
Vigorously promote "do one thing efficiently", and the enterprise-related services in Tiexi District will be value-added

author:Good friends on the 986 road

Vigorously promote the reform of "doing one thing efficiently", and Tiexi District will make enterprise-related services "smart", improve "quality" and increase "value". Recently, the reporter learned from the Tiexi District Business Bureau that in June this year, Tiexi District took the lead in opening a special area for enterprise-related value-added services in the province, and launched the "intimate guide" graphic tutorial and "online accompaniment" intelligent service, coordinating online and offline government service resources, driving service model innovation with scenario applications, and continuously upgrading enterprise-related services from "doable" to "easy to do".

Vigorously promote "do one thing efficiently", and the enterprise-related services in Tiexi District will be value-added

Increasing "value": the province took the lead in opening a business service zone Since June, Tiexi District has focused on the development needs of enterprises such as policy supply, venue acquisition, legal services, financing docking, logistics and warehousing, leisure and entertainment, and has provided open and zero-distance value-added services for enterprises in the district government affairs service center. The first batch of service functions such as easy site selection (place acquisition), financial easy loan (financial services), and leisure (leisure and entertainment) were launched. At present, enterprises can handle relevant services in the business service area of the Tiexi District Government Affairs Service Center (No. 52 Beiyi West Road).

Vigorously promote "do one thing efficiently", and the enterprise-related services in Tiexi District will be value-added

Among them, Easy Site Selection can provide site selection services for enterprises in need, and the first batch of 25 buildings with idle space such as TBEA Building will be released, and provide information on the surrounding environment, traffic information, existing large enterprises in the building and recommendations for major investment directions. Rongyi Loan, which provides financing services for enterprises in need, has launched a total of 163 financing products in the first batch to help enterprises seamlessly connect with various financial service institutions such as banks and securities companies. The first batch of 10 core scenic spots, as well as many entertainment venues, commercial complexes, food check-in places, theme tide play parks, star-rated hotels, large-scale fitness clubs, etc., were released.

Vigorously promote "do one thing efficiently", and the enterprise-related services in Tiexi District will be value-added

In the future, the value-added services related to enterprises will gradually increase and continue to promote, so that enterprises can obtain more social resources such as market expansion and promotion services, and help enterprises grow freely and develop healthily in Tiexi. Improving "quality": taking the lead in launching the "intimate guide" graphic tutorial At the same time as opening the value-added service area, Tiexi District also took the lead in launching the "graphic and text" tutorial for enterprise services in the province. Enterprises only need to search the official account of the Tiexi District Business Environment Construction Bureau on WeChat, click on the enterprise start-up, and you can view the new version of graphic tutorials, including new enterprises, legal person changes, cancellation and other businesses. Offline can be viewed by scanning the code in the enterprise opening area. The government affairs center has also made a "sticker", and interested enterprises can take away the QR code of the corresponding business and scan the code at any time to handle it.

Vigorously promote "do one thing efficiently", and the enterprise-related services in Tiexi District will be value-added

The reporter saw that, different from the traditional service guide, the newly launched "graphic version" handling tutorial not only contains detailed text descriptions, but also is accompanied by intuitive charts and step instructions, and very intimately marks the error-prone points and common problems in the legend, so that the handler can understand the handling process more clearly and quickly, greatly improving the ability of the class to handle independently, and greatly reducing the number of consultations and modifications. Tiexi also provides a flow chart of paper materials, and the clerk only needs to prepare and print the materials according to the instructions on the flow chart to achieve a successful process.

In addition, graphic tutorials can be mounted on websites, clients, applets, and official accounts, which has strong service stickiness and compatibility. It is understood that in the first month of opening alone, the success rate of a declaration for enterprises in Tiexi District reached 98%. At present, the graphic tutorial has been piloted and promoted in many districts and counties of Shenyang. Promote "wisdom": provide enterprises with "online accompaniment" intelligent services At the same time as handling business, the clerk only needs to open the official account of "Tiexi District Business Environment Construction Bureau" to apply for full accompaniment and help to handle, and the hall staff will provide free guidance services to help enterprises complete the filling one by one. Enterprises only need to log in to the official account and click - enterprise registration, you can enter the online customer service, only need to put forward the need for manual assistance to the online customer service, and there will be staff to assist in the whole process.

It is worth mentioning that the assistant service has also launched an intelligent robot customer service and a graphic tutorial query code, and the clerk can scan the corresponding QR code and complete the filling in independently according to the illustrated tutorial. At present, the human-machine response rate of online customer service has reached 75.6%. "The 'online accompaniment' intelligent service is another special service initiative in Tiexi District after the cross-domain communication, breaking the time and place restrictions of traditional government service consultation, so that enterprises can enjoy more convenient and efficient government services anytime and anywhere." According to the relevant person in charge of the Tiexi District Business Bureau, in the next step, Tiexi District will introduce AI, think tanks and other tools under the unified deployment and guidance of Shenyang City, comprehensively improve computing power, and incorporate more services into the "accompaniment" function, so that the "accompaniment" service can accompany the growth and development of the whole life cycle of enterprises. Tiexi District will also take the pilot construction of the "value-added service" reform as a new starting point, actively integrate into the forefront of the development of the times, launch the "Tiedingban" government service brand, and promote the acceleration of the construction of the "upgraded version" of the business environment. (Reporter: Li Chun)

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