
Rural Revitalization|Taoyuan is full of "rich fruits"

author:Mengjin release

Rural Revitalization|Taoyuan is full of "rich fruits"

It's another year of fresh peach harvest. Nowadays, with the fresh peaches of Songzhuang Town, Mengjin District, Luoyang City, Henan Province ripening and listing one after another, the peach orchard is full of peach fragrance, and the peaches with bright color and full fruit are adorned with branches, which are sweet and attractive.

Rural Revitalization|Taoyuan is full of "rich fruits"

The fresh peaches sent to Zhuang Town attract a large number of tourists to pick Photo by Zhang Lina

On June 28, in the fruity peach forest, Lu Junxia, a peach farmer in Bailu Village, was busy picking ripe peaches while introducing the benefits of planting peaches to reporters. She has been growing peaches for more than 30 years, and because of the use of scientific management and the use of organic fertilizers, the peaches she grows are of good quality, good quality, and high price, and can have an income of 6 or 7,000 yuan per mu. It is understood that every 480 villagers in Bailu Village, Songzhuang Town, have peach orchards, of which 40 fruit farmers have peach tree planting areas of seven or eight acres, accounting for 7 percent of the villagers' income.

Bailu Village, Songzhuang Town, is a well-known fresh peach planting village in Luoyang area, and the fresh peaches produced are famous for their large, colorful, strong flavor and high sweetness, and are favored by consumers.

Rural Revitalization|Taoyuan is full of "rich fruits"

The fresh peaches sent to Zhuang Town attract a large number of tourists to pick Photo by Zhang Lina

Rural Revitalization|Taoyuan is full of "rich fruits"

The fresh peaches sent to Zhuang Town attract a large number of tourists to pick Photo by Zheng Zhanbo

It is understood that the town is located in the hinterland of the mountain, the soil structure is excellent, the temperature difference between day and night is large, the light time is long, since ancient times it is the main production area of high-quality melons and fruits, especially the history of fresh peach planting is longer. Since the eighties of the last century, the town's Bailu, negative map, Xishantou, Dongshantou and other villages began to adjust the industrial structure, the introduction of fresh peach planting, to explore a specialized, large-scale agricultural industrialization development path, fresh peach scale planting area of more than 3,000 acres, of which more than 30 years of high-quality peaches accounted for more than 50%, forming a thousand acres of fresh peach corridor with the highway as the axis. While achieving good economic benefits, it has effectively increased the green coverage, improved the agricultural ecological environment, and formed a beautiful landscape with local characteristics.

The town also encourages fruit farmers to build modern urban agriculture, adopt new formats such as "agriculture + tourism" and "agriculture + leisure", vigorously develop the picking fruit and fresh peach industry, promote new varieties, new technologies and new models, promote organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer planting, prohibit the use of biological hormones such as "bulking agents", prohibit the use of herbicides in orchards, promote green comprehensive prevention and control technologies for pests and diseases such as sexual attractants and moth lamps, implement comprehensive planting and breeding of chickens and ducks in orchards, and develop ecological recycling agriculture of "combination of planting and breeding, planting and breeding balance". At the same time, the town actively guides fruit farmers to "thin fruits, control fruits, limit production, and eugenics", ensure the quality of large fruits and protect the needs of citizens with taste.

According to Huang Aimin, secretary of the Party branch of Bailu Village, due to the suitable climatic conditions this year, during the growth period, the sun is sufficient, the fresh peach is large, the color is red, the disease, cracking, and residual fruit are few, the commodity rate is high, the sugar content is high, and it belongs to the bumper year, with an average yield of 2,000 kg per mu and a high production capacity of more than 4,000 kg. According to the current wholesale price of sales, the benefit per mu is more than 5,000 yuan, the high can exceed 8,000 yuan, deducting various production inputs, the net income per mu is more than 3,000 yuan.

According to reports, all kinds of fresh peaches produced in Zhuang Town, because the quality, quality and sweetness of peaches are higher than the varieties sold in the market, have a high brand awareness in Luoyang and the surrounding areas, and have become a "cash cow" for farmers to get rich and well-off and "Jinyuan fruit" to increase income and get rich.

Source: CNR

Rural Revitalization|Taoyuan is full of "rich fruits"