
Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

author:The front smell is on the road~

Zheng Shuang's unfulfilled amount exceeded 120 million: the financial crisis hit

According to the data of the Qichacha APP, the producer of the TV series "Top Secret" starring Zheng Shuang but not broadcast, Horgos Shanghui Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd. has added a new information on equity freezing.

Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

The person subject to execution is Zhejiang Dongyang Shanghui Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., and the amount of frozen equity is 3 million yuan. As soon as this news came out, it instantly attracted widespread attention.

Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

After all, the amount of money involved is staggering. Zheng Shuang has been restricted from high consumption due to a number of contract disputes, and the final case shows that the amount she has not fulfilled is as high as 120 million yuan. Such a large amount of money,I don't know what my friends think,Do you think it's more unreliable than buying lottery tickets?

Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

Someone joked: "120 million, if this is given to me, I don't know how many pairs of shoes I will buy." This remark has attracted countless likes, after all, netizens always have their own unique humorous interpretation of large amounts. Everyone said that no matter what, they had to see how "spicy" Zheng Shuang's financial situation was.

Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

Zheng Shuang's trap: Is her boyfriend "behind the scenes"?

In response to Zheng Shuang's unfulfilled amount, some netizens said that she was a typical "bad luck with a man". Some people think that Zheng Shuang was fooled into going to the United States for surrogacy, and the handle was in the hands of the man.

Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

Even if Zheng Shuang did not give up surrogacy, the man would try his best to ruin her reputation. What's more, they think that many men are this kind of "portrayal", they will focus on women's money, try their best to make it happen, cheat and don't give, rob or don't give, anyway, the purpose is to not let women have a good time.

Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

This remark caused heated discussions on the Internet, and some people jokingly said: "It seems that the word 'male bad luck' is going to be popular, and sisters must keep their eyes open when looking for a boyfriend in the future." As soon as this remark came out, it immediately resonated with countless female netizens, who said that they had encountered a similar situation. It seems that Zheng Shuang's trap is not only her personal story, but also a microcosm of a social phenomenon.

Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

The Dilemma of the Average Woman: Property Disputes in Marriage

In the process of discussing the Zheng Shuang incident, many netizens said that ordinary women are also easy to encounter the encroachment of property in marriage. It has been pointed out that after marriage and childbirth, the property of the woman and her mother's family is often eroded by the man step by step. Taking stock of the lives of ordinary women, they often get more and more tired and embarrassed and painful from the beginning of marriage and childbirth, which is bad luck.

Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

Some netizens commented: "It seems that not only celebrities, but ordinary people will also encounter such a situation." It's really hard to prevent. This view sparked a lot of discussion, and people shared their own marital experiences and cases of property disputes. For a while, Zheng Shuang's incident seemed to have become synonymous with the marriage predicament of ordinary people, and people couldn't help but sigh that the property problem in marriage was really a common social phenomenon.

Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

Zheng Shuang's "amateur" identity: the road to whitewashing is long

After the news that Zheng Shuang's unfulfilled amount exceeded 120 million, some netizens questioned her "amateur" status. After all, who can evade taxes, abandon surrogacy, run away from the United States, and not be a liar?

Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

Netizens have said that although Zheng Shuang is not in China, he has spent a lot of marketing expenses on whitewashing amateurs in China. Someone joked: "Is our Shuangshuang really looking forward to returning to China one day and returning to the entertainment industry?" Or do you expect to find a few more filial sons to reward yourself and raise money? ”

Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

These words attracted heated discussions among netizens, and some people said: "It seems that the road to whitewashing of celebrities is really long and difficult." Everyone speculated whether Zheng Shuang would really return to the entertainment industry one day in the future, or whether he would completely withdraw from the public eye. Either way, this topic undoubtedly provides a good material for netizens to discuss.

Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

The "amateur" phenomenon in the entertainment industry: why is Zheng Shuang frequently searched?

The news that Zheng Shuang's unfulfilled amount exceeds 120 million makes people wonder, why is she always on the hot search? Some netizens pointed out that all the stars in the entertainment industry, even a certain Bing Mouyan and a certain Han who are still active, the appearance rate is not high, only Zheng Shuang, a person who has no news, is searched every day, what is going on?

Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

In this regard, someone joked: "It seems that the entertainment industry really needs an 'amateur' who has dominated the hot search for a long time, otherwise everyone doesn't know what to talk about after dinner." This point of view has attracted the approval of many netizens, and everyone has said that the hot search phenomenon in the entertainment industry is really confusing.

Zheng Shuang's 'amateur' life: a hot search regular, how 'spicy' is her financial crisis?

But in any case, Zheng Shuang's frequent hot searches undoubtedly provide a topic of continuous attention for everyone, and her name has always been active in the public's field of vision.

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