
Toothpaste is on the "carcinogenic" blacklist, is there a risk of cancer after long-term use? Is it OK to use one toothpaste for a long time?

author:Longnan Danchang released

The community recently organized a health lecture, and Sister Li was bored at home so she moved a small stool to listen to it, but when she came back, she had a pimple buried in her heart.

At the lecture, the lecturer mentioned that some toothpastes may contain harmful substances, and long-term use may have health risks.

When Sister Li thought that she had used the same toothpaste for so many years, she muttered in her heart.

Toothpaste is on the "carcinogenic" blacklist, is there a risk of cancer after long-term use? Is it OK to use one toothpaste for a long time?

"Gee, I've been using the same toothpaste for so many years, could there really be a problem?"

The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became, and although she had maintained good brushing habits over the years and had taken good care of her teeth, she decided that she would have to consult the doctor tomorrow and study the toothpaste.

Toothpaste is something we touch every day, and who doesn't want it to be safe and healthy? But what the truth is, it still depends on science to speak.

Toothpaste is on the "carcinogenic" blacklist, is there a risk of cancer after long-term use? Is it OK to use one toothpaste for a long time?

Is it true that toothpaste on the market can cause cancer?

Toothpaste is on the "carcinogenic" blacklist, is there a risk of cancer after long-term use? Is it OK to use one toothpaste for a long time?
Toothpaste is on the "carcinogenic" blacklist, is there a risk of cancer after long-term use? Is it OK to use one toothpaste for a long time?


Health and Wellness Hall

Toothpaste is on the "carcinogenic" blacklist, is there a risk of cancer after long-term use? Is it OK to use one toothpaste for a long time?
Toothpaste is on the "carcinogenic" blacklist, is there a risk of cancer after long-term use? Is it OK to use one toothpaste for a long time?

Many people don't actually know what ingredients are in toothpaste, and some people say that toothpaste is not just a cleaner, friction agent and spice, what's the big deal.

But in fact, the ingredients in toothpaste are not so simple, some toothpastes will add some special chemical ingredients in order to enhance the effect, such as triclosan, titanium dioxide, etc.

These ingredients are safe when used in moderation, but can be problematic if used in excess or for long periods of time.

01, triclosan

Triclosan has been added to toothpaste as a preservative for more than 30 years.

The history of such a long period of use shows that it does have a certain effect.

But some people on the Internet say that it causes cancer, is this true or false?

According to current research, there is not enough authoritative scientific evidence to prove that triclosan is carcinogenic.

The European Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety has also evaluated the safety of triclosan and found it safe to use certain amounts in toothpaste.

So you don't have to worry too much about this problem, if you are really worried, you can choose not to use toothpaste containing triclosan.

02. Titanium dioxide

Titanium dioxide is mainly used as a colorant in toothpaste, which can make the toothpaste look whiter and brighter.

At the same time, it also has a wide range of applications in the food industry and is considered safe.

Both the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have evaluated its safety and found no problems.

The United States also stipulates the maximum amount of titanium dioxide used in food, indicating that its safety is guaranteed to a certain extent.

You don't have to worry too much when using toothpaste that contains titanium dioxide.

03. Benzalkonium chloride, chloroxylenol and benzethonium chloride

In addition to these common ingredients, some toothpastes are also fortified with ingredients such as benzalkonium chloride, chloroxylenol, and benzethonium chloride.

These ingredients are mainly used to enhance the antibacterial effect of toothpaste, but it should be noted that although these ingredients have a certain antibacterial effect, they may also cause some health problems if used in excess or for a long time

When choosing a toothpaste, you must read the ingredient list clearly and avoid choosing a toothpaste that contains these ingredients.

Toothpaste is on the "carcinogenic" blacklist, is there a risk of cancer after long-term use? Is it OK to use one toothpaste for a long time?

Is it true that toothpaste can become resistant over time?

Toothpaste is on the "carcinogenic" blacklist, is there a risk of cancer after long-term use? Is it OK to use one toothpaste for a long time?
Toothpaste is on the "carcinogenic" blacklist, is there a risk of cancer after long-term use? Is it OK to use one toothpaste for a long time?


Health and Wellness Hall

Toothpaste is on the "carcinogenic" blacklist, is there a risk of cancer after long-term use? Is it OK to use one toothpaste for a long time?
Toothpaste is on the "carcinogenic" blacklist, is there a risk of cancer after long-term use? Is it OK to use one toothpaste for a long time?

In fact, this statement is not accurate, and toothpaste can be roughly divided into two types: ordinary type and efficacy type.

01. Ordinary toothpaste

Regular toothpastes, like the ones we usually find in supermarkets, have a main function of cleaning teeth, and they usually don't add too many special ingredients.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about the development of drug resistance in ordinary toothpaste, so you can use it with confidence.

02. Functional toothpaste

In addition to the cleaning function, the functional toothpaste also adds some special ingredients, such as antibacterial agents and anti-allergy ingredients, to enhance the effect of the toothpaste.

Although these ingredients can help us solve some oral problems to a certain extent, if we use the same functional toothpaste for a long time, it may lead to an imbalance of microflora in the mouth, which can lead to some oral problems.

However, this has nothing to do with "drug resistance", which usually refers to the resistance of bacteria to drugs such as antibiotics, and toothpaste is not a drug, so don't confuse this concept.

03. It is recommended to change the toothpaste regularly

In order to avoid the oral problems that may be caused by long-term use of the same functional toothpaste, we can change the brand and type of toothpaste regularly.

This not only prevents excessive intake of a particular ingredient, but also keeps our oral environment in a balanced state.

When you use toothpaste, you can try different brands and types to find a toothpaste that suits you, on the one hand, you can better protect your teeth, and on the other hand, you can also avoid problems such as bad breath.

Toothpastes on the market are safe for compliant use, so you don't have to worry too much about the risk of cancer.

When choosing a toothpaste, it's important to read the ingredient list and choose according to your needs, as well as remember to change your toothbrush regularly and maintain oral hygiene to make your smile brighter

Source: Chongqing Focus Xiaoyu Children's Science and Education Channel

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