
What's New! Hurry up and uninstall!

author:Elephant Mountain release

A few days ago, the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced

A total of 24 apps and SDKs were discovered

There is an infringement of the rights and interests of users

In addition, Zhejiang Provincial Communications Administration

Notify 11 apps that infringe on users' rights and interests

Let's take a look↓

What's New! Hurry up and uninstall!

The website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology reported on the 28th that recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized a third-party testing agency to conduct spot checks, and found that a total of 24 APPs and SDKs infringed on the rights and interests of users.

The above-mentioned APPs and SDKs shall be rectified in accordance with relevant provisions, and if the rectification is not in place, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will organize and carry out relevant disposal work in accordance with laws and regulations.

Circular of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

A list of the apps (SDKs) that have the problem

(Scroll down to view)

What's New! Hurry up and uninstall!
What's New! Hurry up and uninstall!
What's New! Hurry up and uninstall!
What's New! Hurry up and uninstall!

Recently, the Zhejiang Provincial Communications Administration organized third-party testing institutions to inspect the practical tools, local life, e-books and other types of apps that the public is concerned about, and requested in writing that the developers and operators of the illegal apps make rectifications within a time limit.

Up to now, there are still 11 APPs that have not completed rectification as required, and they are hereby notified. The above-mentioned APP developers and operators are requested to complete the implementation of rectifications before July 4, and where the implementation of corrections is not in place, measures such as removal from the shelves, shutting down, and administrative punishments will be adopted as appropriate.

Zhejiang Provincial Communications Administration reported

A list of problematic applications

What's New! Hurry up and uninstall!
What's New! Hurry up and uninstall!

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