
Xie Xian cried! Cecilia Cheung took her eldest son to get a haircut and became Nicholas Tse in seconds! That's how the son described his father!

author:Cat River's number
Xie Xian cried! Cecilia Cheung took her eldest son to get a haircut and became Nicholas Tse in seconds! That's how the son described his father!

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"It is said that there is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure, this is not true at all!" This sentence is particularly appropriate for many people, whether rich or poor.

Xie Xian cried! Cecilia Cheung took her eldest son to get a haircut and became Nicholas Tse in seconds! That's how the son described his father!

The elderly in the family are not only witnesses who have experienced the vicissitudes of time, but also the embodiment of wisdom and love, and their presence often gives us great strength and support.

And today, we are going to talk about the movie star Xie Xian, an idol-level figure known as the "ageless male god".

Xie Xian has always been the darling of the media industry, and his every move can tug at the heartstrings of thousands of fans.

Xie Xian cried! Cecilia Cheung took her eldest son to get a haircut and became Nicholas Tse in seconds! That's how the son described his father!

However, a recent news story has given people a glimpse of another side of him, a gentle and emotional side.

The protagonist of the story is Xie Xian's grandson Lucas, a lively and cute little guy.

When Cecilia Cheung took Lucas to the barbershop, she made an unexpected decision - to cut Lucas with a haircut that was the same as that of his father Nicholas Tse when he was younger.

Xie Xian cried! Cecilia Cheung took her eldest son to get a haircut and became Nicholas Tse in seconds! That's how the son described his father!

This cut actually made Mr. Xie Xian so excited that he burst into tears.

What's going on here?

Lucas originally looked like his father Nicholas Tse, and this hairstyle adjustment took this look to the extreme.

On the small top of his head, the characteristics of the Xie family are vividly reproduced in him: the tall nose bridge, the smart eyes, and the resolute and soft face are all common characteristics of the men of the Xie family.

Xie Xian cried! Cecilia Cheung took her eldest son to get a haircut and became Nicholas Tse in seconds! That's how the son described his father!

Looking at Lucas, Xie Xian couldn't help but be shocked by memories, as if he saw the shadow of his youth in the cycle of years, that era full of ambitions and dreams.

This kind of emotion not only comes from the similarity of appearance, but also a testimony to the inheritance of the family bloodline.

In Lucas, Xie Xian saw his own continuation, and saw the hope and future of the family.

Xie Xian cried! Cecilia Cheung took her eldest son to get a haircut and became Nicholas Tse in seconds! That's how the son described his father!

This is not only a hairstyle adjustment, but also a continuation of family feelings, a manifestation of family power passed down from generation to generation.

Xie Xian was excited when he saw his grandson's cool and handsome hairstyle, his eyes were moist, and he probably started singing "When I grow up, I will be you" in his heart.

It seems that the proudest thing in the fourth brother's life, in addition to being handsome when he was young, is that his son and grandson have also inherited their excellent genes!

Xie Xian cried! Cecilia Cheung took her eldest son to get a haircut and became Nicholas Tse in seconds! That's how the son described his father!

However, what is even more touching is that when Lucas was asked "What do you think of Dad", the child's answer was really heartwarming.

He said: "My dad is very busy, but he chats with me every time he calls and cares about my studies and life. ”

You see, a child's heart is the purest, although Nicholas Tse can't often be by his son's side because of work, but in Lucas's heart, his father's love is still heavy.

Xie Xian cried! Cecilia Cheung took her eldest son to get a haircut and became Nicholas Tse in seconds! That's how the son described his father!

This also shows that Cecilia Cheung has been raising her two sons alone all these years, and she is really very attentive, not only taking care of the children's daily life, but also paying more attention to cultivating the children's moral character and three views, what a great mother!

For the outside world, their separation is a storm, an unknown emotional compose.

Emotional matters are often only the parties who can truly appreciate the complexity and truth of them.

Xie Xian cried! Cecilia Cheung took her eldest son to get a haircut and became Nicholas Tse in seconds! That's how the son described his father!

Cecilia Cheung, as a mother, single-handedly took on the responsibility of taking care of her two children.

Only she knows the hardships and challenges best.

She never bowed her head and always showed strength and independence.

With her efforts, the two sons have not only grown up excellently, but also won the respect and appreciation of all walks of life.

Xie Xian cried! Cecilia Cheung took her eldest son to get a haircut and became Nicholas Tse in seconds! That's how the son described his father!

The greatness of this kind of maternal love is far greater than any words can express.

Although Nicholas Tse was not personally involved in the child's growth, his care and love for the child was never absent.

Although they are in different life trajectories, he has always been a father who silently guards them from afar.

For Lucas, the presence of his father is not only a symbol of blood connection, but also a spiritual support and support.

Xie Xian cried! Cecilia Cheung took her eldest son to get a haircut and became Nicholas Tse in seconds! That's how the son described his father!

In his heart, a father's love can never be replaced.

Today, Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung have found their own lifestyle and happiness.

Although they are no longer husband and wife, they face every challenge and opportunity in life with a more mature and rational attitude.

They each continue to make progress in their careers, and at the same time, they are fully committed to the growth and education of their children.

Such an ending may not be what I expected at the beginning, but it is a real and calm state of life.

Xie Xian cried! Cecilia Cheung took her eldest son to get a haircut and became Nicholas Tse in seconds! That's how the son described his father!

For them, the past has become a part of the life process, whether it is joy or pain, and it is a catalyst for growth and maturity.

Today, they face the wind and rain with calm and calm, and greet every day in the future with firmness and tolerance.

Their stories may no longer be headlines in the media, but they are a true portrayal of life and a continuation of love and responsibility.

Xie Xian cried! Cecilia Cheung took her eldest son to get a haircut and became Nicholas Tse in seconds! That's how the son described his father!

Finally, let's bless this family, I hope the children grow up healthy and happy, and I also hope that Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung can find their own happiness!

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