
In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

author:History of Wholesale

The information in this article comes from Jilin Satellite TV's "Family Affairs" No. 2012/08/22 "Jin Yong - The Love Dream of the Hero",

Qingdao Morning Post 2018/10/31 released the content "Jin Yong's Family Background and Emotional World ......",

Phoenix Satellite TV's "Celebrity Face to Face" No. 2003/08/03 "The Story Behind Jin Yong" and other official media news detailed pictures are attached to the end of the article, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!


It is said that Qiong Yao's "concept of love" is problematic, but Jin Yong's concept of love seems to be more "abstract" than Qiong Yao.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

After all, the love that Qiong Yao wants only exists in her writing, but Jin Yong's love is a story that really happens in reality.

His life is closely linked to the names of four women, and his infidelity to his marriage caused his eldest son to be "so disappointed" in him that he jumped from the roof.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

After his wife Zhu Mei lost her eldest son, she finally understood that her 23 years of companionship were not as good as a girl 29 years younger than Jin Yong......

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

To be "worthy", to be "sorry"

Jin Yong once bluntly said that his personality is like Zhang Wuji in his pen, and now it seems that Jin Yong is not just a personality like Zhang Wuji, but Zhang Wuji's "prototype" is Jin Yong.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

still remembers that in the novel, Jin Yong also arranged the plot of "What do the four women hope for in the same boat" for Zhang Wuji, and in the real world outside the novel, Jin Yong's life is also associated with the names of the four women.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

He has had three marriages, and he has always hidden a "white moonlight" in his heart that he dare not touch. Recalling Jin Yong's first marriage, he only felt that he had suffered a lot of "hurt" in this marriage.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

Because he was dumped first, Jin Yong always thought that his first wife Du Zhifen "betrayed" him, both of them were from scholarly families, and there were endless topics to talk about, and it was inevitable that both of them were "arrogant".

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

Of course, the two of them have arrogant capital, but unfortunately people who are too similar are destined to not go far, after being dumped, Jin Yong has always thought that this is all the woman's problem, thinking that he is absolutely "worthy" of her in this marriage, and his second marriage he became a "sorry" person.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

Zhu Mei is the person who influenced him the most among Jin Yong's three marriages, and when Jin Yong ended his first marriage, Zhu Mei appeared in his life like a savior.

Zhu Mei is 11 years younger than Jin Yong, although her family is not as rich as Jin Yong's ex-wife, and marrying Jin Yong is not even a "good match", but she is indeed the most suitable person for Jin Yong.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

Her life revolves around Jin Yong, and she is also the "woman behind Jin Yong" in the real sense, because of her support for Jin Yong, Jin Yong can devote herself to creation.

Jin Yong also wrote about Zhu Mei's careful care of him, and after cooking from their home in Kowloon every day, he sent it to Hong Kong for Jin Yong to eat. There have also been too many heartwarming moments between the two of them.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

In the more than 20 years since they got married, the two of them have had four children, two daughters and two sons, and Jin Yong has only had children with Zhu Mei in his three marriages.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

Just when they became a "model couple" that everyone envied, Jin Yong had already changed his mind, and he was moved by a girl who was 29 years younger than him.

After Zhu Mei knew about this, she felt deeply betrayed and couldn't accept Jin Yong's sincere disappointment to her at all, of course, Zhu Mei did not choose to compromise, and resolutely decided to divorce Jin Yong.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

Refuses to take care of it, just wants nothing to do with it

In the 20 years since Jin Yong and Zhu Mei got married, it was the biggest stage of change in his life, and the martial arts novels he wrote won the love and followers of many people.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

The sentences he wrote became famous quotes, he was a role model for too many people in many thoughts, Jin Yong undoubtedly had a talent that many people could not reach, but his infidelity to love also made him pay a huge price.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

In his marriage to Zhu Mei, he was attracted to a woman who was 29 years younger than him, knowing that it was wrong for him to do so, but he still couldn't control his heart.

After Zhu Mei knew about this, she didn't hesitate, this matter obviously touched Zhu Mei's bottom line, she wanted to divorce Jin Yong, but Jin Yong was unwilling.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

When Zhu Mei handed the divorce paper to Jin Yong, Jin Yong directly tore up the divorce paper and said if they could not divorce. Because Jin Yong knew that he was sorry for Zhu Mei, he wanted to use the next days to make up for Zhu Mei.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

But Zhu Mei only told Jin Yong "don't do anything back", and when the divorce between the two of them was still deadlocked, the person who broke the situation turned out to be their eldest son.

Maybe it's because of the disappointment in my father, or maybe it's because I feel sad about my mother's decades of dedication, and when my parents divorced, I decided to jump off the building to understand my life.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

After that, there was no room for relaxation in the affairs of Jin Yong and Zhu Mei. Zhu Mei hated this woman who destroyed their family, and she also hated Jin Yong's betrayal, Zhu Mei didn't want Jin Yong to give her much money when she divorced, and she didn't want Jin Yong to take care of her later.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

She only asked this woman, who was 29 years younger than Jin Yong, to never have children with Jin Yong in her life, and the reason why Zhu Mei did this was only for her other three children.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

After the divorce, Zhu Mei can be said to have spent the second half of her life in poverty, and even after she died of illness, her death certificate was not taken by Jin Yong for her, nor was it her child, but just a hospital employee at the age of 63.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

Compared with Jin Yong's later life, Zhu Mei can say that it is too miserable, so Jin Yong will always feel guilty about Zhu Mei. But does Jin Yong really like that woman who is 29 years younger than him so much? So much so that he paid such a heavy price......

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

The unforgettable "White Moonlight"

This wife, who is 29 years younger than Jin Yong, is named Lin Leyi and is Jin Yong's third wife. When the two first met, Ms. Lin was only 16 years old, and instead of continuing her studies, she was working as a waitress at a bar.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

One night, she met Jin Yong when she was on duty, and Jin Yong was drinking alone at that time, and she could see that she was not in a very good mood. Lin Leyi recognized Jin Yong at a glance, because she was addicted to novels and was a "fanatic" of Jin Yong.

So after Lin Leyi recognized Jin Yong, she took the initiative to talk to Jin Yong and persuaded Jin Yong to drink less, after all, drinking too much hurts the body, and these book fans are still waiting for Jin Yong to continue to write classics.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

At that time, Jin Yong had already left a deep impression on her, and Jin Yong's real motivation was that when Jin Yong was sick, Lin Leyi had been taking care of him, Lin Leyi knew that Jin Yong had a family, but he still couldn't control the distance between them, which caused the worst result.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

After Jin Yong's divorce, it didn't take long for the two of them to get married, and many people thought that Lin Leyi must be the existence of the "little dragon girl" in Jin Yong's heart, and the price paid to be with her was too great.

But is that really the case? Jin Yong's description of his third wife is "The relationship with her is not particularly successful, but it is not a failure, just like an ordinary couple." ”

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

In Jin Yong's eyes, Lin Leyi is not his "true son", and he just wants to be an "ordinary couple" with her when he marries her, because Jin Yong hides someone else in his heart.

That is Xia Meng, who was once known as the "Hong Kong generation of legendary actresses", Lin Leyi is not a "little dragon girl", Xia Meng is. Xia Meng is not only the "Little Dragon Girl", but even every perfect existence in Jin Yong's pen is Xia Meng.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

She can be "Little Dragon Girl" or "Wang Yuyan", she is the embodiment of perfection, but unfortunately Xia Meng's choice is not Jin Yong, and the relationship between her and Jin Yong is something she doesn't even want to mention.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

Jin Yong failed to marry the woman he hid in his heart, but his actions destroyed his entire family, his eldest son because he chose to end his life, his sorry ex-wife Zhu Mei left alone in the hospital because of his betrayal, and no one could even get a death certificate for her.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

And his third wife Lin Leyi is 29 years younger than him, and she chose to marry him with many bad voices, and even promised the condition that she could not have children for life, in Jin Yong's eyes, it is just an "ordinary husband and wife relationship", which is neither a success nor a failure.


Now Zhu Mei, Jin Yong, and Xia Meng have all left, and among these old things, only Lin Leyi is left, and she is now 71 years old.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price

Living alone with no lover and no children, no one knows if Jin Yong regretted his betrayal of his marriage, but judging from the current situation, too many people here are just a "poor person".

After paying all the costs, can the final result really be worthy of your own efforts? Perhaps only Lin Leyi knows this answer.

In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price
In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price
In order to marry a 29-year-old junior, she abandoned his wife who had been with him for 23 years, and after her son committed suicide, she made the mistress pay the price