
@全市财务, be wary of boss scams!

author:Beijing Haidian Court

Attention accountants!

Be wary of impersonation scams

Beware of being scammed

Recently, the case of impersonating the boss to defraud financial personnel has made a comeback, and the characteristics of the modus operandi have been updated again.

Impersonating a leader to defraud financial personnel

As a financial officer of a company, Zhang received a notification document of "tax inspection random inspection work" in the accounting exchange group, which contained a link to a website.

@全市财务, be wary of boss scams!

After visiting the website, Zhang unknowingly downloaded and installed a phishing Trojan file. The suspect manipulated Xiao Zhang's computer, added a fake company boss WeChat (modified to the same nickname and profile picture), appeared a "clone" account, and had a conversation with Xiao Zhang.

@全市财务, be wary of boss scams!

The suspect used a fake "boss" WeChat to ask Xiao Zhang to transfer money to a designated account.

@全市财务, be wary of boss scams!

Xiao Zhang didn't think much about it and transferred the money, and after a while, the real boss called and said that he didn't let him transfer it, and Xiao Zhang realized that he had been deceived.

@全市财务, be wary of boss scams!

Scam Revealed

@全市财务, be wary of boss scams!

1. Use files to spread links containing Trojan viruses. Scammers disseminate a notification document called "Tax Inspection Random Spot Check Work" through the company's internal WeChat, QQ group or email, such as financial communication.

@全市财务, be wary of boss scams!

2. Use Trojan viruses to steal internal information. As soon as the financial staff clicks on the link to the website, the computer is implanted with a Trojan virus. Scammers can use viruses to obtain computer background permissions, realize screenshots, screen recording, monitoring and other operations, "observe" the company's financial transfers and internal exchanges, and wait for opportunities to commit crimes.

@全市财务, be wary of boss scams!

3. Wait for the opportunity to direct the company's financial transfer and remittance. When the time is ripe, the scammer will create a card machine, a black screen, and remotely control the victim's computer WeChat QQ, etc., delete the boss's real chat account, add a "clone" account, and then "command" the company's finance to make transfers.

@全市财务, be wary of boss scams!

4. Use financial accounts to continue spreading viruses. Scammers will also use the chat accounts of financial personnel who have already been controlled to spread the Trojan virus to other financial exchanges and group chats within the company, and "infect" more computers in a loop.

Police tips

@全市财务, be wary of boss scams!

1. When you encounter a self-proclaimed leader who adds friends through social tools such as QQ, WeChat, and SMS, please do not believe it easily and add it cautiously before verifying the identity of the other party.

2. Do not blindly remit money to unfamiliar accounts, and be vigilant against abnormal borrowing and remittance requirements, call the leader, video or ask for verification in person, and be sure to verify and confirm before operating.

3. Do not click on URL links, documents, emails, etc. from unknown sources, and do not easily disclose personal information to unfamiliar netizens, so as to enhance the awareness of prevention.

4. Financial personnel should regularly check and kill computer viruses, strengthen prevention capabilities, and avoid criminals stealing computer information through Trojan viruses.

Source: Beijing Anti-Fraud

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