
Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

author:Have fun watching entertainment

The 86 version of Journey to the West, I believe many people have seen it, and the hairy "Monkey King" in the TV series is the childhood male god of countless people.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

And in real life, there is such a "Monkey King", 96% of his body has hair, and his face is also covered by hair, he is Yu Zhenhuan, known as China's first hairy child.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

Hairy boy Yu Zhenhuan is also like the "Monkey King" in Journey to the West, under the strange eyes of people, he has walked out of a journey to the west of his own.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

Today's hairy child Yu Zhenhuan not only married a wife many years younger than himself, but also chose to give birth to a child with the support of his wife, regardless of the outside world's obstacles.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

Next, let the editor take you to understand the life of Yu Zhenhuan's legend!

1. A childhood accompanied by wind and rain

One day in 1977, the hairy boy came to this world, and his unique appearance instantly scared away the midwife who had not yet cut the umbilical cord.

But fortunately, the midwife reacted, turned around tremblingly, cut off the umbilical cord, and hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

The Yu family gave birth to a hairy child, and the news spread in the village in an instant.

Seeing this, the villagers also went to Yu's house to see the excitement, some villagers thought that this was the reincarnation of "Sun Wukong", which was an auspicious omen, and some villagers thought it was a monster, so that the Yu family and his wife threw the child away.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

The Yu family and his wife immediately retorted, saying that they thought that the child was healthy and had sound limbs, but the hair was relatively thick.

Under the spread of the villagers, even the reporters were attracted to it, and under the fanfare of the reporters, the whole world knew that there was a hairy child in a small mountain village in China.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

Even the Chinese Academy of Sciences knew the news, and sent a team of experts to study the child.

Soon after, under the research of experts, it was found that the child's hair growth was caused by genetic mutations, and there was no difference from normal children in other aspects except for hair.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

As for whether it affects development and intelligence, it still needs to be observed for a long time, in order to let the hairy child grow up normally, the local government also arranged a job for the father of the hairy child, and will subsidize 30 yuan per month.

When the hairy child was born for two months, the Yu family and his wife had not yet named him, in order to give the child a special name, Yu's mother invited a reporter to name the hairy child Yu Zhenhuan, hoping that he could be named Zhenhuan.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

Under the attention of his family and the outside world, the little hairy child gradually grew up, until he was seven years old, a company in Hong Kong took a fancy to Yu Zhenhuan's appearance.

specially created a movie for him "Little Hairy Boy Raiders of the Lost Ark", during the filming of the movie, Yu Zhenhuan also met many people, including an old man, who told him that his hair was a gift from God.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

Yu Zhenhuan also kept the old man's words in his heart, which also gave him the belief to survive the most difficult period.

2. Arduous upbringing

As he grew up, the appearance of 9-year-old Yu Zhenhuan has changed a lot, and the appearance of the hairy child is no longer accepted by the public.

Even the experts who recorded him gradually withdrew after discovering that the hair on his body did not affect his physical development, and felt that the research was almost over.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

The 30 yuan subsidized by the local government also stopped, and the Yu family slowly returned to a poor life.

From being liked and sought after by many people, to disgusting and fearing, this sudden change made Yu Zhenhuan realize that he was different from other peers.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

When all the children saw him, they would avoid him, and even insult him, which made Yu Zhenhuan feel inferior and fearful.

It also made him afraid to see other people, afraid of being treated as a monster by others, and even wanted to pull out his hair when he was alone, but when he thought of the old man's words, he gradually regained his calm.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

This made Yu's father and mother start to worry, whether Yu Zhenhuan could live alone when he grew up, when the Children's Art Theater invited Yu Zhenhuan to join this theater, Yu's father and mother were very happy, and felt that there was hope for the future again.

Yu Zhenhuan only studied in the art theater for one year, and then began to reduce the burden on his family and went out to perform with the theater troupe.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

Until he was 17 years old, in order to let Yu Zhenhuan survive better, he began to let him learn vocal music, hoping that he could go to the end on this road.

Yu Zhenhuan also lived up to his parents' expectations, he showed excellent singing talent in music, and also let him meet a noble person this year.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

With the help of nobles, Yu Zhenhuan successfully released his first single, and the single was also widely acclaimed, for which Yu Zhenhuan also made a small profit.

And Yu Zhenhuan's deeds made him receive an invitation to an interview program in the United States, and this interview caused a lot of sensation in the United States.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

After returning to China, Yu Zhenhuan took advantage of his popularity and hurriedly launched his second single, for which he also spent all his savings on releasing records.

But he was really unlucky, because the record industry at that time had come to an end, and all the records he released were lost.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

Subsequently, Yu Zhenhuan re-entered the showbiz and starred in the filming of Zhang Jizhong's version of "Journey to the West".

The monkey he plays can't be said to be unrelated, but it can only be said that it is exactly the same.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

Yu Zhenhuan, who is steady in his career, is also 20 years old at this time, and he begins to yearn for love.

3. The ups and downs on the road of love

Because of his appearance, Yu Zhenhuan once thought that it was impossible for him to find a girlfriend, but sometimes fate is so wonderful, what you think is impossible to get, it takes the initiative to find it.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

20-year-old Yu Zhenhuan met a Bai Fumei who came to him after a performance and confessed to him.

The two started a high-profile and sweet relationship, but the gap between the family conditions of the two sides was too great, and the girl's parents found Yu Zhenhuan, humiliated him with money, and strongly opposed the relationship between the two.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

Yu Zhenhuan could only choose to leave his first girlfriend, because this love experience made him afraid of love.

After getting rid of the shadow of falling out of love, Yu Zhenhuan devoted all his energy to his career and began to participate in various activities and variety shows.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

22-year-old Yu Zhenhuan met his second girlfriend at a party, and the two quickly fell in love.

The two have been in love for a long time together, and the two have also come to the point of talking about marriage, but the girl's parents met Yu Zhenhuan for the first time.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

The girl's parents told Yu Zhenhuan that if they wanted to marry their daughter, they had to shave the extra hair before agreeing to their marriage.

After Yu Zhenhuan heard the news, he pondered for a long time, and finally decided to break up with his second girlfriend, he cherished this relationship very much, but the hair on his body was a gift from God, and he would not shave his hair.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

4. Winners in life who have worked hard

After experiencing the two-way blow of career and love, Yu Zhenhuan has become more rational in looking at things.

Yu Zhenhuan began to take a serious look at his life, he gave up running around, chose to settle down in a small courtyard in Beijing, opened a dog shop, and gradually disappeared from the public eye.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

It wasn't until 2011 that Yu Zhenhuan came to the hospital and went on a blind date with 10 single nurses, which was after breaking up with his second girlfriend, Yu Zhenhuan appeared in front of the public again.

He said in an interview: "My parents are worried that they can't find a wife, and they hope to meet their true love through this blind date." ”

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

Although Yu Zhenhuan did not find his other half in this blind date, his attitude towards love has also quietly changed.

In 2018, with the explosion of short videos, Yu Zhenhuan also settled on the short video platform and quickly gained a group of his own fans.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

In 2019, 42-year-old Yu Zhenhuan posted his wedding photos on Weibo, and he did not reveal any details about this relationship to the outside world.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

Not long after the two got married, Yu Zhenhuan hoped to have a child of his own, although this child may inherit his own hairy child genes, but with the support of his wife, it didn't take long for the two to give birth to a child.

Fortunately, the child was born as a white and chubby little boy, and the son inherited his mother's skin, which made Yu Zhenhuan happy and shocked, but also a little lucky.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

Yu Zhenhuan, who is now 47 years old, lives happily every day, and often posts videos of his and his family's daily life on the platform to record the beautiful moments of the family.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected


The bitter life makes the editor happy for him, and I hope that in the future, the hairy child Yu Zhenhuan can spend it smoothly.

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected

Source: Baidu Encyclopedia

Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected
Yu Zhenhuan: I was studied just after birth, I married a beautiful wife at the age of 42, and I took the risk of having a baby and the appearance of a child was too unexpected


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