounded by the Qing army in Yunxi County, Hubei, and the leaders Wang Cong'er and Yao Zhifu jumped off the cliff and died, and the rest persisted in the struggle. In the ninth year of Jiaqing (1804), the White Lotus rebel army was completely suppressed.

There are many records in the history books of the activities of the White Lotus Sect and the rest of the party in the northwest of Hubei Province. According to the "Yunxian Chronicles" compiled by Tongzhi Bingyin, it is recorded: "In the winter of the 60th year of Qianlong, the traitors advocated the White Lotus Sect to rebel. "On February 20 of the first year of Jiaqing, the White Lotus Thieves besieged Fang County and trapped Baokang. On the 22nd, it was trapped in Zhushan. ”

The Rise and Fall of the Northwest Hubei Huidaomen (1)

The front of the badge of "One Heart Heavenly Dao Longhua Holy Church".

When the Qing army entered the Wudang Mountains to attack the White Lotus Sect, local officials took the opportunity to frame the people, seize property, and ask for merit and rewards. The Yang clan in Majiagang, Junzhou, was reported by local officials to practice the White Lotus Sect, and the practitioner "can run on a bench and fly with a dustpan." The Qing army immediately surrounded the village and beheaded all the Yang men. Only a two-year-old boy named Yang Xingguo was hidden by his uncle and narrowly escaped the catastrophe.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, due to government corruption, wars, disasters and famines, and social turmoil, Huidaomen gained a social opportunity for development. At that time, there were frequent activities of the Huidaomen, which had a serious impact on social order and people's lives. Some squires and landlords in Junxian County merged with the Daomen, set up a regimental training office in their own courtyards, raised regimental members, advocated superstition and heresy, sued themselves, collected taxes and donations, and fished the common people. The head of the meeting will give orders at home, and the "old men" in each village will sound the gong to make announcements, and the "household patrols" will be carried out in the people's homes. In the western part of Junxian County alone, there are Chen Shoushan and Yao Hongzhou of Guanshan, Li He of Sunjiawan, Pu Depei of Xixiang, etc., and they also have the second and third cadres of the Red Gang under them.

There are also those among the poor who participate in the congregations in order to resist oppression. Liu Tianlu of Daliushu in Junxian County organized young people to participate in the Red Gun Club, and they went to Henan to invite coaches, set up Buddhist halls, pull artillery fields, draw talismans and chant mantras, practice martial arts, and stand out for the members to pay harsh taxes and miscellaneous taxes. There is a saying that slips away:

The big willow tree has a Liu Tianlu,

The Red Gun will be his head.

I'm not angry when I burn the house,

You shouldn't have chopped me two woods.

Dai Tuan, commander of the Eighth Division of the Kuomintang, was stationed in Junxian County and often sent troops to assist the government in collecting taxes. At that time, Chen Ershao of Xijiadian led more than 100 people and stationed in Fangshan Yingzhen to practice the big knife meeting. Chen Ershao contacted Li Jinting, the head of the Fangxian Dadao Association, and other people, and took advantage of the night to surround Zhoufu'an, where the head of the Dai regiment was stationed. The big knife will shout and shake the sky, and the earth cannon will roar, and it will rush to kill. Commander Dai's headquarters slammed left and right, unable to break through, so he had to rely on the sturdy Taoist temple to resist desperately. At dawn, the broadsword will retreat, and hundreds of people will be killed and wounded on both sides. After that, the momentum of tax collection in the countryside under the head of Dai Tuan's subordinates decreased sharply, and the common people said happily:

Fang Shan is stationed in Chen Ershao,

Riding a horse and barking loudly.

Gunpowder, earth-making cannons,

He didn't want to play the money.

The Rise and Fall of the Northwest Hubei Huidaomen (1)

In 1951, the Reactionary Association of the Eighth District of Junxian County organized a counter-revolutionary riot

During the Anti-Japanese War, some non-governmental organizations in northwest Hubei put national interests first and bravely resisted the Japanese invaders. On May 7, 1939, Zhang Dahui, a member of the White Silk Association of Zhangjia Xinyuan in Suixian County, and others died in the battle against the Japanese invaders. His daughter Zhang Qian inherited her father's will, participated in the White Silk Society to resist Japan, and became the head of the White Silk Society. In October 1940, Zhang Qian led his subordinates to cooperate with the 84th Army to attack Yanshan. In the repeated battles with the Japanese invaders, Zhang Qian was unfortunately injured and captured. The Japanese invaders escorted Zhang Qian back to Suixian County to be severely tortured and beaten, and asked her to tell the hiding place of Bai Ayahui and surrender to the Japanese army. Zhang Qian swore not to say anything! The Japanese invaders were annoyed and ashamed, and cut off the flesh on Zhang Qian's body little by little with a knife, and put her to death.

The Communist Party of China (CPC) and the people's army under its leadership adopted a policy of winning over and guiding the ranks of poor peasants, handicraftsmen, and petty traders and peddlers, leading them onto the road of revolution. On June 16, 1934, the Red Third Army led by He Long issued the "Letter of the Revolutionary Military Committee of Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, and Guizhou of the Chinese Soviet Republic to the Comrades of the Altars of the Divine Altars of the Counties along the Yinjiang, Dejiang, and Wuchuan", and incorporated the Qiandong Divine Soldiers to form three independent regiments along the Yinde.

Ji Gang, who was born in 1885, was a native of Wutou Village, Dongxiang, Junxian County. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, he learned martial arts from Master Guo of Henan, and after leaving the school, he organized the Red Gun Society to lead the peasants to resist taxes and donations. In September 1927, Wu Shengbai and Chen Wenzhen, members of the Communist Party of China, introduced Ji Gang to join the Communist Party of China. After joining the party, he distributed his family's 20 acres of land to poor peasants for cultivation, and incorporated the Red Gun Society into the leadership of the party organization, making it the earliest peasant armed force in Junxian County under the leadership of the Communist Party. In January 1928, the Wujiawan Special Zone Committee of Qingshan Port of Junxian County of the Communist Party of China was established in Wutou Village, and Ji Jian served as the secretary of the Wujiawan Party branch. In May 1931, He Long led the Red Third Army into Junxian, and Ji Gang's team was reorganized into the Red Third Army guerrillas, with Ji Ganggang as the regiment leader. In the autumn of 1933, the Kuomintang reactionary forces mobilized heavy troops to encircle and suppress the Guerrillas. Because the enemy was outnumbered, the guerrillas were scattered, and Ji Gang was killed by traitors.

Fan Zhexiang, former deputy commander of the Air Force of the Guangzhou Military Region and founding major general of the People's Republic of China, said in "Remembering the History of the Third Army of the Red Army in Opening up the Revolutionary Base Areas in Northwest Hubei Province" that the grass shop is located at the foot of Wudang Mountain, there are many palaces and temples, Taoism is prevalent, and the common people have organized a contingent of divine soldiers. The Red Army's Junxian Caodian was blocked by the divine soldiers, He Long ordered the soldiers not to shoot, and by explaining the policy to the divine soldiers, he finally won these divine soldiers to capture Junxian County with the Red Army.

He Biao, former vice minister of health and deputy director of the General Logistics Department, also said in "Reminiscences of the Revolutionary Struggle of the Red Third Army in Northwest Hubei": "The economy and culture in northwest Hubei are backward, Taoism is prevalent, the party's influence is relatively small, and the 'divine soldiers' in various localities are very powerful. In view of this, the army commanders decided to adopt a policy of winning over, reforming, and disintegrating the 'divine soldiers', striking at the reactionary leaders, and winning over the masses of the 'divine soldiers'. "On May 21, when the Red Third Army was heading north through Xiaodianzi, it was blocked by a 'divine soldier'." "With the cooperation of the 'divine soldiers', our army launched an attack on Junzhou." In the end, the Red Army occupied the city of Junju.

After liberation, while respecting and protecting freedom of religious belief, the party and the people's government educate, mobilize, and rely on the masses to disband, ban, and punish reactionary sects. In February 1951, the Administrative Council promulgated the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Punishment of Counter-Revolutionaries, stipulating that organizing or using feudal associations for counter-revolutionary purposes, robbing and destroying public and private property and public facilities, poisoning and killing people, forging official documents and documents, inciting the masses to confront the government and sowing unity, and fabricating and spreading rumors can be criminalized as counter-revolutionary crimes. On March 31, 1953, the Hubei Provincial Public Security Department issued the "Work Manual for the Suppression of Reactionary Associations", emphasizing the need to implement the principle of "dealing with the first evil, not asking if the coercion is not asked, and receiving awards for meritorious service" in the work of banning.

The Rise and Fall of the Northwest Hubei Huidaomen (1)

On January 19, 1952, the People's Court of Baihe County, Shaanxi Province, issued a notice to execute criminals who had carried out counterrevolutionary riots in Baihe County, Yunxi County, Zhuxi County and other places