
It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

author:History of Wholesale
The information in this article comes from China News Network 2012-07-12 "Xie Tingting: There is a family inheritance and is not afraid to be a girl, and her personality is a little more boyish"; Observer.com2015-04-19 "Nicholas Tse's sister Xie Tingting exposes a new relationship again, and being a boyfriend is a "human flesh ATM"; Sina Entertainment2019-11-02 "Xie Tingting Disclosed Her Daughter's English Name for the First Time to Make a Nutritious Meal for Her Daughter" and other official media news, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!


At the age of 38, he married a Taiwanese jade girl, at the age of 43, he married the champion of Sister Hong Kong, and at the age of 69, he even talked about "grandson love" with his 49-year-old girlfriend, even if his father Xie Xian was so romantic, but in front of his daughter Xie Tingting, he still seemed to be a little too "conservative".

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

It was revealed that she had changed seven boyfriends in a year, and she gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock at the age of 37, the key is that the identity of her daughter's father is a mystery, as one of the most prestigious second-generation stars in Hong Kong entertainment, it seems that Xie Tingting's life is far more exciting than everyone imagined.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

Is it really romantic or deliberately disguised, what kind of life does she live now that she is about to be 42 years old?

Happy and short childhood

's father is Xie Xian, and her mother is Deborah, Xie Tingting, like her brother Nicholas Tse, has received the attention of the Hong Kong entertainment industry since she was born, and the brother and sister with excellent genes have lived a carefree life early.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

How could the merry Xie Xian endure loneliness, even if Deborah was the champion of Miss Hong Kong and gave birth to a son and a daughter for him, her love also made Xie Xian feel that his life was imprisoned, and it was only a matter of time before such an unequal relationship broke down.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

Sure enough, when Xie Tingting was 13 years old, Xie Xian and Deborah chose to divorce "amicably", saying that it was "amicable", because even though they each had a new relationship, because they had a pair of children, they could still get along as friends.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

And Xie Tingting also left her brother who loved her after and went to Canada with her mother to live, it cannot be said that such an experience created her "merry" character in the future, but it can only be said that there is always an invisible "scar" in her psychology one day.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

Fortunately, the psychological changes did not affect her studies, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, she studied psychology after entering the University of British Columbia, Canada.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

Due to his "second-generation star" aura and excellent appearance conditions, he was targeted by the entertainment industry early, and many brands invited him to shoot advertisements at a high price, but his father Xie Xian refused on the grounds that he did not want his daughter to participate in the pre-screen performance before graduation.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

But Nicholas Tse had already become famous at that time, and he knew that Xie Tingting did not resist the entertainment industry at all, so during her summer vacation, he introduced her to the famous fashion store Dior as a summer job and engaged in public relations, which could be regarded as paving the way for entering the entertainment industry later.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

Sure enough, Xie Tingting returned to Hong Kong after graduation and entered the entertainment industry smoothly, but compared with her works, it is obvious that her love life is more talked about, is it really because of the influence of her parents' divorce?

Surpassing his father's romantic history

Although he returned to China as early as 2005, it was not until the end of 2009 that he signed a contract with Wang Jing's "Film Dynasty" and officially stepped into the film and television industry as a new generation of "Jing Girl".

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

After all, her father and brother have a good influence in Hong Kong entertainment, so her road to the entertainment industry is not difficult, and her first appearance in the movie "Bruce Lee, My Brother" won the "2010 New Actor Silver Award" at the 2011 Spring Dinner of the Hong Kong Film Directors Association.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

But at this time, the Hong Kong film and television industry is not as good as before, Xie Tingting chose to develop in the direction of staring in order to make herself competitive enough, which is very bold for a girl with no martial arts skills.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

Fortunately, like her brother Nicholas Tse in this aspect, starting from scratch is not a problem for her, even if the process is very painful, she persevered, and she successfully became a new generation of "stars" for Hong Kong Entertainment.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

There are some things that can be persevered by gritting her teeth, but some things can not be done by gritting her teeth, if she can be as dedicated to her relationship as she is to her career, then she will not have the rumor of "dating seven boyfriends a year".

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

As early as 2001, Xie Tingting met her first boyfriend Bai Enrong, although she had not yet set foot in the entertainment industry at that time, but after all, she was influenced by her original family, so she was very "sought after" by the paparazzi.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

Originally, the love life was a very private matter, but Bai Enrong was tired of the paparazzi's follow-up behavior, and finally the suppressed anger completely broke out, and the other party was injured in a conflict, so he was sued in court.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

At this time, Bai Enrong was incapable because of this incident, and Xie Tingting also began to re-examine whether this boyfriend was worth entrusting for life, after all, such a violent personality did not meet her demands for the other half, so she quickly decided to end the relationship.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

The lesson of this failure did not make Xie Tingting feel the difficulty of love, but completely opened her yearning for a "prodigal" life and began to develop in the direction of "female sea king".

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

After leaving Bai Enrong, she quickly got a new boyfriend, even in the face of the reporter's camera, she did not shy away from kissing her boyfriend on the street.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

At that time, some people questioned why they invested in a new relationship so quickly, and how could such a relationship come to be reliable, not for the treatment of emotional intelligence?

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

Soon Xie Tingting gave an answer, my sister will never be hurt in a relationship, and my sister has only one purpose, which is to play! Since then, her boyfriends have changed one after another, Fang Zuming and Chen Hongye have all bowed down under her pomegranate skirt.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

It is rumored that when it was the craziest, Xie Tingting changed seven boyfriends within a year, and this frequency is obviously beyond the cognition of normal people, not to mention that she is also a public figure in the entertainment industry, such "abusive love" will inevitably be criticized.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

If this is nothing, then at the age of 37, Xie Tingting suddenly posted a photo of her daughter, which shattered the public's three views.

A daughter was born out of wedlock, and the identity of the daughter's father is a mystery

Among Xie Tingting's many boyfriends, there is also one that makes her want to be with her for life, and he is An Zhijie, who is also in the entertainment industry.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

An Zhijie, as a standard man, is naturally very in line with Xie Tingting's aesthetics, the relationship between the two lasted for four years, it is said that the two have already met the parents of both sides, An Zhijie also gave Xie Tingting a diamond ring, no matter which direction you look at, the two are rushing to get married.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

But love is like this, when the initial passion fades, what remains is trivial and trivial, and Xie Tingting is obviously not the kind of character who can live with peace of mind, so even if the love between the two lasted for four years, it ended in failure.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

After that, until 2018, there were often scandals about Xie Tingting, but in 2019, an even more explosive news washed away all her previous scandals, because she became a mother in this year.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

When Xie Tingting revealed on social networking sites that she gave birth to her daughter, everyone knew that this actress, who has always regarded feelings as a "plaything", quietly made such a big event.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

Although Xie Tingting posted a photo of her daughter, she did not mention who her daughter's biological father was, which made many people interested in this mysterious man, and everyone wanted to know who finally took this "Sea King" into the bag.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

It's a pity that until now, there is no information about this "mysterious" man, and for Xie Tingting, maybe she didn't care who the father of the child would be at the beginning, she was only more interested in becoming a mother.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry


I don't know if it is influenced by the original family, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong's relationship has attracted a lot of topics, and Xie Xian, who is a father, is even more of a 49-year-old girlfriend who has been criticized for "old cows eat tender grass", but compared with Xie Tingting's love life, it seems that it is nothing out of the ordinary.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

Fortunately, with the birth of her daughter, Xie Tingting gradually faded out of the entertainment industry, and at the same time, her overly open emotional outlook seems to have changed because of her daughter's existence.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry

Now she is almost 42 years old, and the most common thing she does on weekdays is to accompany her daughter to grow up, which can be seen in the photos updated on her social platform, it seems that her daughter is the best antidote to the "scars" in her heart, maybe this kind of life is what she really yearns for.

It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry
It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry
It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry
It was revealed that she changed her boyfriend 7 times a year, and her daughter's biological father is still a mystery, and now at the age of 42, no one dares to marry