
The core start-up area of Hunnan Science and Technology City was opened

author:Good friends on the 986 road
The core start-up area of Hunnan Science and Technology City was opened

On July 1, the core start-up area of Hunnan Science and Technology City was officially opened, and a number of science and technology innovation spaces such as the Cloud of Wisdom and Scientist Workshops were delivered and operated. Wang Xinwei, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended and announced the opening of the park. Fan Jiying, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and Yu Xueli, chairman of the CPPCC, attended.

Yu Haibin, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, President of the Shenyang Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Director of the Liaohe Laboratory, Chang Jiang, Vice President of the Liaoning Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Project Leader of the Science and Technology Finance Center of the Shenyang Branch, and Hu Xiaoqiang, Researcher of the Institute of Metal Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Project Leader of the Technology Innovation Center of Special Metals and High-end Components, delivered speeches. Yang Shaoqing and Feng Xiating, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Li Dianzhong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and responsible comrades of relevant departments directly under the state and provincial government and some universities attended the meeting. City leaders Wen Ran, Liu Xuhui, Li Gang and Jian Biao participated.

The core start-up area of Hunnan Science and Technology City was opened

Three years of cold and summer rotation, a thousand days and nights. Hunnan Science and Technology City always keeps in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest entrustment of "time is not waiting to promote self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology, and seize the day to break through the 'stuck neck' problem"; Always follow the strategic deployment of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government to "build a regional science and technology innovation center with national influence"; At all times, in accordance with the core positioning of "the source of scientific and technological innovation, the conversion engine of new and old kinetic energy, and the demonstration area for the development of new quality productivity" determined by the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the wisdom of 23 units in the city has been gathered, relying on the three major space carriers, the development of six leading industries, and the ten special actions have been carried out to create the Hunnan Science and Technology City, a special zone for science and technology innovation, and a rainforest for science and technology innovation in the southern end of the central axis of the city through Shenyang.

The core start-up area of Hunnan Science and Technology City, which opened this time, has laid out four major innovation spaces and supporting infrastructure, including scientist workshops, wisdom clouds, science and technology service blocks, and innovative business incubators. At present, the Liaoning Materials Laboratory and the Liaoning Liaohe Laboratory have been put into operation, the construction of super-large deep engineering disaster physical simulation facilities has been accelerated, the future industrial Internet large scientific device, high-energy ray multi-beam source multi-dimensional imaging device, and whole brain in vivo neuron analysis imaging experimental device have accelerated the pre-research and demonstration, and 392 scientific and technological innovation platforms have been put into use. The opening of the park has concentrated on 50 key scientific and technological projects, including 3 academician science and technology innovation centers, 10 element function service projects, 3 joint construction projects, and 34 major scientific and technological achievement industrialization projects.

At the ceremony, Yan Zhanfeng, Secretary of the Hunnan District Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Shenyang High-tech Zone, introduced the construction of Hunnan Science and Technology City. After the ceremony, the leaders and guests also visited the apartment and canteen of the scientists' workshop.

The core start-up area of Hunnan Science and Technology City was opened

Hunnan Science and Technology City has developed a spatial system of integration of production and production with a global vision and the requirements of the times

At the beginning of the planning and construction of Hunnan Science and Technology City, Hunnan District solicited design plans from all over the world, carried out international bidding, and after 5 medium-term exchanges and 12 rounds of careful polishing, implemented the concept of green, low-carbon and wisdom, and determined the spatial layout plan of "one axis, one corridor and two cities", and then seven engineering bureaus, thousands of machinery and equipment, and 10,000 builders worked day and night on nearly 100 engineering operations around the five major infrastructures such as municipal transportation, ecological environment and public services, realizing the science and technology city "one year and three years”。 At present, 25 kilometers of trunk road network, 68 kilometers of municipal pipe network, 10 kilometers of comprehensive pipe gallery, 5.6 kilometers of ecological water system, and 8 theme parks in the core start-up area have been basically completed. Based on 91 square kilometers of production and living space, 7.2 square kilometers of start-up space as the core bearing, 1.03 million square meters of innovation and development space as the key support, and 1.26 million square meters of natural ecological space as the distinctive background, the large space system and large spatial pattern of the science and technology city have been formed, which can provide a broader, more professional and more focused incubator, transformation place and source for talents, platforms, technologies, achievements and projects in the field of scientific and technological innovation in the city and even the province.

The core start-up area of Hunnan Science and Technology City was opened

Hunnan Science and Technology City leads with science and technology, openness and sharing, and creates an innovation system combining research and application

It has always been the true soul of the science and technology city to gather, activate and amplify the ability of scientific and technological innovation. Two major laboratories have been built, the substantive scientific research of Liaoning Materials Laboratory has been fully launched, the largest electron microscopy center in Asia has been put into use, 6 disruptive technology research institutes such as material elementing and steel recycling have been established, and 53 specific fields have been tackled. The construction of the independent scientific research space of Liaoning Liaohe Laboratory has been completed, and the research and development of 11 forward-looking technologies such as "hydraulic humanoid robot" is progressing smoothly. Four major scientific and technological infrastructures have been laid out, the physical simulation facility for super-large deep engineering disasters has been successfully constructed, the pre-research of the future industrial Internet innovation infrastructure has been accelerated, and the multi-beam source multi-dimensional imaging device for high-energy rays and the analytical imaging experimental device for whole brain in vivo neurons have been launched. It has built N scientific and technological research and development platforms, and has gathered 392 scientific and technological research and development institutions such as key laboratories, technological innovation centers, and enterprise technology centers, including 21 at the national level, 241 at the provincial level, and 130 at the municipal level. 50 key science and technology projects will be settled soon, relying on the science and technology innovation spaces such as the cloud of wisdom and scientist workshops in the core start-up area, and through actively carrying out the "New East Expansion +" science and technology investment, a total of 130 projects of various types will be negotiated and reserved, of which 50 will be officially settled soon. Including: 3 academician science and technology innovation centers, led by 3 academicians, will carry out key core technology research and corresponding industrial applications in the fields of special metals and high-end components, intelligent optimization of energy loads, and physical simulation of deep engineering disasters; There are 3 industrialization bases for technological achievements, led by Northeastern University, Shenyang University of Technology, and Shenyang University of Technology, which will rely on their respective characteristic and advantageous disciplines to carry out cutting-edge basic and applied basic research in many fields such as materials science, aerospace, intelligent manufacturing, and environmental protection equipment, and carry out the transfer and transformation of achievements on the spot; There are 10 service guarantee platforms for science and technology elements, among which comprehensive platforms such as the Shenyang Science and Technology Conditions Platform Operation Service Center will focus on optimizing the innovation ecology and scientific research environment, and provide R&D, pilot test, and industrialization services for all kinds of science and technology enterprises and science and technology leading talents, and the Shenyang Service Center of Literature and Information of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Science and Technology Finance Center of the Shenyang Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China will provide special services such as science and technology information, science and technology finance, technology transfer, and human resources; There are 34 industrialization projects of scientific and technological achievements, including 2 advanced materials projects such as metallurgical sensing material applications, 12 intelligent manufacturing projects such as the production of aero engine localization test equipment, 7 information technology projects such as X-ray crystal directional analysis systems, 7 life and health projects such as clinical gene therapy technology and drug research and development, 2 digital cultural and creative projects such as Lumei Innovation and Fusion Research Institute, and 4 new energy projects such as high-power new high-speed motorsIt generally has the distinctive characteristics of high level of leading talents, high degree of advanced technology and high product market expectations. At the same time, we have gathered 7 scientific research institutes such as the Shenyang Institute of Automation and the Institute of Metals of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 13 universities such as Northeastern University and Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, with 126,000 students, 2.45 million square meters of innovation and innovation incubation space, and more than 5,000 incubating enterprises. These science and technology innovation institutions, science and technology innovation platforms, science and technology innovation carriers, and science and technology innovation talents together constitute a huge and complete science and technology innovation system in the Science and Technology City, and build a flourishing science and technology innovation rainforest ecology.

The core start-up area of Hunnan Science and Technology City was opened

Hunnan Science and Technology City is a project-driven, park-bearing layout with distinctive industrial system

We have always adhered to the principle of driving industrial innovation through scientific and technological innovation, and made every effort to transform various innovative achievements into specific projects, implement them in specific parks, and cultivate them into specific industries. In terms of project attraction, focusing on the six leading industries such as advanced materials and intelligent manufacturing, the company reconstructed the attraction system, carried out six major actions such as investment promotion in the core sector and industrial chain, signed a total of 841 projects of various types and 504 projects in the past three years, 82 projects including Huawei's Liaoning Regional Headquarters have been completed ahead of schedule, and 79 projects including Shenyang Aviation Power Industrial Park have been officially put into operation. In terms of the construction of the park, more than one industrial park has been built around each leading industry and its subdivisions, forming an industrial layout of "one valley and seven parks". At present, more than 1,500 enterprises have gathered in the North Computing Valley, with a full park rate of 90% and an industrial scale of more than 65 billion yuan; The aviation power industrial park realizes "full park in one year"; The output value of the integrated circuit equipment industrial park increased by 20% year-on-year; The construction of "one park and four bases" in the robot industrial park has set sail in an all-round way. In terms of industrial development, various industrial segments have maintained a relatively strong growth trend, with double-digit growth in robotics, civil aviation, and new materials, and stable growth in IC equipment, biomedicine, and health care, with the output value of the six leading industries approaching 170 billion yuan.

The core start-up area of Hunnan Science and Technology City was opened

Hunnan Science and Technology City adheres to policy guidance and talent growth to form a rich and sound guarantee system

There are more than 10 support policies such as "Several Policies and Measures of Shenyang City to Support the Construction of Hunnan Science and Technology City Science and Technology Special Zone" and corresponding implementation rules, forming a more specific content, more support, and more convenient "Science and Technology Innovation Special Zone" policy matrix, covering enterprise cultivation, industrial development, project introduction, innovation and entrepreneurship, talent landing and other fields. There are warm and intimate talent services, the first to introduce regional talent identification measures, 97 enterprises have obtained the right to identify municipal talents, and 1,576 high-level talents. At the same time, 5,081 talent apartments have been built in reserve, and the city's first talent home service hall has been built and operated, and 42 services such as schooling and medical care for the children of talents can be guaranteed around the clock. It has gathered 563 financial and quasi-financial service institutions, attracted 35 private equity fund managers, and established 11 equity investment funds, with an overall investment rate of more than 70%. At the same time, we are speeding up the construction of Shenyang's "financial island" with the science and technology city as the core, and will gather more financial services into a cluster. There is an efficient and convenient business environment, the province took the lead in the establishment of the central legal district, the first to introduce intellectual property professional courts, the construction of the first all-factor, multi-category intellectual property exhibition and dissemination center in Northeast China, the first to implement the "first approval and then review", "management on behalf of the review", "one seal for approval" and other examination and approval system reforms, the innovation and establishment of the whole process of the assistant agency "Hunnan meeting room", "zero meeting, zero materials, zero distance" examination and approval has been expanded to more than 300 matters, major projects basically realized "land acquisition and construction".

On the new journey, Hunnan Science and Technology City will keep in mind the entrustment, fully implement the strategic goal of strengthening the country with science and technology, make every effort to improve the ability of basic research and original innovation, the ability to tackle key core technologies, and the ability to cultivate and gather high-level scientific and technological talents, make every effort to create a first-class innovation ecology and scientific research environment, and make every effort to promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, and unswervingly build Hunnan Science and Technology City into a regional science and technology innovation center with national influence. (Reporter: Motor)

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