
Zhong Meimei is calmly "out of breath", maybe he who fell into the dung pit is the real "sober in the world"

author:Historical whitelist

"I'm now an "outdated" Internet celebrity, as long as I can make money, I didn't accept advertisements for 100,000 yuan back then, and now I accept 60,000 yuan. ”

Some time ago, 17-year-old Zhong Meimei pushed herself to the forefront with these remarks in an interview.

Zhong Meimei is calmly "out of breath", maybe he who fell into the dung pit is the real "sober in the world"

4 years ago, Zhong Meimei was still a junior high school student, but her fans skyrocketed by one million overnight and became a small Internet celebrity.

In the past, he politely declined an invitation from an institution with an annual salary of 1 million. Now he claims that as long as he gives money, he will receive advertising.

Netizens couldn't help but wonder: What did Zhong Meimei go through? Where did the courage to refuse a visa go back then?


In 2020, a 13-year-old boy in Hegang, Heilongjiang Province became popular.

In the video, he imitates female teachers in different disciplines: upturned orchid fingers, sharp little eyes, standing with arms crossed, cold expression, and realistic tone.

The vivid performance made people laugh after watching it, and the agility and creativity, as well as the super sense of substitution, made his fans exceed one million overnight.

Zhong Meimei is calmly "out of breath", maybe he who fell into the dung pit is the real "sober in the world"

Netizens said: His performance doesn't look like he is learning now, it seems like he never finished it in his previous life.

Screenwriter Shi Hang sighed: "This kid kicked me back to my youth. ”

The "this child" in Shi Hang's mouth is Zhong Meimei, formerly known as Zhong Yusheng.

With the popularity of his short video, more people came to contact him, and he was overwhelmed with calls from various invitations, advertisements, and bringing goods.

Unexpectedly, a wave of "pouring wealth" passed by him.

It turned out that when he went to school, his mother Wu Qiong received a call from an agency and wanted to sign a contract with Zhong Meimei with an annual salary of 1 million, but her mother refused.

Subsequently, in order to show its sincerity, the company offered to give away a three-bedroom and two-hall house in Chaoyang District, Beijing.

But my mother was still unmoved.

Zhong Meimei was very anxious when she heard about it, and quietly called back to confirm whether it was true. After receiving a positive answer, he discussed with his mother whether he could consider signing a contract, after all, 1 million can solve many problems in life.

Zhong Meimei is calmly "out of breath", maybe he who fell into the dung pit is the real "sober in the world"

But the mother has a firm attitude, she believes that her son is only 13 years old, which is the golden period of his own learning, and the main task at present is to study hard and lay a good foundation.

Internet celebrities are temporary, and they can last forever after cultural edification, rich knowledge accumulation, and the formation of their own unique cognition and thinking.

In addition to regretting, netizens praised this sober and transparent mother, and appropriate guidance and not over-"consumption" of her son is the long-term solution.

At the insistence of her mother, Zhong Meimei began to concentrate on learning again, and regarded the production of short videos as an adjustment in her spare time.


Two years later, Zhong Meimei was admitted to the International Department of Harbin No. 3 Middle School.

As a well-known Internet celebrity, he was invited to participate in a show, and when he talked about his family and the past, he cried a lot.

What happened to him that made everyone very surprised and surprised.

In 2007, Zhong Meimei was born in an ordinary family, and when he was more than 9 months old, he was sent to his grandmother's house to live with his grandmother and grandfather.

For as long as he can remember, when he was taken home, he could always see his parents arguing, and then his mother being abused by the family. He went to stop him, and his father even beat him together.

Zhong Meimei is calmly "out of breath", maybe he who fell into the dung pit is the real "sober in the world"

After having a younger sister, my father not only did not restrain himself, but even his young sister did not let go. He was also more violent to his mother, and even once, he beat his mother to the point of breaking a bone and stayed in the hospital for many days.

In the period before and after their divorce, wherever they moved, their father would find them, and the sound of the unafraid knocking on the door made them curl up in the corner in horror and not make a sound.

Because of his family situation, he was discriminated against by his classmates at school and pointed fingers at him. Some people also say that he is "mother" and has no manliness, so he is often squeezed and isolated.

Zhong Meimei said: The root of all this misfortune is my father, and I also tried to persuade myself to forgive him, but I couldn't do it.

Fortunately, Zhong Meimei usually lives with her grandfather, and the love given to him by the old people allows him to heal himself.

Leaving her father and the original learning environment has become an obsession in Zhong Meimei's heart, and it has also become his motivation to study hard and make money.

Zhong Meimei is calmly "out of breath", maybe he who fell into the dung pit is the real "sober in the world"

The first thing to do is to pass the high school entrance examination and go to high school in other places.

For this reason, before the high school entrance examination, he transferred to Harbin City 3 months in advance to prepare for the exam.

There is a big difference in the pace of subjects and the level of education between the two places, and when I first transferred to another school, I took the Harbin mock exam and scored only 290 points.

After a period of hard work day and night, he was finally admitted to the International Department of Harbin No. 3 Middle School, with a Chinese score of 108 points (out of 120), ranking first in the class.


After entering high school, the new learning environment also opened up Zhong Meimei's horizons. He was very interested in all subjects and felt that he had too much to learn.

At the same time, he was shocked by the reality he was about to face.

The most problematic thing is the high tuition fees, which are far more than their combined salaries, despite the fact that my mother works and my grandparents have a retirement salary.

If you can make short videos in addition to studying, you will have a considerable income, and you can fully guarantee that you can complete your studies.

Zhong Meimei is calmly "out of breath", maybe he who fell into the dung pit is the real "sober in the world"

Zhong Meimei has a clear plan for her future. He took his mother and sister to study abroad, and if possible, took his grandparents out to care for the elderly.

If you want to achieve this goal, you need to make a lot of money.

Thinking of the time when I first became popular, so many opportunities flocked to me, and at that time, I was young and pushed it away in order to study.

Now that I have a lot of time, I can continue to shoot videos after studying.

Just do it, considering that the content of the previous jokes was single, it will cause fans visual fatigue after a long time.

After careful consideration, Zhong Meimei broadened the video content to various industries: food sales windows in school cafeterias, ticket sales windows at train stations, office halls, hospital offices, etc.

He imitates bank staff and reminds customers to guard against fraud; Imitating long-distance passenger transport staff, they are enthusiastic and meticulous in vehicle inspections, emphasizing safety first......

Once again, with a vivid performance, he portrayed the various states of the people and reflected social problems.

Zhong Meimei is calmly "out of breath", maybe he who fell into the dung pit is the real "sober in the world"

Not only that, Zhong Meimei also began to "reduce prices" to receive advertisements.

He said frankly: He is "out of breath" now, when he was popular, he didn't accept small advertisements at all, but now, the original 100,000 advertisements were accepted by 60,000.

When people don't question: Where is the heroic boy who refused to apply for a million visas 4 years ago?

Zhong Meimei is already walking faster than her peers, he knows his situation, and he also knows that he can't miss any opportunity to make money.

He said: On the premise of abiding by the law, if you have money, you can earn it, and money will bring you sufficient confidence.


Although Zhong Meimei's life has only experienced 17 spring and autumn, he knows how to plan and pursue. Although he is young, he is a rare sobriety in the world.

At a young age, he knew that his main task was to study, so he was able to remain unmoved in the face of the temptation of distractions. When he grew up, he worked hard to make money and do what he wanted.

If you are pleasing to yourself, why not.

Zhong Meimei is calmly "out of breath", maybe he who fell into the dung pit is the real "sober in the world"

Everyone is the executor of their own life, a bystander of other people's lives, please allow yourself to be yourself, and others to be others.

Mingyue once said: There is only one success, and that is to spend life in the way you like.

I hope that every aspiring child can live at their own pace like Zhong Meimei, relax and be moderate, and not be happy with things or sad about themselves.


1, Zhong Meimei, who fell into the dung pit, is the real insight ---- "sobriety in the world".

2, 17-year-old Zhong Meimei: Famous and rich, but my mother was still broken by my father...---- Li Yue

3. Being abused at home and bullied at school: 17-year-old Zhong Meimei was questioned for her remarks of "earning money", did he float? ---- dumb dad parenting


Author: Xibei

Editor: Chi Hong
