
What are the 20 psychological signs of emotional maturity in adults?

author:Psychological consultant Zhao Yijin


You learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes and stupidity.

You realize that it is futile to flog yourself for past mistakes, and that you will become your own friend.

You are a person with some shortcomings, but still lovely, as we all do.


You know that others can't automatically understand your thoughts, and you have to put your intentions and feelings into words.

You can't accuse others of not understanding what you mean until you express it calmly and clearly.


You find that sometimes you do make mistakes.

With great courage, you staggered your first steps and learned to apologize.


You learn to be confident, not because you realize that you are great, but because you know that other people are just as stupid, as scared, and as confused as you are.

We're all moving forward and trying to make up for our failures.


You forgive your parents because you realize that they didn't bring you into this world to insult you.

They simply lack the necessary abilities and struggle to fight their demons.

Actually, at some point, your anger can be transformed into pity and empathy.


You'll learn that the so-called "little things" can have a huge impact on mood, sleep time, blood sugar levels, and stress levels.

Therefore, never bring up an important, controversial issue with your loved one when you are not resting enough.


You're no longer grumpy.

If someone hurts you, you don't sulk anymore, you don't accumulate hatred and hurt for days.

You know that all people will eventually die.

You don't expect others to know what's wrong, you just tell them and forgive them if they understand.

If they don't understand, in another way, you forgive them too.


You no longer expect anything to be perfect.

There is no such thing as a perfect person, a perfect job, or a perfect life.

Instead, you'll turn to an appreciation of the status quo, which is, in the words of psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott, "good enough."

You realize that there are many things in life that are frustrating, but good enough in many ways.


You learn to be a little pessimistic about the outcome of things and become more calm, patient, and tolerant.

You are a little less idealistic and less impatient.


You learn to see that the weaknesses in each person's character are linked to their strengths.

You no longer focus only on their shortcomings, but on the whole.

Some are quite pedantic, but they are also very precise and reliable.

Some people are a bit chaotic, but at the same time very creative and visionary.

You realize that there is no such thing as a truly perfect person, and that every strength comes with certain weaknesses.


You don't fall in love so easily.

In a way, it's difficult.

When you're not very mature, it's easy to have a good impression in an instant.

Now you are acutely aware that everyone, no matter how charming or accomplished they may look at on the outside, will have some shortcomings.


You will find that you may be a difficult person to work with.

When you start a friendship or relationship, you kindly warn others that there will be some challenges when interacting with you.


You realize that most of other people's bad behavior actually stems from fear and anxiety

And not evil or stupidity as people often think.

You are no longer self-righteous, you no longer think that the world is full of monsters and fools.

While everything will become less "black and white", it will become much more interesting over time.


You will recognize that part of maturity is making peace with stubborn children.

You no longer try to act like an adult on any occasion.

You admit that we all have naïve moments – when your inner two-year-old shows up, you generously greet them and give them the attention they need.


You don't put too much hope in grand plans anymore

You start celebrating the little things that are going well

You will realize that satisfaction increases in minutes.

You will be happy when the day passes without much trouble

You develop a greater interest in flowers and the night sky, and you develop a taste for small pleasures.


You don't care what other people think of you anymore.

You realize that other people's minds are confused, and you don't try as hard to glorify your own image.

What really matters is that one or two other important people and yourself are able to recognize you.

You give up your fame and start looking for love.


You'll be better at listening to feedback than thinking that everyone who criticizes you is either wrong or humiliating you.

You know it's good to absorb some of other people's ideas

You begin to understand that you can listen to criticism without putting on armor and denying the problems that have ever been.


You find yourself always trapped in the troubles and pains of the past.

It becomes more and more clear to you that you need to get out there and see the things that are hurting you in a whole new light.

You'll spend more time walking in nature, getting a pet, and admiring the galaxy far away above the night sky.


You recognize how your unique past affects your present and learn to make amends for the problems that result.

You accept the fact that you have a tendency to exaggerate in some ways because of your childhood experiences.

You begin to doubt your first feelings, and you realize that sometimes you can't follow your impulses.


When you start a relationship, you realize that other people don't particularly want to know good news about you

Rather, they want to understand your worries and worries so that they feel that they are not alone in their anxiety.

You will become a better friend because you understand that friendship is all about sharing weaknesses.

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