
Attention to all communities in Xiangshan! This kind of residential elevator can be renewed!

author:Elephant Mountain release

The Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Municipal Bureau of Finance, and the Municipal Administration for Market Supervision jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for the Renewal of Old Residential Elevators in Ningbo" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan").

The implementation plan is clear, and the residential elevators that have been delivered and used for more than 15 years in Ningbo, or the elevators that the masses have a strong need for renewal, will be included in the scope of renewal.

There are three types of renewal methods: updating, renovating and overhauling.

For the elevators that have been updated, they will be given a certain amount of financial subsidies for each elevator according to the subsidy standard for installing elevators in existing residences.

How to distinguish between renewal, renovation and overhaul? How do I apply for an update? Where does the renewal funding come from?

Regarding these key issues of public concern, we invited the relevant person in charge of Ningbo Housing Safety and Property Management Center to make an authoritative interpretation.

Let's take a look.

Differences between the three types of update methods

The renewal of old elevators refers to the removal of the original elevators and the replacement of new elevators.

The renovation of old elevators refers to changing the rated (nominal) speed, rated load capacity, lifting height, car weight of the elevator (except for the reserved decorative weight or cumulative increase/decrease in mass not exceeding 5% of the rated load capacity specified by the manufacturing unit), explosion-proof level, driving mode, suspension mode, speed regulation mode or control mode, changing the type of car door, increasing or decreasing the car door, changing the stress structure of the car frame, replacing the car frame or replacing the non-car car.

The overhaul of old elevators refers to the installation or replacement of different specifications of the drive host or its main components, control cabinet or its control main board or speed regulating device, speed limiter, safety gear, buffer, door lock device, car upward overspeed protection device, car accidental movement protection device, safety circuit containing electronic components, programmable electronic safety-related systems, clamping device, pawl device, speed limiting shut-off valve (or throttle valve), hydraulic cylinder, step, pedal, handrail, additional brake; Replacement of suspension and termination devices, high-voltage hoses, and explosion-proof electrical components of different specifications; Change the type of landing door, add landing door; Installing automatic rescue operation (automatic leveling in case of power failure) device, energy feedback energy-saving device, etc., to change the original control circuit of the elevator; Adopt identity authentication methods such as installing elevator IC card system in a way other than the elevator car control box, landing summoning box or the peripheral wiring of its buttons.

How do I request an elevator renewal?

For the application for elevator renewal, the implementation plan clarifies 9 steps, as follows:

First, the demand is arranged.

According to the Ningbo elevator comprehensive information service platform, the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau will issue a list of residential elevators based on the basic status of elevators, maintenance, emergency disposal and elevator operation monitoring;

According to the list of elevator bases, property service enterprises form a list of potential projects for residential elevator renewal in combination with the actual daily management;

After initially soliciting the wishes of residents, the street (community) forms a list of residential elevator renewal needs.

2. Update the application.

Elevator renewal is based on units, buildings or entire communities, and applications are submitted to the street (community), or they can be entrusted to the business committee, property service enterprises or institutions with corresponding qualifications and experience (mainly elevator maintenance units or elevator manufacturing enterprises) to organize and implement on behalf of the organization.

3. Security assessment.

After the application is approved, the applicant or agent can directly or through the street (community) to entrust an institution with elevator supervision and inspection qualification or type test qualification to carry out safety assessment.

The safety assessment agency shall issue a safety assessment report and put forward four types of rectification suggestions, including general repair, overhaul, transformation and update.

4. Solicitation of Opinions.

For the old residential elevators that need to be updated after safety assessment, the applicant or agent shall form a preliminary plan on whether to update, update the content and update the undertaking unit, and convene the relevant owners to vote and announce the voting results.

Fifth, the plan is determined.

After the relevant owners vote and agree, according to the conclusion of the safety assessment report, prepare a detailed residential old elevator renewal plan, the update plan must be voted on by the relevant owners, and publicized by the community neighborhood committee in the unit building entrance to be updated, community bulletin board and other prominent positions.

6. Notification of filing.

If the elevator renewal plan is voted by the owner and the funds have been raised, the local community neighborhood committee will report the update plan to the local housing and construction departments for the record.

7. Construction management.

The implementation plan is clear, and the construction unit is responsible for the quality, safety, and civilized construction of the construction site, and accepts the guidance and supervision of local market supervision bureaus. At the same time, it is stipulated that as the owner and the future elevator use management unit, the property committee, the owner's representative and the property service enterprise should do a good job of daily supervision.

8. Inspection and registration.

After the completion of the elevator project, it is necessary to declare the supervision and inspection to the special equipment inspection agency, and the elevator user shall apply to the market supervision department for the registration of the use of the elevator and obtain the use registration certificate before the elevator is put into use.

9. Apply for subsidies.

After obtaining the use registration certificate, the applicant or agent shall apply to the local housing and urban development departments for government subsidies for elevator renewal according to the regulations.

The implementation plan is clear, in accordance with the principle of "market-oriented, government guidance, and enterprise profit-making", through the mode of "building first and then supplementing", the old elevators that have completed the renewal will be given certain financial subsidies in accordance with the subsidy standards for the installation of elevators in existing residences.

Where does the renewal funding come from?

The implementation plan is clear, "the funds required to update the elevator are jointly borne by the relevant owners", and at the same time, the method of "multi-channel fund-raising" is given, that is, "through the owner's contribution, housing provident fund, special maintenance fund for residential property withdrawal, public income compensation, community elevator funds and elevator enterprise centralized procurement support and other multi-channel fund-raising".

"The implementation plan encourages owners to clarify the proportion of funds through democratic consultation and other means, and owners can apply for the use of special property maintenance funds in accordance with relevant regulations, and can also apply for the use of housing provident funds in the names of house owners and their spouses, parents, children and other immediate family members." The person in charge of the Ningbo Housing Safety and Property Management Center said, "The total amount of the special property maintenance funds and housing provident fund withdrawn shall not exceed the part of the owner's personal contribution, or the public income of the residential community shall be used in accordance with the management regulations." ”

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