
The subway toilet suddenly "banged" and a heart-warming rescue began

author:Jinguan News

After 9 o'clock in the morning on July 1, there was a sudden "knock" sound in the bathroom of the subway incubation park station, and Wang Jing, the stationmaster on duty who was patrolling the station, immediately rushed in, knocked on the door of the cubicle, and asked if the people inside needed help, and an emergency rescue was immediately launched.

The subway toilet suddenly "banged" and a heart-warming rescue began

According to Wang Jing's recollection, it was the morning rush hour, she was patrolling the station, and suddenly heard a strange noise in the bathroom at the exit of Line 9. The female passenger looked pained, saying that she had stomach pain, and Wang Jing asked her if she had any underlying diseases, and the passenger said no. Qi Mingyue, the station attendant, poured a cup of hot water and asked the passengers to drink a little slowly.

The subway toilet suddenly "banged" and a heart-warming rescue began
The subway toilet suddenly "banged" and a heart-warming rescue began

Seeing that the passengers did not get better after resting, Wang Jing and Qi Mingyue immediately dialed 120 and communicated with the medical staff about the location of the barrier-free elevator, the transfer route and other details. During the more than ten minutes of waiting for the ambulance, the subway staff took the initiative to sit behind the female passenger and used her as a "cushion" to make her more comfortable. Many enthusiastic citizens also kept coming forward to inquire about the situation and see if they needed help. "When the paramedics arrived, we carried the stretcher out together, and a citizen pressed the elevator for us." Qi Mingyue told reporters.

The subway toilet suddenly "banged" and a heart-warming rescue began

"We often encounter various emergencies, and we will provide help to passengers as much as we can, and many citizens will participate in encountering them, and they are very enthusiastic." Qi Mingyue said. The reporter learned that the Municipal Civilization Office will then send ordinary goodness commemorative cards to the well-wishers who participated in the rescue, and praise their heart-warming behavior.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan News Reporter Du Wenting Picture Du Wenting Editor-in-charge Liu Yang Editor Wang Xiaoxue

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