
The "pole" of the "Taiwan" competition is full of vitality in the "pole" of the Tiexi staff billiards competition

author:Good friends on the 986 road

Employees with the "platform", "pole" to move the iron west. From June 29th to 30th, the Tiexi District Federation of Trade Unions, together with the Tiexi District Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau, and the Tiexi District Federation of Industry and Commerce, jointly held the "Living in the Place of Work" 2024 Tiexi District Staff Billiards Competition, attracting more than 200 workers and enthusiasts from 40 organs, enterprises and institutions in the district to come to the "pole" to win.

The "pole" of the "Taiwan" competition is full of vitality in the "pole" of the Tiexi staff billiards competition

There are two awards in this competition: the Chinese billiards individual competition and the Chinese billiards team competition. After two days of fierce competition, the top eight winning teams in the team competition and the top 16 winners in the individual competition were determined. Among them, the champions, runners-up and runners-up of the team competition were the team of Shenyang Yuhua Rubber and Plastic Products Co., Ltd., the party and government office team of the Development Zone Management Committee, and the team of the Tiexi District Law Enforcement Bureau. Jin Zhiyu of the Organization Department of the Tiexi District Party Committee, Jiao Lei of the Party and Government Office of the Management Committee of the Development Zone, and Wang Shuai of the Law Enforcement Bureau of the Tiexi District won the individual championship, second and third place respectively.

The "pole" of the "Taiwan" competition is full of vitality in the "pole" of the Tiexi staff billiards competition

In the competition, the contestants devoted themselves wholeheartedly and showed their strengths, fully demonstrating the spirit of Tiexi workers who dare to work hard and break through. At the scene of the game, the sound of billiards hitting and falling bags came and went, and the players kept walking around to find the best hitting point, sometimes attacking vigorously, and one shot was the winner; Sometimes he touches the defense lightly and responds calmly. Pole racking, aiming, rod out, billiards, and bag dropping are all done in one go, showing the charm of billiards to the fullest. In the matchup, there were many times when the situation was reversed and the winner was decided by one shot, which made the game fascinating. Every beautiful goal won the cheers and applause of the audience.

The "pole" of the "Taiwan" competition is full of vitality in the "pole" of the Tiexi staff billiards competition

"This billiards competition provides a platform for the majority of employees to meet friends through the competition, and everyone reaps happiness while reaping results." The participating employees said that the competition not only provided a good platform for billiards lovers to exercise and display, but also stimulated the excellent style of unity and tenacious struggle of the majority of employees.

The "pole" of the "Taiwan" competition is full of vitality in the "pole" of the Tiexi staff billiards competition

According to the relevant person in charge of the Tiexi District Federation of Trade Unions, in recent years, the District Federation of Trade Unions has been guided by the needs of employees, encouraging and supporting grassroots trade unions to build employee activity positions, independently carry out various cultural and sports activities, and improve the overall quality of employees. At the same time, the District Federation of Trade Unions focuses on the overall situation of service revitalization and development, gives full play to the role of sharing employee homes, staff libraries and other employee service positions, continuously optimizes and innovates service content, lights up life and serves employees with high-quality cultural and sports activities, and continues to release the gravitational force of "West", attracting more people to come to Tiexi, fall in love with Tiexi, and take root in Tiexi, so that employees can truly enjoy the happiness, pride and sense of belonging of "living in the place where they work". (Reporter: Li Chun)

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