
"Dog days" do not detoxify, a year of body blockage! After the ambush in July, the 4 kinds of natural detoxification soup that I often drink will detoxify and dispel dampness

author:Longnan Danchang released

Summer is the hottest season of the year, especially dog days, which are even more unbearable. Many people feel that they should eat something cold at this time to cool off the heat. As everyone knows, this can harm the body and allow the accumulation of moisture and toxins in the body.

As the saying goes: "If you don't detoxify, your body will be blocked for a year". At this time, we should pay more attention to detoxification and health preservation, and do a thorough cleansing of the body. Today, let's talk about how to detoxify and dispel dampness on dog days, so that the body can relax for a whole year.

"Dog days" do not detoxify, a year of body blockage! After the ambush in July, the 4 kinds of natural detoxification soup that I often drink will detoxify and dispel dampness


Why do dog days detox?

(1) Heavy dampness in the body

Dog days coincide with the rainy season and the air humidity is high. In addition, people often stay in air-conditioned rooms to escape the heat. This combination of external dampness and internal dampness can easily lead to the accumulation of dampness in the body. Excessive dampness can cause spleen and stomach dysfunction, making people feel weak and listless.

(2) Metabolism is vigorous

In summer, the temperature is high, and the human body has a strong metabolism. At this time, detoxification can not only help the body to remove accumulated toxins, but also promote blood circulation and enhance immunity.

"Dog days" do not detoxify, a year of body blockage! After the ambush in July, the 4 kinds of natural detoxification soup that I often drink will detoxify and dispel dampness

(3) Reserve energy for autumn and winter

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "spring and summer nourish yang, autumn and winter nourish yin". Dog days are a good time to nourish yang energy. Through detoxification, we can reserve energy and strengthen our immunity for the upcoming autumn and winter.

(4) Improve sub-health status

Modern people have high work pressure and fast pace of life, and many people are in a sub-health state. Dog day detoxification can help us regulate our body and improve sub-health symptoms.


What are the benefits of detoxification?

(1) Improve immunity. (2) Improve skin condition. (3) Enhance digestive function. (4) Improve mental state. (5) Help lose weight.

"Dog days" do not detoxify, a year of body blockage! After the ambush in July, the 4 kinds of natural detoxification soup that I often drink will detoxify and dispel dampness


4 kinds of natural detoxification soup, good detoxification and dampness removal effect

1. Mung bean barley soup

Efficacy: Mung bean is cold, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. Barley can strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness. The combination of the two can detoxify and dispel dampness, and can also beautify and nourish the skin.

Ingredients: 50 grams of mung beans, 30 grams of barley, appropriate amount of rock sugar

"Dog days" do not detoxify, a year of body blockage! After the ambush in July, the 4 kinds of natural detoxification soup that I often drink will detoxify and dispel dampness

Method: (1) Wash the mung beans and barley seeds and soak them in water for 2 hours. (2) Put the soaked mung beans and barley into the pot and add an appropriate amount of water. (3) Bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer until the mung beans and barley are boiled. (4) Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste.

2. Winter melon pork rib soup

Efficacy: Winter melon is cold, diuretic and swelling. With the nourishing effect of pork ribs, it can detoxify and dispel dampness without hurting vitality. The addition of barley and red dates is the icing on the cake and enhances the nutritional value of the soup.

Ingredients: 500 grams of winter melon, 300 grams of pork ribs, 30 grams of barley, 5 red dates

"Dog days" do not detoxify, a year of body blockage! After the ambush in July, the 4 kinds of natural detoxification soup that I often drink will detoxify and dispel dampness

Method: (1) Blanch the pork ribs to remove the blood foam, and peel and cut the winter melon into pieces. (2) Put the processed pork ribs, winter melon pieces, barley and red dates into the pot. (3) Add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 1-2 hours. (4) Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste.

Netizen @阿明 said: My mother loves to cook this soup every summer, saying that it can dispel dampness. I think it's really effective, and after drinking it, I feel that my whole body is light, and the taste is delicious.

3. Lotus seed and lily soup

Efficacy: Lotus seeds are flat in nature, and have the effect of strengthening the spleen and stopping diarrhea. Lilies are cold and can clear the heart and calm the nerves. Yam can strengthen the spleen and stomach. The combination of the three detoxifies and dispels dampness, calms the nerves and helps sleep.

Ingredients: 50 grams of lotus seeds, 30 grams of lilies, 50 grams of yams, 5 red dates

"Dog days" do not detoxify, a year of body blockage! After the ambush in July, the 4 kinds of natural detoxification soup that I often drink will detoxify and dispel dampness

Method: (1) Wash the lotus seeds, lilies and yams, and slice the yams. (2) Put all the ingredients into the pot and add an appropriate amount of water. (3) After boiling over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for about 1 hour. (4) Finally, add rock sugar to taste.

4. Mung bean soup with watermelon rind

Efficacy: Watermelon skin is cold, has the effect of clearing heat and diuretic. Mung beans can clear away heat and detoxify. The addition of mint adds a refreshing feeling. This soup can detoxify and dispel dampness, and it is especially suitable for summer.

Ingredients: 100 grams of watermelon skin, 50 grams of mung beans, a pinch of mint leaves

"Dog days" do not detoxify, a year of body blockage! After the ambush in July, the 4 kinds of natural detoxification soup that I often drink will detoxify and dispel dampness

Method: (1) Wash the watermelon skin and cut into pieces, and wash the mung beans. (2) Put the watermelon rind and mung beans into the pot and add an appropriate amount of water. (3) Bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer until the mung beans are boiled. (4) Add mint leaves and cook for another 2 minutes.

Netizen @小夏 said: It's so comfortable to drink this soup in summer! I feel that the whole person is cool, and my skin condition has improved after drinking. Best of all, this soup is super easy to make and great for lazy people.


Who is not suitable for detoxification?

"Dog days" do not detoxify, a year of body blockage! After the ambush in July, the 4 kinds of natural detoxification soup that I often drink will detoxify and dispel dampness

While detoxification has many benefits, it's not for everyone. The following groups of people should consult a doctor for detoxification.

(1) Pregnant and lactating women. (2) Patients with chronic diseases. (3) Those who are physically weak. (4) Those who are taking drugs. (5) People with poor gastrointestinal function.

Source: Food Recorder