
Do you still remember the sensational "hairy boy" Yu Zhenhuan? 47 years have passed, how has he been?

author:Big fruit and small fruit mother


Do you still remember the "hairy boy" Yu Zhenhuan? Now his son is grown up and covered with hair

Do you still remember China's "hairy child" Yu Zhenhuan? In 1977, when Yu Zhenhuan was born, his whole body was almost covered by hair, and the coverage rate was as high as 90%, so he was named "hairy child".

His birth shocked those around him and caused widespread social concern. The Chinese Academy of Sciences conducted a study of his situation and found that it was due to a genetic mutation.

Do you still remember the sensational "hairy boy" Yu Zhenhuan? 47 years have passed, how has he been?

Because of the hair all over his body, Yu Zhenhuan was often ridiculed and ostracized by his peers during his childhood, and no one wanted to be friends with him. This feeling of loneliness and unacceptance made him feel very painful for a while, and even had thoughts of suicide.

However, fortunately, his parents never gave up on him and always gave him unconditional love and support. This kind of family care allowed him to gradually build a positive and optimistic attitude, and finally overcame the huge psychological pressure.

Today, Yu Zhenhuan has formed his own family and has a son. Unfortunately, this rare genetic mutation was also passed on to his son, who was also covered in hair.

Do you still remember the sensational "hairy boy" Yu Zhenhuan? 47 years have passed, how has he been?

This genetic disorder not only has an impact on the physical health of the child, but also exposes the family to a huge psychological and emotional pressure. However, Yu Zhenhuan and his wife still take care of their children with love and patience, hoping that he can be as strong as his father and face all kinds of difficulties in life positively.


With regard to "hereditary" diseases, this is all to be known

Yu Zhenhuan's "hirsutism" is not an ordinary disease, but a genetic disease, which means that it can affect offspring through genetic inheritance, causing children to also develop diseases. When it comes to hereditary diseases, parents need to know more about the basics.

Do you still remember the sensational "hairy boy" Yu Zhenhuan? 47 years have passed, how has he been?

Common genetic disorders

There are many types of hereditary diseases, and there are currently more than 3,000 known genetic diseases. Common genetic diseases in life include diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, and allergies, among others, which are passed on to the next generation. If both parents have a genetic disorder, the chances of a child developing the disease increase significantly.

Triggers of hereditary disorders

The main cause of hereditary disorders is genetic mutations, which can occur at the chromosomal, monogenic or polygenic levels. There are many causes of genetic mutations, including the physical condition of the pregnant woman, the living environment, and exposure to harmful substances. All of these factors can adversely affect the health of the fetus and the pregnant woman.


Having a genetic disorder and having a child may carry these risks

Hereditary diseases can affect children through genetics, causing them to develop diseases as well. If the parents have a genetic disease, it will have a greater negative effect on the child's development.

Do you still remember the sensational "hairy boy" Yu Zhenhuan? 47 years have passed, how has he been?

Children have a high chance of getting sick

If the parent has a genetic disorder, the gene may be passed on to the child, especially if both parents have the disease, and the child is more likely to develop the disease. Couples with genetic disorders often struggle to have a perfectly healthy baby.

Psychological stress on the child

Children are born with health problems, which can put them under tremendous psychological pressure as they grow up. Unlike ordinary children, these children are more likely to feel inferior. If the symptoms are obvious, it is more difficult for children to integrate into the circle of their peers, which is extremely detrimental to their mental health development.


How to better prevent hereditary diseases, parents should do this

Genetic diseases are not completely unavoidable, and there are various means available to prevent children from developing genetic diseases. For the sake of their children's health, parents should do these things well.

Do you still remember the sensational "hairy boy" Yu Zhenhuan? 47 years have passed, how has he been?

Get your preconception check-ups

Many young couples neglect premarital or preconception tests, believing they are unnecessary. In fact, premarital and preconception check-ups are primarily about family medical history, past medical history, and genetic history, so as to better determine whether the parties are suitable for marriage and whether they can have healthy children.

Regular prenatal check-ups

During pregnancy, pregnant women should have regular prenatal check-ups, such as Down syndrome screening and amniotic fluid testing. These tests can help to understand the health of the fetus and detect and intervene or treat possible genetic diseases in a timely manner.

A message from Guo's mother

Some genetic disorders can have a big impact on a child's physical health and quality of life. The effects are not just physical, but also psychological and emotional.

Therefore, young couples must pay attention to pre-marital and pre-pregnancy check-ups, fully understand the health status of both parties, and think about it before raising children, so as not to affect themselves and their children's lives.

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About author:Guo Ma, a family education instructor, focuses on sharing parenting knowledge, parent-child education experience, marriage and family insights, welcome to pay attention.

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