
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished

author:A knight in the world

Buying braised sheep's head to pack and eat at home, I found that my mouth was stuffed with undigested grass, and the attitude of the three parties aroused the attention of public opinion.

The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished

Recently, three food bloggers heard that a local shop sold sheep's head well, and the boss introduced in the video that he has 30 years of barbecue experience.

As soon as the three bloggers heard this, they became interested, so they went to the boss's shop and spent more than 180 yuan to buy three sheep's heads.

Because it was necessary to shoot a video, the three bloggers, after asking for the consent of the boss, packed the three sheep's heads home to eat.

Back home, three food bloggers put the sheep's head on the table, drizzled with sauce, and prepared to feast.

As a result, they broke open a sheep's head and saw that the sheep's mouth was stuffed with undigested grass, and a cumulative stench instantly filled the entire room.

The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished

Then the three bloggers found that the hair on the sheep's head was not shaved clean. They did not believe in evil, and opened a sheep's head, and the mouth of this sheep's head was in the same condition, and the mouth was stuffed with undigested grass, and the smell was pungent.

The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished

Sheep's head burns without burning the problem

The blogger immediately called the shopkeeper, saying that there was grass in the sheep's head, and asked the owner if he had washed the sheep's head.

The boss responded that the sheep's head could not be opened.

The blogger then asked if the sheep's head could not be opened, and if it should be flushed into the esophagus.

The boss responded that he flushed the water, but he couldn't.

The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished

For Youcao, the boss said that this can only be counted as money, and tomorrow will change a sheep's head for the blogger.

And in the face of the sheep's head full of hair, the boss's response was that he had burned it.

In the end, the blogger said that if the sheep's head has not been burned, he can see that he has not burned it, just tell the truth. Because if you burn the hair, the hair will not be white, we are all experienced.

The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished

The boss finally said, then I will return the money of the three sheep's heads to you.

The blogger suspected that the sheep's head in the boss's shop was not burned.

The boss was not convinced, saying that he had burned it, and he could send a video to the three bloggers to see.

The blogger told the boss that he didn't want money, but just hoped that the boss could take it seriously and admit that he really didn't burn it.

The blogger doesn't want money, just an attitude, and the owner of the sheep's head shop, insists that he burned the sheep's head and washed the sheep's head.

The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished

In fact, people with a little common sense of life can tell at a glance whether the meat is burned or not. There is a clear difference between the meat before and after it has been burned.

There's no way to deceive you.

After this incident, it attracted the attention of public opinion, and finally, the three food bloggers, the owner of the sheep's head shop, and the market supervision and administration bureau handled the matter, which aroused heated discussions among netizens.

After the incident with grass in the sheep's mouth, three food bloggers received private messages and phone calls and were asked to delete the video.

The staff of the local market supervision and administration bureau in Fuzhou called the blogger, hoping that he could remove the video, and the reason given by this staff member was that it was a harmonious period and did not want negative public opinion to expand.

The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished

The blogger said he wouldn't delete the video.

Finally, the relevant departments organized mediation, and at the mediation site, the attitudes of the three parties were different.

The attitude of the three food bloggers is that they do not need compensation, and they hope that the owner of the sheephead shop can publicly apologize on his video account.

The owner of the sheep's head shop has changed his previous attitude, he thinks that it is three food bloggers who deliberately smear.

The reason is that the three food bloggers packed the sheep's head back to eat, and it is possible that in the process of going back, they dropped the bag and deliberately discredited themselves.

The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished

For the sheep's head to have grass, the reason given by the owner of the sheep's head shop is that there may be grass in the sheep's mouth, but the grass cannot be so big, and such a big piece of grass must be stuffed by people for themselves.

And the three food bloggers think that the grass in the mouth of the sheep's head is slaughtered upside down, and the grass in the sheep's stomach flows to the throat.

Regarding whether the sheep's head is burned, the boss said that he has a video, and the sheep's head is definitely burned.

To sum up, the boss does not admit that the three sheep's heads are his own.

Faced with the attitude of the owner of the sheep's head shop who did not admit it, the three food bloggers said that they all had video evidence to prove that the sheep's head was bought at the owner's house.

If the boss says that the sheep's head is not his own, he can give evidence, but the owner of the sheep's head shop cannot prove that the sheep's head bought by the three bloggers is not theirs.

The owner of the sheep's head shop can only insist that these sheep's heads are not his own.

The law enforcement officers of the local market supervision and administration bureau believe that they want to punish the owner of the sheep's head shop, and they must have evidence, and this evidence must be seen at the scene, and the three food bloggers took the sheep's head home and brought it back, which is obviously not the first on-site evidence, so the store cannot be punished.

The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished

The law enforcement officers also said that after the incident, the law enforcement officers of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau inspected the store and cut all the remaining sheep's heads in the store, and did not find grass in the mouth.

is very hot, and netizens are not very satisfied with the way the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau handles things.

First: Netizens believe that after the incident, the local law enforcement department was not concerned about food safety for the first time, but was afraid of expanding the impact and asked to delete the video, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Second: Three food bloggers, all have evidence to prove that these sheep's heads were bought in this store, law enforcement officers said that they did not see it on the spot, and they could not be punished, netizens think that law enforcement officers, this kind of statement, is not standardized, and it is easy to cause misunderstanding.

Think about it, if the three food bloggers don't have enough evidence to prove that the sheep's head belongs to this shop, the law enforcement officers say so, it's really no problem. But the three food bloggers, there are video records, there is evidence to prove that the sheep's head is from this shop, and it is indeed inappropriate for law enforcement officers to say so.

In the end, the three parties still did not succeed in mediation, and the appeal of the three food bloggers was still to hope that the owner of the sheep's head shop would apologize on his video account and admit that the sheep's head belonged to him.

And the law enforcement department also asked the owner of the sheep's head shop to stop selling this kind of sheep's head with hidden dangers.

At present, the mediation video has been in a non-public state, and the store that sells sheep's heads has also suffered a lot of negative comments.

The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished
The braised sheep's head was packed home to eat the grass ball, and the law enforcement department returned, but the evidence was not seen at the scene and could not be punished

Everyone thinks that the stubborn approach of this shop owner is unnecessary, and it should be a matter that can be solved by an apology, but it pushes the matter to a more complicated point.

In the end, the three sheep heads are not the boss's family, everyone must have counted them in their hearts, but the boss's attitude of denying it all the time makes people unable to understand him and forgive him.