
No prohibitions, no penalties, compliant travel! There is good news for electric vehicles, on the license, on the road, and the driving test

author: Longnan Wen County released

At present, as the temperature begins to rise, electric vehicles have become the first choice for the masses to travel. Electric two-wheelers may be more common on urban roads, but in rural markets, the use of electric three- and four-wheelers is more frequent. Of course, whether it is a city or a township, there are conditions for using a car.

Recently, all over the country has been for the owner of the "green light", in the standardized management of electric vehicles at the same time, but also launched a lot of convenient policies, do not forbid, no fines, no deductions, convenient electric vehicles, tricycles, four-wheeled owners on the license, on the road, driving test, let's take a look.

Motorcycle driver's license "sent to the countryside"

For electric light motorcycles, electric motorcycles, and electric tricycles on the road, the requirements for driver's licenses in many places have been clarified, and the road travel side has also begun to strictly investigate unlicensed driving and non-compliance with the permitted driving. It is precisely because of this series of requirements that car owners have also realized the importance of holding a license on the road, and have begun to take the initiative to sign up for a driver's license.

No prohibitions, no penalties, compliant travel! There is good news for electric vehicles, on the license, on the road, and the driving test

In order to further facilitate the examination of the masses, there are not a few places that have carried out the service of "sending motorcycle driver's licenses to the countryside" since the beginning of this year. You can take the driver's license directly at the door of your home, and you don't have to go all the way to the vehicle management office, which is more convenient for the people in towns and remote areas to test and get the certificate through this form. For this initiative, the masses have also expressed their approval, hoping that more areas will be popularized and promoted in the future.

Non-standard three- and four-wheeled vehicles set a transition period

According to the requirements, non-standard electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles are produced without the permission of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and are not included in the "Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products", and cannot be registered. However, many places have also relaxed the conditions for the use of such models, and set up a transition period policy for non-standard models in use in the society, as long as they are registered in a timely manner, they are not prohibited on the road, no deductions, and no penalties are imposed, so as to effectively solve the problem of public travel.

No prohibitions, no penalties, compliant travel! There is good news for electric vehicles, on the license, on the road, and the driving test

A few days ago, Mianyang, Sichuan Province issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Illegal Electric Vehicles", which mentioned that the non-standard electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles purchased before the notice can be used until December 31, 2025, and from January 1, 2026, they are not allowed to drive on the road and park in public places.

"New Measures" for Punishment of Electric Vehicle Violations

No prohibitions, no penalties, compliant travel! There is good news for electric vehicles, on the license, on the road, and the driving test

Regarding electric vehicle violations, common ones such as not wearing helmets, driving in the wrong direction, and not driving in accordance with the prescribed lanes, etc., used to be directly fined by the traffic police. Now more and more places are beginning to implement "new measures", such as through the release of social platform likes, etc., through the form of soft law enforcement, so that car owners and people around them can realize the importance of civilized travel, and further improve the coverage of traffic safety education, the effect is better than direct fines.

The above-mentioned series of convenient policies have been implemented in many places across the country. For car owners, it is true that they have enjoyed certain benefits in all aspects of licensing, roading, and driving tests. What do you think about this? Welcome to discuss together.

Source: Electric Vehicle Business Review

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