
"Billiards genius" Ding Junhui: His mother died of cancer at the age of 55, and he married a rich second generation who was 6 years older

author:Really talk about entertainment

Photo/Zhenzhen Chat Entertainment

Editing/Zhenzhen Chat Entertainment

"Billiards genius" Ding Junhui: His mother died of cancer at the age of 55, and he married a rich second generation who was 6 years older


Ding Junhui's billiards career can be called a highlight of Chinese sports. Known as the "billiards prodigy" since childhood, he has become the protagonist on the world stage all the way with his outstanding talent and firm will. Even if he loses in the 2023 competition, he is still an outstanding representative and legend of Chinese billiards, showing the world the strength and potential of Chinese players. He is inseparable from the support of his family behind his achievements

Meet someone you will spend the rest of your life with and marry a rich girl

The encounter between Ding Junhui and his wife Zhang Yuanyuan is a dramatic and heartwarming love story. Zhang Yuanyuan is an editor of a sports magazine and is often in contact with sports stars. In an interview, the two were attracted to each other by coincidence. After the interview, Ding Junhui added Zhang Yuanyuan's mobile phone number, which was remarked as "Yuanyuan", and the two often exchanged text messages on their mobile phones from then on.

"Billiards genius" Ding Junhui: His mother died of cancer at the age of 55, and he married a rich second generation who was 6 years older

They went through a long and romantic period of love, from 2009 to 2014. In a show, Ding Junhui took the initiative to reveal that he already had a girlfriend, and they had already received a marriage certificate, and only owed Zhang Yuanyuan a wedding. In order to maintain Zhang Yuanyuan's image, Ding Junhui specially announced to the outside world: "Because of Zhang Yuanyuan's care, I can achieve such outstanding results." ”

Although Zhang Yuanyuan's family is superior, and some people even call her a "rich second generation", there is no princess disease in her. When she was with Ding Junhui, she never showed the eldest lady's shelf. Ding Junhui is often busy with work and sometimes can't take care of Zhang Yuanyuan comprehensively, but she never complains, but takes care of his life.

"Billiards genius" Ding Junhui: His mother died of cancer at the age of 55, and he married a rich second generation who was 6 years older

Their wedding was finally held in Ding Junhui's hometown in Jiangsu after his career stabilized. Unfortunately, Ding Junhui's mother died early due to illness and was unable to see their daughter. Whenever Ding Junhui participates in a competition, Zhang Yuanyuan is always by his side, stabilizing and relieving his mood swings. Although Zhang Yuanyuan comes from a wealthy family, she is not squeamish at all, she is virtuous and capable, gentle and considerate. The death of his mother brought him a heavy blow, but Zhang Yuanyuan was always by his side to tide over the difficulties together.

With Zhang Yuanyuan's support and comfort, Ding Junhui gradually came out of the pain of losing his mother. In 2018, Zhang Yuanyuan gave birth to a daughter for Ding Junhui, named Ding Nuanzhu, and the couple realized their wish to be parents. Today, Ding Junhui lives with his family in the wealthy area of Sheffield, England, and lives a happy life.

"Billiards genius" Ding Junhui: His mother died of cancer at the age of 55, and he married a rich second generation who was 6 years older

His career was booming, and his mother died of cancer

From 2006 to 2007, Ding Junhui continued his excellent performance, winning consecutive championships in many professional competitions and Asian Games. After this period, he quickly climbed to No. 9 in the world rankings. In November of the same year, Ding Junhui once again performed well, defeating his opponent all the way to the final at the British Championships. Not only did he beat the top 100, but he also won his second major ranking tournament with a strong victory over the British.

With the passage of time, entering 2013 and 2014 became the most glorious period of Ding Junhui's career. He won five major ranking tournaments during that time and is widely recognized as Player of the Year. After a low-key performance in the next two seasons, Ding Junhui showed unprecedented competitive potential. On the domestic tour, he successfully defended his position as the "No. 1 domestic snookerer", making his world ranking soar straight to the top five.

"Billiards genius" Ding Junhui: His mother died of cancer at the age of 55, and he married a rich second generation who was 6 years older

Despite his brilliant achievements, Ding Junhui's success also has great sacrifices and tragedies behind it. In 1998, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, which was a severe blow to the whole family. Despite financial constraints, the mother quietly supported her husband and son's dreams.

However, in 2017, his mother's condition relapsed, and Ding Junhui fell into a low point in his life again. Despite her best efforts, her mother eventually passed away, leaving him with endless grief and longing. In his most difficult moment, Ding Junhui's wife became his pillar and dependence. Her love and support helped Ding Junhui get out of the loss, get back on his feet, and continue to chase his dreams. Although he is a genius, Ding Junhui also has his own weaknesses.

"Billiards genius" Ding Junhui: His mother died of cancer at the age of 55, and he married a rich second generation who was 6 years older

Sometimes, he can get to the tempo of a match because of overconfidence or making low-level mistakes, and his mother, Chen Xijuan, has always been by his side to support and accompany him to help him stay stable. Before he met his wife, Zhang Yuanyuan, Ding Junhui's life was almost entirely in charge of his mother, who not only helped him with household chores, but also supported him in his career.

's mother suffered from breast cancer when Ding Junhui was not yet famous, but she chose to hide her illness and silently supported him. Although she tried to cover it up, the attentive Ding Junhui soon discovered her condition. Ding Junhui is determined to let his mother undergo treatment so that he can devote himself to billiards training. Although the mother couldn't bear to worry her son, she eventually underwent surgery.

"Billiards genius" Ding Junhui: His mother died of cancer at the age of 55, and he married a rich second generation who was 6 years older

Although the operation was successful, Ding Junhui's health still worries Ding Junhui. Soon after, his mother was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer, and the news hit Ding Junhui hard. He knew how important his mother was to him and the possible consequences of her illness. In the end, his mother unfortunately passed away in 2017, which is undoubtedly a huge grief and loss for Ding Junhui. The appearance of Zhang Yuanyuan brought him another reliance and support, making his life more complete. fourth

Genius is born

Ding Junhui was born in an ordinary family, not financially wealthy, but his life is very happy. When he was young, his father was a billiards fan in the family and often went to the billiards hall to compete with others. My father likes this sport, and he also likes to take Ding Junhui with him to watch. Slowly, Ding Junhui also became interested in billiards. He was also eager to see his father and the others hit the ball, so he occasionally joined them to the game, to his father's surprise to discover his talent.

"Billiards genius" Ding Junhui: His mother died of cancer at the age of 55, and he married a rich second generation who was 6 years older

It is said that when Ding Junhui was in the third grade of primary school, his father was playing against a well-known billiards veteran. Suddenly, my father had an urgent matter and had to leave the scene. In order to continue the game, the people present encouraged the young Ding Junhui to play. Unexpectedly, Ding Junhui showed amazing ball skills, and his performance not only won the game, but also won praise from the people present.

After seeing his son's talent, the father decided to fully support his billiards dream. In order to let Ding Junhui concentrate on development, he discussed with the school and decided to let his son only take the necessary Chinese and mathematics courses, and concentrate on practicing billiards in the afternoon. My father even gave up his business in order to provide a better environment for practice.

"Billiards genius" Ding Junhui: His mother died of cancer at the age of 55, and he married a rich second generation who was 6 years older

Ding's father also sent Ding Junhui to Shanghai to study, and learned from masters of the same age to help him continue to improve on the road of billiards. All these efforts and sacrifices were not in vain in the end, and Ding Junhui became a legend in the billiards world, proving how wise and correct his father's decision was.

In order to allow Ding Junhui to focus on the development of billiards, Ding Wenjun adopted an extreme education method, limiting his learning content, focusing on Chinese and mathematics, and spending the rest of his time practicing billiards. This decision faced doubts and pressure from the outside world, but Ding Junhui's mother supported her husband's decision, and the family supported Ding Junhui's dream together.

"Billiards genius" Ding Junhui: His mother died of cancer at the age of 55, and he married a rich second generation who was 6 years older

With the passage of time, Ding Junhui's skills improved rapidly, and his father even gave up his original grocery store business and opened a billiards room in order to better train him. Later, in order to expose Ding Junhui to a higher level of competition and training, the family even moved to Dongguan, which is an important training base for snooker in China.

Ding Junhui's early life was full of challenges and sacrifices. Their family relied on limited funds and the frugal support of their mother to support Ding Junhui in pursuing his billiards dream. His father's strict requirements and his mother's firm support helped him overcome various difficulties and become one of the representatives of Chinese billiards.

"Billiards genius" Ding Junhui: His mother died of cancer at the age of 55, and he married a rich second generation who was 6 years older


Ding Junhui, as a billiards genius, his life experience is full of ups and downs and brilliance. At the peak of his career, he faced the heavy blow of his mother's death from cancer. The loss left him in deep grief, but he drew strength from it and moved on. He chose to marry a rich second generation who was six years older than him, and his achievements and choices were not only his personal, but also an interpretation of his philosophy of life.

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